Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 06 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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' ..DGfSTOIIE ASCOT S81es-Senice S··,tr Barney Ti Ilman's SPORT CENT ER 6027 WIll Wer BI Yd., E. Los ""ceil'S (213) Swoops 'III 7~3523 SlIloIuI rises as rollllor touches lutllor. Tony Doaaltlr leads KIIIll Masllburn but KlltIl Is ..allJ pusll/nlBy Bob"'urd's ORA"GE CO. C'CLf Mo!DoCroll !ludqualtl" lor Oran.. Co. Husty • Peatan • y.w.1 • Maico ~ 205 N. Harbor Blvd., Suta AlIa 53109914 .....1 a~41 ,. nro-nwa '69 R . F... I _.... DIll..,! • .7 W. Coli.. Av.. sa. llenanl.., caL. (714\ TU W445 OnlyBULTACO Sieve's Bultaco Opl. 6 clays a .... 110•• & Fri. 9~ ollllrs 9"""' 7627 Van Nuys Blvd. - Va. Nuys, Cal. (213) 180-6300 SALES SERVICE HOCIIES _oroRcrcw HOOAKA YANKEE OSSA GREEVES COMplete Maelll.. SIlop Facllltils 22025 So. Figueroa Torrance, Cal ilornia tao (213) 321-12.. GENE H, MYERS YAMAHA Dealer NEW & USED SALES Authorized Parts - Service & Repair 4459 Buch Blvd. Lawndall, CallI. CU31 542-4041 KEEP I AHEAD· with a provenwinner... DAYTONA HELMETS SHd sot lor TWO RIft OCG.I Day"'.a Doca's and DosedptlvI lIrocIIuro DAYTONA SPORTS CO. 7030 DarbJ AYO., P.O. Box"' Rlnda. Caillonlia 9U35 imichrome Shines Suddenly .Slmichrom. i. a hon.y CllanS quick ,l'S , bunny ( OMPEnnON Tulll 15<' CHEMICALS Can S2.9S 704 _ashincton A •••• Iowa Fall. Iowa ....-.UWASAII -- Headquaners IUCH CInES CYCLES us N. £1 ca.,.. IINI sa. CI. . . . . callt_.. mCl41H141 - :'·r~ FUN ::~A!~!Y Let an, AROS CYCLE TRA. LER pull your bikes out 01 the cities For laloma tI_ .d lwoellUN Wl'1to or call AROS W.ldlnc" .... urac_llII. 379 No. J 011._ Ayo•• El CaJol. Callf.92020. CALL 114/ 442-_ carol Sims Pbotos by Dan Mahony GARDENA, Cal.. May 23 - For the first time in two years, Sborty SeabourDewoo the Friday nigbt EJcpert Main Event at Ascot Park- and be came from theback row to do it. Riding Dick Ke1m's 500cc BSA. the diminutive throttle twister became the 5th rider in 8 weeks to grab the elusive gold, but it wasn'twitboutafigbt. Pat Goscb (75Occ Norton) leaped into an early lead, only to be overtaken by Harley-mounted Paul Conserrierepoured it on, bolding the advantage lor 5 laps until Shorty edged by. Point leader Sammy Tanner, winDer 01 the Expert semi on Sbell Thuet's 500cc Royal ElIt1eld, moved UP to 4th from row two, and the race developed into, an exc1t1Dg tourway go. Coming out of the lirst turn on lap 6, Conserrlere's bike bucked in frlgbtemng manner, almost higb-siding bim, but be recovered and continued. Goscb got by Paul two laps later and Tanner did too. on the next time around, Then both Pat and Sam proceeded to wbtttle away at the 6-lengtb lead Seabourne bad bullt UP. By the 10th circuit, Gosch was cba1lenging strongly, right on Shorty's rear wheel, and Tanner closed in on lap 13. Not until the cbeckered tlag did Seabourne bave it in the blIg. Mel Lacher, Trophy Dasbwinner,sutlered problems withbis Harley, dropping out of the 11nal on lap 2, as did Ron Kruseman. Seabourne was exuberant about b1s conquest. "It telt goodl" be enthused. "It's been a long time. Guess the old BSA isn't dead yet." Goscb. laking bis first ride on the 750cc Norton, wasn't quite as pleased with the outcome. but remarked with a smile, "I'm getting closer anyway." And be, certainly Is...especlally considering that he bad ripped ott both tbrowa way sbields by mistake and was bavtng trouble seeing where be was going. The Amateurs were rompin' and_ stompln'. Not one, but two yellow-plate wailers made the Expert Trophy Dasb tb1s time out. Keith Mashburn, last week's pole sitter on the 350cc Yamaha, again set last time of the ntebt (23.12) and 8th ranked Sian Hill (65Occ BSA) was second quickest overall. Lacber bad the swUtest Expert time - 23.27 - with Tanner next. The tastest lour put on a tbr1lllng 3Iapper that saw Lacber leadthetirstlap, Tanner the second. But in the l1na1 turn Sam went a Uttle wide, givtng both Lacher and Mashburn the opportunity they needed to swoop abe8d. Hill was a close 4th, looking good. stUl, be hadn't quallted lor the Amateur Main. Amateur point leader Terry Qonaber (500cc Velo) la1da 9-in-a-rowwin streak on the Une at the start of the lo-Iap tinal. He and Mashburn l1na11y bad a cbance to f1cht it out, and what a trip It wasl Keith led the first 3 laps, even bu11d1ng UP a 3-leactb lead at times. Then Terry closed the gap, DOlI1DC UIIlIerneath to take 0Y8J' first place on lap 5. But Mashburn got bim back 2 laps later, using the same low groove tactics to do it. And there be stayed for the ream1ninC 3 go-arounds - despite all Doaaber's determined efforts - to score bill- first Main Event win at Ascot, and also the first win for a 350cc machine 011 tile Gardena balf- mile. Last week's Novice winner Freddie Edwards (Yamaha) once more swept the boards In green-plate competition, laking both of bis preUminary events and winding uP with another Main Event victory. But the surprise rider of the nlgbt was Central California's Tad SlOlUl, aboard Bill Bastian'S Kawasaki. After givtng point leader Don Emde (Suzukl) a bad time in their beat, be proceeded to lead the 8-1ap l1na1 lor clive laps before Edwards managed to pass bim. (Results on page 17) Shorty 51abornl's .'Irst II~I n "Int win I. two )'lars wasn't assu ..d IlIltil 1111 chlckored flac as Pit Goseh and SAl1I1ly Tanner tmuteo Id In till WIJ. Woods 'Feet up' At Whiteman (Results on page 16) Thl naOlI of till p_ Is balancl and slldo, slid.. slldo. RIck Woods took till Trophy Dasll and tile A Main at Wltl ..... n Stad/lOIl wIll relaxld, ,"~up slldos IIkl tills. PACOIMA, CAL., May 24, 1969 - Rick Woods was bot at Whiteman Stadium Saturday 1I1gbt, laking the trophy dash and the A main. Woods was almost the only survivor at the troplly dash. Tempers flared and clutches burtled as false start after false start brought the racers back to the starting line. Seven starts were requ1red to get the race off, and the machines bad to be wheeled back to the pits once to refuel before the puzzled fans could see a race. 1b1s event was doomed from the start. Bast and He1nseIman went down in the back stra1gtlt. steve recovered from bis grogginess to take second place in the A main. but Larry was removed from the track with a broken collarbone. Bast won the spec1a1 matcb race with Sammy Tlumer. Tanner sUd on the b1gb side througbout a close race butcou1dn't quite get by the grooving Bast. Eddie Mulder'S daughter presented cash awards to the two winners at the bicycle wheelle contest and received a .,grudg1ng kiss in return. Next week'S Speclal Speedway Issue will contain interviews with past greats at the speedway, future pred1ctions from today's bast cinder track riders and an analysis at the sport. Don't miss it. Aragon Torsion Fork Brace now available for Kaw. 238 and Yam. DT-1...;.~....... Installation Is simple - Cln III mountld without romovlnc whlll! $19.95 sa. Jour local doalor TODAY! Send onl dollar lor 1111 motorcyclist's COlllflIIIl sIIow and &D catalol. Ancon DlsL Co., Sui tl Itl02. Monrowl .. CIIII. 91016.

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