Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 11 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. Pacl Pins Owner To His Own Tracl Story and Photos by John.:Blanton AU STIN, Texas, oct. 13 - The Kapi ta1 ~ Katz M.C. of A ustin helditsflrstSports.... man Molo-Cross race at their new course near here. Moto-cross racer John Stinson leased the land to his club for $1 q; a year . ..Q Jack 0' L eary comp letely dominated ~ the 250cc class wi th three wins on a c Yamaha. He's sponsor ed by his father. who has the local Yamaha dealer ship. Second place went to Mike MacFarlane ( Bulta co) and third to Mark Moore (CZ) . Bennie Cam pbell. Suzuki dealer from san Antonio. swept all three races i n the 500c c class with his Montesa. Next came Ramon Dasch (Hu sqvarna) and Doug Parks, also Husky -mounted. WIth onl y three entries I n the Open class everybody placed. It was Henry .... "" • » ~ • O'Lllry Ilidl MacFarlan. (5H) and Mark Maori (A). "" . ~- One of the most ardent spectators present was rider (and grandfather) J.B. Henry. who broke his leg in practice and stayed to watch the races. At the start of the 250Cc event, John Stinson, track owner. went down in front of the pack and was promptly pinned to the ground by a cascade of machinery. (Results appeared last week) Bostick (Rickman-Metisse). HOWlU'd Davis (H-D) and R.N. Root (Triumph), in that order. With a turn-out of 69 riders for this first event, the Austin club seems on its way to a successful moto-cross season. Having one of the finest moto-cross tracks in the state (spectators can view the entire race from one place), helps. ~ . 5l1ason pis 011 as IIlk. MacFarlan. (5H ), CharllS Smith (332) and Mlk. Baumann (23') 10 on by. D~f8'tg RATES: $15 per year (50 issues) for each singte business listing, payable in advance. ARIZONA GARDENA PHOENIX hers Sl)ares. Trar l. street 01' 5JlOrts; .. fill lie bill. Charlie Hodue & Bill Tborwaldson.. 1149 I. E1 Stitr!ctl BI'Id. Gardena. 1 , 213) 756- 1 669. LOS ANGELES CBMOTORS - Bullaco sales. k sw:. all.... s, BUDDYSTU B - ARIZONA H-D. So '~ '1 ~I 01 AI,l. BS Compl. te s!lld of e-mythl'l 101 H-D. Fcur bcto'l" trained llleChal'llC5. Open H Tues.-Sat. 2507 E. Lie Oowell R PI".n" 85008. T.t (602) 275-1677. IW G . rooves & Hod.k.. C,.~ .lI y locatedtor Or ange & Riv ersideCounties. Open 5 days. Ha ll-llllie N. of R Iversi de Fwy. 620 N Main at R . iver Ro.cIl1l4) 135- 5600. CULVER CITY HONDA CULVER C1TY-ltonda, BSA, HOd.... $.a[e.. ser't1 ct. parts. 29 rears of motorcycle enler. 4421 SoQuJ _ 1 ~k 01 S,D. Foy.) 39 1~2l1. D 9aoly 6:30. SUn. 12-4:00. Spee. In Hod... HopoUp. TED EV N IIoIo,cyd. Sales iWld Sorvice Comll iele AS . lin, of accessories br Tllumph, Yamaha and 9.lttaco. Old ~eerl1llni 'l ow .,.a~ty . 01>,. rlai ly 9 II ~ ..I S. saL8 10 ~.d Osed SUn. & lion. 133.1 .. """nllon 8lv. Calil. san PACI FI C HON DA - mol. SAM FRANCISCO B .ach. 35811 E. P.cific Coast Hoy. (213) 433-9987. LONG BEACH TRIUMPH SAl ES, 62... Pool,c Co. t s NEVADA LAS VEGAS ~ U P g) N IIO TO RCYClE Sales & So"-. Hod.... J•••• Bulla"'. Comlliel...Ies & ...... dOlL Full R.,., line of parts & acces. 1026 So 1st SL.l as Veaas Nev. , c-z. WASHINGTON SEATTLE BUDSCHAT MOTDRCY ClES - Ducati. H odak.. Mo lo Hour< w.ek Days 10..:30 $.at 10-4:00 17002 AU lll" . AV!••So.IlI•• W'sh. 98ll3. Ph: (206) LI 6-21110. M/C's &PARTS JIM'S CYClE SHOP ' U parts HdQ. in sed BUD EKINS MlCs in S!erlIlan OakS, Triwnph41ondaJawa - COZ - Esc- H o dak a- Ibcklllan ~ ti sse- Cheney, ", en Tue ~ ~roU Ilh SaL 10:00 ..-7:00 pm. clo sed SUn. enlura Bl vd.. Sh ennanOak.. Cal. and Illlnday. 14460 V (2J3l 768- 21S1or(213)812-2110. TEMPLE CITY HOCKI ES MOTO RCY ClES - Sales & sv<. 1m5 ~ FilUeroa St.. TonatcL)iarbor Fwy.- C arson Sl blm - usedbtkes.Be parr, !UPCl ly in town. W se st e rvice 'M'lat w. sell. Co.a1l>I.te ..elL !llOP - Elil. tunllli & edl. work. Hours: 1 0-1. Closed Sun. & MOll. VARTY'S FOR EIGN MOTD R 8loII - VOTO-GU ZZI S Sales-SelVlce-Parts-Accessories. Club M embers welcome! 1730 I. C ar.,n St. (. 1 W ..I.Ill) TO RR CE. 1 AN D.&<> Foy. T,I: 32U-7040 Sv<. H , ~ 8·5. m So. 01 il, Ilc>n~.. · N Cal. HQ. for ~. o. Spatish III!c of Inltl'nationalpresbr: Fea turina Pa.~ fic ,n spec. SVC.-glitS-access. Teen. COnt;lebtioll \l lllna"vai latle. Mon. -sat. 9-1. Pa l CIfic H llda. 630 O Palmef". PaCI fica.C.II1. 359-0167. • GUZZI , Notton. Pa - Accessor ies- Service. Northrts west' s lareest S tock of Parts. Mai l Order Servi ce . ~. WosL· We buy and sell used mo torcycle: parts, cust. tanks and Wheels. Chrome Used WC's. Sales and R epairs. Batteri es atd tires. 1 years same locabon. 11155 5 Atlantc Ave•• lyn wood. NE2-4298 . , INSURANCE CY ' Tlf E MOTO R CL E INSll RAN CE IRITER" Slllce 1 937. Fire. thet! CtlIIlp. P.D. & 8.1. individual m . olDr· cy insu tt and DealeriaSlJran JO cle ran ta. HNMAYN ARD ~~~NL E, 3447 Mo lol A , Los AIlge C ve l... C.lil. I- LEATHER APPAREL CUSTOM M ADE mo mrcyde apc:aTel N umber cnanae s. d ac alterations an ziWBfSreo1 ed. Clari ce Amber&. ABC Cus~ leaUters" 9840 S. Atian c Ave.. Scuttr Gate. b: Calil. 91128D. P1lorle: (213) sa4-m o. D 8 .... 10 plII 4:ll p,m. Ilc>n. ~ru Fri. By .,poi obnen l only Salurday. Evenlna ~ ntnents lVarlJble. SERVICES BARNEY'S M ACHIN E ~OP 15145 L.I,, ",od Blvd., P~ W1t. 63 4-3545. Cylinder bolmg. Ie make anyttuna. l owest pncts. V2IIytS, M anifolds, Iork blaces, sk plales.Valvese id atsInstalled.ForkbJbe any len s &'!. If ,...... 1"'1 1111141 IlIrt TUJUNGA II'.. CRESCENTA VALLEY SPORT CYClE ~ 1139 Foo~ i1I Blv Foy. C.II GR 3..111 lor pickup and del ivery service. ., HERB UTCH MACHI N ~ DP al Lonl Beach Honda. E santa san TED'S Imports - Tri. Sales & Service. Com tition pe desert bikes reacly - to-wi n~ n stock. -W will take cars , in trade: 11726 Santa Monica Blvd.,I. los Angeles, Speaal~ZI~g in • Bonnl S1eevlna • Valve Gtlndina • Seat GnndlPl • Val ve seats • He~ Po rtinl • Head & Cylinder ~rfaclni · ,Th&Only GenuIne l itd't GUUMS& Collars · Bored Cylinder EJ.chanae On Hondas • Free P'G Up & Oel ,ve~ • Fas Sorvice. ' 13-1433.5 1115 l GR 3-1101- D pen1 day~ G Y URQUH T U AR fo' Lonl Beach area. We SllVIce all. Open 6 C1ayS 91:J1 in l ong Hwy•• ~ong Beach 4J6~158 . -Best seMCf availabl . e SOtcJah ZlPg 1ft t&Il~s.- Tn., Kaw., M CU & Due. il IllI;ID P1lst Oui" Boa 621. Garden G rts. rove. Call1Dmia m DAe. D M Ilrru $.aL 8:30-5:30. '.."... enL pen on. HARlEY-DAVIDSON OF LONG BEACH - 36.5. Lonl Beach Blvd, 426-7101. H-O dealer b r la na Beach area. Full line of paris & actts.. lor tilth Road& Comp. rtders. Top quali ty se ce, fuBy equipped svc. dept. rVI Open Tues.- Fn. 8~ . Sat. til 5. OR ECOU TY CY CL E ANG N -DrOli' ",on ty'smost ro .... plete Yamaha and Bu ltaco cenlet Compl ete paT and . ts ak ser ceall m es. 205 N. Harbor Blvd.,Santa Ana. Cal. vi Phone (11 4) S31-9ClS4 or 531-9303 under new ow ne", Ship. C in and see Bob M rop aynard. san been lold i r s one 01 Amtriu's lIIO st COllIPlete and orlon, Ducati. B • •21-89. 1. SUZUk,. Bulla"'. N .ach H onda, Triumph. K w ' ) 531-11742. . . oN. (2J3l 121H242. GrL. Yankee. D HoeeP Sal......~" '.atls & 'e. . I n ~ 125/ ~ L.B,ea Blvd.. In~.",od, 678-5oJs or 6 1 1~4117 "The WC IlepL SlDre· . LAWNDALE T.leoJlone: san 9... 1 0249 $.an F.rnanrb R1'. SEPULVEDA CAIIOGA PARK 618- 51135. ' The ll'C DellL SIo,e.· $.a'es, sw:.. CA5EY'SC CLE REPAI R- BSA - B Y ul..H odak•• Sve. PASADENA DN E STOP CYCLE SHOPPING - Au tho,ize. ComllI. 1e pans and service dOllL DEALERS: Customers keep coming back Cor Cycle News! TO ORDER the newspaper Cor your store, call Cycle News Circulation Manager (213) 423-0431 (both display and Outside vending Racks now available). fibtr&lass wor~ compl, wreck r~ buil l1o 'lIItletl laci a & n IofK st1'2IIfttealng, tue hanlenl a. Free pi ckup and· n deliV!ry II rfe. ler~ 159'1 Sanla"'nic.. San12 "'nl<" 451-4311 Open 6 r1ay1 8 ~. MOTORcya.E SERVICE CENTER. BuL-Ho

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