Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 11 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. 8EI.1.. CI.ANGS FOR 1108~ ........ - A nClt yet wet rlller·NIIe lbe worsl of .a tMnI ... In lJIe slippery p.alJl.alone !be wat.,'s Np. Desfew llotll_cu. pite !be roacJl c_.. tae we,. GnInt. Ple.ase -torc1Cle, stop slnkine. Contrary to all predictions, only elgllt went to !be bosPlIal. Four remaJned in !be bospttal tor observation, !be other tour were released tbat same day. ln most enduros.a tew break down or get losL The Hayward club worked until midnlCbt, as did some at the riders, brtngIng oCher riders and Ibeir bl,kes out at !be hUls. It 1IlLS yery dark and very cold up !bere in !bose mountains. One 'rider wbo was running late bad to nse his bike to start a tlre after darkness set in on him. He poured gas on some sticks and wood, !ben wet a piece of paper with gas, pulled the plug, booked 11 to !be h1gh tension wire, then kicked !be engine over, the spark lit the paper and be bad his tlre. Snorts Up Another Grand Prix! HOPETOWN'69 A10QC with !be 60 teams, there were 54 clubs entered. Some ot !bem were The Trall BIke Sportsman Assoc1at1on, Polbdots Motorcycle Cllil,. Far West Motorcycle Club, and Coast Side Motorcycle Club. 'lbeae were among !be clubs ba~ !be largest number at riders eutered. WbJeb ODe bas !be club tropby, -we doo't know. Others were !be Rams Motorcycle Club, Desert Motorcycle Club and !be Desert Turtles, up trom SouI2Iern CalUornIa. Winning More Classes Than Any Other Bra..-d IIIcc lI.fice Class 1s111a1t Cttk - Blltaet LIlli" 125cc IllYice Class 1st Mike Payse - 811ltaco SII.,a 5 25Icc Alate. Class 1st DlYe Rt-.s - 811ll1co ~IC 35Icc c.~ Class 1st Rick SlliI'eJ - Bldllco El 8116. a-. Art ADlarillas - Balliet El BaDdidl_ More 811ltaco Vi e:tIries Two big names entered trom out of state were Nat1ona1 Cbampinn Jack Me Lane Jr. trom Michigan, and Buck Walsworth, trom IndIana. McLane did not sign in at the start and did not sIIow. Buck Walsworth did sign in and did . finish. There also were riders trom Oregon and Nevada. Results will be tlgnred out in a week or so. Watch tor tbem in Cycle News. . Bultaco Servioes 2765 Soott Blvd. Santa Clara, Cal. salem Motocross - 11/2 250cc Senior Class 1st Dan 3recht - Bultaco Pursang Salem Motocross - 11/9 250cc Junior Class 1st Ed Herrmann - Bultaco Pursang san Jo·se Short Track - 11/1 Main Event 1st Russ Powell - Bultaco Pur8ang

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