Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 06 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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By B11l Blakeslee Alec The Smart JUST SEND IN YOUR UffiNG .. th check fo, 175 Old we'll ()) the 'est. ONE STOP CYCLE .SHOPPING - AulhollZed dl,. Jo, Han., TIl., Gre., BMW. Sales, SlIe. paris & Ins. alII Krause Honda-TOllllph. 1257 S. LaBrea BIYd., Inalewood. 61B-S035. 'The M'C lleI>l. Store.' jlIZONA BILL KRAUSE HONDA-TRllJIll'H. Also deal" tOI Y... BIll. G & Z.....,p. Sol.~ ~~,.P.rts &Ins. 1257 .... ~ L.B", Blvd.,lnll_ad, 678-= 0,671.(1407 'Th. MlC Dept Store"' Ofti' 1«1 I?eW & used cycles on di,. play at all times. PHOUII BUDDY STUBBS - ARIZONA H-D. Se,~ne all 01 AliI. ~Iete stoO of ewryttllng 101 tf.D. four factorytrained llIechanlC:'l:Open H Tues.-Sal 2507 E. Me Do..11 Rd.. p-.. 85008. T.1: 1601\ 115-7677. CAUfOINIA STEEN'S In~ 1635 •. V.II'I Blvd. (113\ 189-4351. Wholtsile and Retail Cell ani FOlks and Real Suspen$Ion, Rldlman Melisse KIIS. Magur3 levers, Flltron Cleanel~ lE BARD & UNDERWOOD. 111 E. '~'fl" Hwy•• L.•• phon. 714--879-8251 01 113-691-310l '50""" IS our llllcldJr namt-. BSA. Honda. BMW. lORG lEACH ALII. .IIIA Air LA NAlIIA Taco Mint-Bikes. Hodaka SS OIrl Blkn. ·Th. Home oIIlJPERGDOOlES" 8:ll-5:ll Mon.-FII., 8:ll-~00 5.l AlAIIEIII ROBERT M. LAW MlC SALES AND SERVo Soles& P.rt, al 224 No. Anatlelm Blvd. SeMel! at 2J9 No. Mahelm BI'ed. (714) 533-1309. -Ie specialize In after sales HMCe.· Tnumph, Yamaha. Grftves. IAKEIISFlElD SACHS SALES AND SERVICE Johnny', Motorcycl. Co. 415 19th Street - (S05) 31301458. IELlFlOll£lI BELLFLOWER M'C SHOP, INC•• 9135 E. Co~ton BI>ao" Soles and Se,· vice. 6031 Beach Blvd. (1 door, 011 (714) 513-1151. IUIIIAU ROEHR BROS, Inc. (SpOlts lffe\ 311 N. VlctOI)' B1Yd., Burbank 842-4847 or 849-4921 Nal. recognized -5· porI mod., exclUSIve lront 1001 desle'l. Send S1.00 lor new '68 Cal YiIl11., Mon., Holl, Kawa., Mota GuZZI, M.'S, Bonill'lla. Mon. & FII. 9-9 Tues.-Thurs. 9--6. MARTY'S FOREIGN TORS BIlW - UDTO-GUIZI Sales-Selvtce-Pans-AcCfSSOf1es.. ClUb Mtmbers wtr 1 I1Jl •. Carson Sllal Wesleml TORRA CE. I cOllie ..I. So. 01 San Doeeo Fwy. T~:31O-70 Svc. H" 8·5. TUJUNGA CRESENTA VALLEY SPORT CYGLES 7119 FooMI Blvd., Tuiune', Coli!. 91041. 351·5917 Y .... Hod., Bonanza. sates & Ser. speed equipml!flt. COllIPlete In.s. 1001 Finanane. WEST LDS ANGELES HAFeo MOTORS - Hon., Hod., Kaw. sales-ServIcePalls-4ns..-Renlals. Porbnl tell all .-Slftlke brands. Our fepulahon IS I),uU on SerVICe. 11637 PICO Blvd., W. l.A. GR 8-Q1l8t Open 7 day, - 8:ll-7. PETE JOSEPH'S HOUSE OF YAMAHA - BIA, IJ,IW, Bultaco and Yamaha sales servIce & palts.. No do'Ml pay.ant O.A.C. Dpan Tue.thru Sol 8:ll"':oo. 'Where the stars buy thetf 2·wtIeel cars: 11975 santa Moneca Blvd. I m,l...,t ot san Diego Fwy. Coli (113) GR 36117 for piek1llJ and delivery service. TED'S IMPORTS - Tlllrnph sales & servIce. Cornpeti· teon desert ,bikes - ready to WIn - in sIDck. ·We will take calS in trade" 11726 santa MOllica Blvd. W. Los Ane.I.~ (213) GR Jo110!. Open 6 d.y. Rod Kosky, Se.vice Manager. WHlntER HARLEY·DAVIDSON fuH Uno new & 'sed motorcycles, parts & servo ~t. Lots of conversation while we 5erveJoo and FREE coffee. 12630 E. Whittier BI>. c.Z& Complete sales & set. dept. Full hne of parts & Icees. 1026 ~ l,t Sl. Las V,p~ Nev. 1 ~k. E. 01 Ph. (101) 381·4181. rr•• , Van., Hod., Malo-Bela. CASEY'S CYCLE REPAIR - BSA - Bul.. Hodak•• S.c. lor most. CampI. machine shop. Open Tues. Ihru sal 9-6. 10249 san Femando Rd., Pacoima. 8%-1046. SEATTLE CAROGA PUK IIITERNATIDNAl.ll'C CO. 7133 Canog. Ave.• Canoe' CITY OF IROUSTIIY MOTORCYCLE SPECIALTIES K.w... Maico, Sol" & Set. Repair, RetlIildina & Speed Tuning. Also Honda enJine building & speed ~. our specialty. Complete ••ch. sIlop& ..Idine. 15816 Amar Rd.. City ot InInctl havel, 90cc casts bored lor 100cc cyllnaer. 90cc cases maChined for S-speed cogs, bonng and pOfhng. Co"'illele Ceflam suspenSion paris lW'ld servIce. 8:30-5:11l.lon.FII., 8:ll-1:00 SolI1l31189-4351. 'RAMES SONICWELO Mfg., Special raceng frames, nlid or springe. fibefgllSs tanks & seats, swinatng arms for standard models (spec. desie'l). 5er1d for Information to Sonic.. ''!, 14547 Armlnta Sl, Unit 'J'. Van NUy~ C.'i!. 91",1- (213) 785-1313. Alec Iss1gon1s baS been retained by the new Norton- VUliers AJS people to bead their engineering slatt, Alex Is the man responsible for the front-engine drive BMC m1n1 cars. These clever and terrific selling cars aJsofeatured a novel hydraulic connection between front and rear wIleeIs, the same feature tbat Ossa once tried on their G. P . machines. He Is, of course, expected to pull off the same sort of triumph for the N-V concern. Whether or not he does, AJSNorton continue to make news, The "Whyfor" . (Y4) scrambler seen at the recent Cycle World show will be called the Y40 for us colon1aIs. Also we are to get a half mUlion dollars worth of them In the States, Dirty Guy Wade? In England they tbInk Bryan Wade put on a good show and made a lot of friends here, Whatever friends and fans he does have here may miss him In this summer's International series, Looks like he is In the middle of a "on again, off again" power play of the leaders of our sport. Latest word Is that Wade cannot ride the Inter-Am series. Seems Wade offended someone wilen he rode at Hopetown last year with the Rlckmans Instead of at Dalla.s with the other Internationals. At the next event, Westlake Park, he was out for Saturday's event but back In again for Sunday'S race, About a month ago the head of Inter-Am went on record as saying Wade would not ride here again. Period. Now we learn that MICUS has obediently followed suit. Enough arguments have been offered, pro and con, since It started to equip a small war, Callfornia usually doesn't bother with much politics. Nearly anybody caD ride with anybody else anywhere. If this Is now to change, the big losers will be the riders and the fans. Tune In for act two, scene three ...or drop out early and avoid the rush. Letter From Japan Have a letter In hand from Bruce' Pauley, an American stationed In Japan• He has been waiting for the snow to melt so the 'raclng season can begin. In the third race he broke his leg so now he has plenty of time to write, For all you ex-GI's, It seems the center of racing is around Sapporo (puts a lump In your throat doesn't It?). One course at Atsubetsu was described as being very fast despite steep hills - so steep that you rode the walls, One downhill bad a duck pond at the bottom on the outside of the turn (complete with dUCks, a la Ascot). Wind and dust were so strong that even the spectators bad to wear goggles I Bruce reports that the Japanese riders are going quite well, so good that the best he has got was a second. At least one team of riders are sponsored by Yamaha (125cc). Racing must have a good start as there are about 18 events more In the season. Pretty good for a new sport like motocross Is In .Japan. Garners Scottish Six Day For sixty years there has been a six day trials, and for tIfteen years a Greeves has not woo. It's been three years stnce a BrlUsh machine of any kind bas won. 'Ibis Is wbat a once English-domlnated sport has developed Into. Greeves' have changed this now with an outright win by Bill WUklnsoo. 'Ibis would seem to put Greeves right at the !,Igh this win top In trials but oddly comes wilen the on' market a trials machine on his own against str on, The Brl be a limited success n places achlnes exwere all f cept for a m two partBritish e111 and Sprite went mod Sam win, w IUsiead near • er U.S. visitOr, ftrllshe

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