By Boyd Reynolds
READING, PA., May 25, 1969 - Larry
Palmgren led a one-two-three Triumph
victory at the 1/2 mile dirt track National at Reading, Pennsylvania.
Chuck Palmgren was aboard another
Triumph as was Gary Nixon to complete
the Triumph sweep.
'!be showstopper of the day was the
performance turned in by Dave Aldana
in the Amateur Main.
Aldana sped oft the line to put 50 yards
of paydirt between himself and the rest
of the pack before the fourth turn.
He was broadsl1ding feet uP while
looking over his shoulder at Charley
ChapPle, the second place f1n1sher.
'!be young Cal1tornian had the crowd in
his hip pocket as they cheered him on to
victory. On his Victory laP, he received
a standing ovation. Triumph mounted
Terry Stokes tucked into third.
(Results on page 17)
The Side WInders and Sand Blasters combined
efforts to hold a Dual European Scrambles
over two separate courses near Ride-crest
Sunday. J.N. Roberts and llike Patrick took
double wins In both races, J.N. In 500ceOpen class, allCl IIlke In the 250cc class.
Left Larry Pal....n led a triple win by Trl·
umph at the Readlna Halt'-lle National.
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