Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 11 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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... ... AI (21) W ..tnl almas! lacks with another rider while shaelnc around one at the t1cht Huntlnctan lIlIach hairpins. 1ug the guys. The announcer even went along wi th the gag and called him Donna. Despite the fact that Don bad taken the win in both the second and third matos, his DNF in the first one shot him dawn; his accumulated points only got him a •third as Bob Spicer, who bad t1n1shed consistently in second place on his Penton three times, took top honors. Second place went to Rick Sappington on a Yamaha who had garnered a first, asecond and a third spot. in the 125cc Senior division, Loyd Qu1ntard took his Yamaha across for two first and a fourth place which put him at the top of the list ahead of Hayward Mendenhall on his Yamaha and Freddie Kempt on aMato-Beta. The 250cc classes in both Junior and Senior were glory for the C- Z banner. Bill Spann managed two wins and a second to take the first place position on his C- Z, while second place man Steve Lunde also rode a C-Z. Th1rd place man Jack Hawk was the lone tin1s~ler in the trophies tor Kawasald while fourth place Al Wurtzel f1n1shed up the C- Z domination. In the 250cc Senior division Chuck Lunde and his C- Z f!1anaged two wins and a third place to take the win while Rick Hobbs on a Yamaha and Larry Burns on a Husky took second and third. The 500cc Junior class was a shot in the arm for all tour-stroke riders• Frank McNabb brought his BSA home for a third in the first mota and first place in the next two to take the overall win. .second place went ta Jim Derlln on a C-Z and Earl Ragan was third on his Montesa. In the 500cc Senior class, there was no doubt as ta the outcome as John S1ebrandt pushed his Greeves to a tirst place in all three motas ta assure the win. Martin Balusld on the C- Z finished second each of the times. Th1rd place was Pat Beacon also on a C-Z. Everybody seemed to have a good time and tram the comments of the riders, U looks like we are going to have another permanent motocross track in the southlaod; The riders (except tor a tew who don't care tor mud) seem to be ecstatic over the course. (Results on page 21) "Z'~'d-"DfPfNDA8'LlTY PA YS Off The .. hlCh 1I)'lnC Dallas matacrassers are rldlnc really hard becau.. the)' know this will be the IInal race belore raclnc Is shut dawn lor the winter. The last race prOVided enouch acllan to k..p the beneh rae Inc s.asan busy all winter. Dallas Golden Eagles Wind Up Motocross Season By Clyde W. Bear DALLAS, TEX. Oct. 19,1969- Perfect weather and a tast track brought the motocross season to a tUting close tor the Golden Eagles of Dallas, Texas. Pat Rogers woo the Open division by virtue at some tast scrambl1ng both on virtue at some fast scrambling both on his 405 Husky and on his feet. Pat and C- Z rider Robert Graham kept things pretty close all day but in the final mota they touched In mid-air on the last jump betore the flag. Both riders tell but Rogers got underway first and made U to the line for the win. Kenneth Merten bad third cinched until he tell on the last laP. He still managed to tie on points with David Hickman and they were both given trophies. The 250s provided their usual tun. Ed Terrell and Jack DeBoe tied tor tirst so second went to Roy Murray, a durable contender tram HoustoD. Ray only has the use of one hand but he wades the very most at It. The 16 guys behind h1m in that class will tell you that. Mike Johnson continued his perfect record and won every heat on his 125 Sachs. George Parks. and Ole F1nstead were dusty_second and third. placers. Mike traveled to Wichita tor the lnterAm Sportsman races and met some competition in the first heat tram a Colorado rider. Mike went on to win .and was never passed that day or the next. Mike rides a Sachs tram Lowell's in Ft. Worth, Tex. and he only sees the bike on race day. A lot of us would like to see what thi's 15 year old could do with a little experience and his own bike. (Results on page 20) NEW from Aragon! PRESS ILO(KS Sacramento EI Dorado Raceway - 1969 7 S9.95 pro 10 Of The season's High Point Winners were Using "'!r'II_"/",,.II" O~.r- A must lor every shop and carace. Stralchten lork tub.., handle bars, a.les; axl..; allen, disassemble cranllshalts. ("V' or circular cutoGuts.) 5.. your deal.. or write Aracan Dlst. Ca., lne. 323 W.Maple Ave., Monrovia, CallI. 91016 (213) 359-4597 Racing Castor, NffD fURTHER PR,OOf ? Performance Does It - Not Wild Claims. Ask Your Deal. For The Best - "Z'~"! Torsten Hallman Racing, Inc. w t Coast Dlst. lor .. PENTON Motorcycles Tars..n Hallman special des/en luth..s & raclnc equipment U.s. Dlst. lor T..llebarc Ilata-Crass lI.. s For dealer Inla. write or call 5345 Tlmken St., La "e.., Cal. 92041 (714) <61-\402 Bullaco We specialize In only Bultaca Mitco Bultaco 7241 W. Orancetharpe, Buena Park (714) 522-6109 Neil Haney Welcomes You IHARLEY-DAVIDSON I of Lomita 4.",

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