Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 11 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Spi.'s CI.a.s HOlse af Tro;a. " ~. 0> ..... ..... By Mike Capallte Photo by BUl Pettigrew SOUT H GATE, Cal., Oct. 17 - Bryan Spin ks ( Yam aha) seems to be taking up where Gary Bailey l eft otf as he pulled a cl ean sweep In both classes of the TT by fi rs t wi nni ng the 100cc T T T rophy Dash and then com ing back to repeat this f eat in the 250cc TT Trophy Dash making i t apparent that he was going to be the man to beat In the Main Events. Since r i ders qualify for Senior rider separ ately In each class , Bryan was a Senior Rider In the 100cc Class, but a Juni or Rider tn the 250cc di v i si on . He proceeded to win the 100cc Seni or Main Event handily, with Paul Wilde (Yamaha) a hot second and Jack Morgan (Hodaka) third. I n the 100cc TT Juni or Main Eve nt, Chris Smith ( Ka wasaki) turned back the troops to take the checkered flag. Second place went to Mike Land (Honda); John Freis (Hodaka) and Les Brlely (Hodaka) copped third and fourth. < DON'T · PLAY THE SHELL GAME . '" Q) ..Q E Q) :c ~ Spinks Makes 250 Senior The 250cc Senior division win went to Jerry Formby (Yamaha). Spinks was in the Junior Class for the last time as hi s TD and Main Event wins gave him enough points to 'make Senior class. Second in the Junior 250cc TT went to Robert Milner (Bultaco) with Bob Hlll ( Yamaha) third and Al Savage (Bultaco) fourth. ln the short track Main Event, Chris Smtth ( Ka wasaki) sbowed them the way around to take the win over Mike Lund (Honda) and Mark Dolce (Bultaco). (Results on page 16) We know what's under ours . : . The new line of DAYTONA HELMETS provides maximum SAFETY, STYLE, COMFORT, and APPROVAL (SHC Approved and Certified *,S Approved, AMA A nell Group I Approved (F Coverage), and, GUARANTEED to meet or ull exceed the Z90.l·1966 Standard of U.S.A.S.L). It's your head under the shell- KEEP AHEAD with a proven • winner-DEMAND DAYTONA . . . At BETTER DEALERS everywhere. • SHCA Approved and Certified INSIST on this Markon ANY HELMET you buy .. . It means Ihat the manufacturer voluntarily subscribes to string· ent safety standards, meeting or exceeding the Z90.l·l966 Standard, as prescribed by the non-profit Safety Helmet Council of America and pledges to MAINTAIN those standardsby assenting to a na tionwide, " random Sample" off·the·shelf, policing and enforcement program. Q.infard, ·8ailer 'a'e Two eac' a' Tro;a. SOUTH GATE, c at ., Oct. 24 _ Lloyd Qulntard and his fas t Ka wasakl took the 100cc Junior TT Th ursday . He gr abbed the lead away from Gary Ande r son ( Bultaco) on the thi r d lap. Anderson was out ot the r unni ng. T ailing Lloyd all the way to finish seco nd was Steve Italiano (Yamaha) , Send SOc for TWO Reflective Daytona Decals and Descriptive Brochure. . DAYTONA SPORTS CO. 70 30 DARBY AV ENU E, POBOX 66 8 R ESEDA . CA LIF ORN IA 9133 5 Gary Bailey comes down hard on his Van Tech Hodaka• The 100cc Junior Shor t Track event saw Lloyd Qulntard fir st , this time up on a Yamaha. He topped the Junior oval riders. The 100cc Senior Shori Track win was another old stor y. Paul Wilde rode his Yamaha special to the winner's ctrcle. Gary Bailey picked up hi s second 250cc win by taking the lead in the 250cc Senior Short Track on hi s Greeves. The 250Cc Junior Short Track win went to Irwin Moon ( Bul tac o) . Trojan Raceway i s now r unni ng both shor t track and TT on Thursday nightsBoth lOOCc and 250Cc classes wi th no afflllation r equirem ents. ( Results on page 16) ACA MOTO-CROSS - Sa ddleback Park - Oct. 13, 1968 Suzuki makes / -t. , • .. .. U.S. Suzuki Motor Corp. SUZUKI ; 13767 Freeway Drive Santa Fe Spring8, Calif. ACA 5th Annua l USGP Road Race - Oct. 20, 1968 200cc GP C lass . 1st DAVE DAMRON-SUZUKI 250cc Productron Class (ri di ng fo r Oce lot Eng. ) 1st DAVE DAMRON - SUZUKI 2nd JEFF MAZON _ SUZUKI (ri di ng for Ocelo t Eng.) (ri di ng for Oce lot Eng. ) 500cc Produc t io n C l ass 200cc Prod uct ion Class 1st DAVE DAMRON - SUZUKI 1st DICK MARTIN - SUZUKI ( ri di nq fo r San D iego Suzuk i) _ .

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