Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 06 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Deser. ' •• 1'0.5 11 I IS spi'e I. ors ADELANTO, CAL., May 25-Rumorthat the Desert Phantoms TT SCrambles at Adelanto Raceway had been cancelled kept entries for the day to only 125 riders. It should have been at least double .that. 50Cc nove Jeff Sexton (Honda) was put in with the 100cc novices. Given a lead of about a quarter of a lap, he ended up taking first overall in the event. All classes were run in motos due to the low entries. Terry Ash (Hodaka) tooksecond overall in the same class. in the 100cc Am/Ex. go, Jay Lewis on his 50Cc Yamaha got the quarter lap bandlcap, but Doug Mason (Kawasakl)and Richard Sweaney (Kawasaki) always got by on that last lap ending with Mason first overall, Sweaney second and Lewis third spot man. The 125-175-200 Nov/Am/Ex. class combined efforts showing close competition in all three motos. Don Kissack (Ka wasakl) and Tom Culp (Bultaco) put on their boots and decided to do some walking down the track. Art Carter Jr. (Bultaco) walked close behind ending up with Kissacks 175cc taking first overall. The 250 Novice motos stayed safe and sane, st1ll putting on a good show, Ed Mitchell (Yamaha) pulled through for a fast first. The 250 Am/Ex. class was small, but fast. Terry Dorsch (TriumPh) had no trouble taking the checkered in all three motos. The heavyweights barely had enough entries to make up a class in anytbing. Glen Brunson (Bultaco) and Jim Connolly (Greeves) tore to it in the 350 Am/500 Am/Ex. class. With Connolly getting a DNF in the first mota, it took some bard riding to make up those lost points. Seeing the door open on the second moto, he took advantage and come over for the flag, but Brunson did the same tbing on the last moto putting him in the winner's spot. The 500 Nov and 650 Novice class combined consisted of four entries. Ralph Porzelt (BSA) virtually had the track to himself in the last moto, taking an easy win overall. The 650 Am/Ex. class was a race of a different color. Terry Morairty (Triumph) and TerryDorsch(Triumph)played cat and mouse with Tom La Fortune (Triumph) ringing his bell too. They flnlshed in that order. The next Desert Phantoms event will be held in July at which time the irophies for this event can be picked UP. Watch the paper for the exact date. RESULTS 100Cc Nove: 1. Jeff Sexton - (Hon), 2. Terry Ash - (Hod), 3. John Sperry (Yam), 4. Bob Sanders - (Yam), 5. Dan Ney - (Hod), 6. Tim Beason - (Bri), 7. Mike Thomas - (M-B), 8. Steve Ducommun - (Bul), 9. Steve Tinsley - (Yam). 100Cc Am/E.x: 1. Doug Mason-(Kaw), 2. Richard Sweaney -(Kaw), 3. Jay Lewis . - (Yam), 4. Dale Hopkins - (Suz), 5. Ted Judge - (Bul), 6. Dave Sprayherry-(Kaw) 7. Phil Koreis - (Bul), 8. Kirk Redding (Bri), 9. Diane Connolly - (Hod). 250 Novi.;e: 1. Ed .Mitchell- (Yam), 2. Mike Hannon - (Bul), :I. Larry Boc:Ilka¥ - (Yam), 4. Tom White - (Yam), 5. Gary Shatter - (Bul), 6. Hugh Long _ (Bul), 7. Tom Kemmen - (Bul), 8. Frank Eggers - (Yam), 9. Bill Hardin - (Suz); 10. Chet But - (Bul) , 11. John Searock - (Bul) 12. Jeff Robin - (Yam). 250 Am/Ex: 1. Terry Dorsch _ (Tri), 2. Ron Ringen - (Kaw), 3. Doug Mason(Yam), 4. Jim Connolly - (Oss), 5. Karl Wilson - (Bul), 6. Vince Graves - (Suz), 7. Glen Brunson - (Bul), 8. Fran Nestor - (Bul). 350 Am/500 Am/Ex: 1. Glen Brunson - (Bul), 2. Jim Connolly - (Gre), 3. Gary Herwick - (Bul), 4. Dwight Harlow(BSA), 5. Don Burch - (Bul), 6. Bob Baker- (BSA), 7. WoodySCbameI-{Hon). 500 Novice & 650 Novice: 1. Ralph Porzelt- (BSA), 2. Gary McKeon- (Tri), 3. Art Amarillas - (Tri), 4. Ron Croteau ° - (BSA). 650 Am/Ex: 1. Terry Morairty_ (Tri), 2. Terry Dorsch - (Tri), 3. Tom La Fortune - (Tri), 4. Jim Maupin _ (Tri), 5. Ron Bonner - (Tri), 6. Mike Boal(Tri), 7. Bob Potts - (Tri), 8. Ike Mizen - (Tri). 125-175-200 Nov/Am/Ex: 1. Don Kissack (Kaw), 2. Tom Cul (Bul), 3. Art Carter Jr. (Bul), 4. Wayne McDaniel, 5. Bill Dean (Bul), 6. Don Cook (Bul), 7. Curt Stine (Yam), 8. Don Alfred (Hon), 9. Rich Brown (Bul), 10. Art Carter Sr. (Bul). full Ho se At H.B. HUNTINGTON BEACH, May 25th _ A full-house turnout at the park with the sea-breeze, opened with entries from as tar as San Marino, Reno and Las Vegas. Trophy-glrl-d-the-day chose four lucky riders to be winners d 3 dinners at Sir George's Smogorsbord Dear the Park in downtown Huntlngtoo Beach and a one year's subscription to Cycle News wIltch made Gene Lester's trip from Reno especially worthwll1le. Two dinners also was awarded to Jim Peterson winning the trophy dash out of the four fastest times for the day. RESULTS: 100cc MAIN: 1. Gary Wells (Bri), 2. Peter Haas (Suz), 3. Steve Hyder (Hod). 125cc MOTOS: 1 • Mike Payse (Bul), 2. David Boydstrum (Yam), 3. Dennis Chandler (Yam). 175cc MOTOS: 1. Gary Wells (Bri), 2. John Cornett (0ss), 3. Chris Ortega (Hon). 250Cc NOV. MAIN: 1. Carrol Heiland (Oss), 2. Dick Wallace (Kaw), S. Les Briely (Gre). 250Cc AM/EX. MOTOS: 1. Jim Peterson (Kaw), 2. Dan Carlton (Oss), 3. Tony Hocbgesang (Bul). 350Cc MOTOS: 1. Lance Vallery(Bul), 2. Dean Butterfield (Yam), 3. Dick Wallace (Kaw). 500-650cc NOV. MOTOS: 1. Allen Reed (Mai), 2. Mike Chamberlain (Tri), 3. Del ColbY (BSA- Vic). 500-65OCc AM/EX. MOTOS: 1. Jim Peterson (Tri), 2. Cary Patrick (Tri), 3. Mike Chamberlain (Tri). ° ~~**~~~~*~*****·*~**~~*~~~~~i t ' * a: SCRAM8L1N AROUND ***************************~~ By Maureen Lee We had a nice letter from Russ Darnell this week and we're sure that you, like us, have enjoyed reading about his experiences in Europe, and he's doing well for himself, too. By the time be comes home, along with "Ron-Jobn" Carlsbad and Saddleback are going to look like road races to 'em! We had our giggles this week, but before we tell the story we'll say one thing, we fight like heck at times with theAMA but until a better system comes along we all have to stick with them and endeavor to change tbings we don't like and in the past year or so, changes are being made. But back to our story, if you look at a copy of Modern Cycle's June issue, you'll see two pictures of Gary Nixon, National Number One riding a sporting scrambles right in -tront of God and everyone (inclUding the AMA) and to the AMA that is a double no-no. We all know what happened when Dick Mann and John Penton ran afoul of the same type of rule I.e. you can't ride non-AMA sanctioned events and Experts can't ride AMA sporting-events. So Bugsy and John got suspended. What will happen now with Gary? Hmmmmml We promised we'd report on the results of the special scrambles meeting so here are some of theoideas that will be brought up before the Competition Committee for discussion and maybeput into law. Classes will rotate weekly. Instead of having tlddlers and 1lgbtweights first, every other week the big boys will go first. Of course, when you think back the big bores have always bad to wait around until the 1lgbtweights got through so we could let them run first for atleast three years and still not pay them back for all the hours of waiting they've put in! Then some classes may have to be combined, such as 125's starting on one row, then 175's and 200's also lined upseparateiy. This could bring up scoring problems so there'll be considerable discussion on this. Also, the professionals will be in- vited out to ride even if they all sign ~ so George Washingtoo and none of 1I8 know from nuttln' as to who is who. P.ersonally, I think all these ideas are worth considering and l'll even throw 11I7 two cents in. Although it would affect me along with loads of others, there's uother way out and if it would benefit the sport and tighten uP scrambles a hit, I'd go for it. How about limiting things llo three classes? 0-125, 126-250, and OpeD? Before the shrieks get too loud we'll point this out. In this day and age d the two-strokes a lot of them can give much larger machines a whale d a go. Loot what John Rice on a 125 Sachs did to the ()pen boys at Saddlebackl Most d the competitive 250' s are capable of keepinC uP with and beating the older more conventional 500' s, and the new 360' s are lIS fast as Triumphs while on the track. A tblrty-mile-an-hour corner is a thirtymlle-u-hour corner regardless of what you're ridlngl All the power in the world isn't going to get you around faster unless you risk doing an upsy-daisy and none of our current tracks are as fast as Prado Park was. The suggestion bas also been made that sign-in time be limited. We've _ a couple of clubs do this and it worlat. Once the sign-in deadline is over, that's it. If you slept late or thought yOU'd goof around while they ran the earlier class off before you showed at the track, you'd have had it. This stops the mass Cbarp to the sign- up booth when the heat board people have already put in considerable time making up the boards only to fiDd that fifteen guys signed up in a class they'd posted as a moto for lack of entries previously. And if you don't think this is a problem, just ask someone who bas done the job on heatboards! • We're sorry that Desert Phantoms bad to cancel ollt but most of that big club Is in the Air Force, and they got thetr marching (flying?) orders. They are a relatively new club in the District but they've worked bard and shown up a few other clubs by throwing well-run events. Hurry back, chapsl We've goUewenough point runs as it isl r~-------MOVING???.•. •I I I Second cl ass mail is NOT forwardable. Send us your new address as soon as possible, so you won't miss an issue. I NAME: I CITY: I STATE: ~ I ... . :2 I • :; I z: z: ~ I C 0 u NEW ADDRESS: ,- ;> .. • . '" ZIP:_ III z III ..J u >u E ~ j ~ -I I ,I I I two Allow for week I address change. I - - -<: ~J ~ l>l ~ ~ U )., U

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