Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 09 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.... ... LOS GATOS M.C. HOSTS UVAS SCRAMBLES Story and Photos by I:ale Ivan SAN JOSE, cai ., Aug . 18 - Sunday was the day that many of the hot riders I n Nor ther n Califor nia tripp ed on over to Uvas Dam , near San Jose. There were som e fas t - shoes and some not-too-fast shoes absent fr om Sunday' s race , cr eating a slight drop In attendance . It I s thought that these particular non-attenders spent their Sunday afternoon behind l ocked doors, tuning thei r motors for the upcoming Salinas scramble s . Some of these tuning jobs will probably Include anything f rom extra r ubber hands (for the 10OCc' s?) to ni tro charged jet engines fo r the fo rty inchers. (Anything for more power down that straight!) However, we can forge t those poor unfor tunates and get back to where the action was . The Los Gatos M .C ., hosts of the scr ambles, pr ovided us wi th a fine day of raci ng activities, starting the events on time and as usual they had mos t everyth i ng under control. Th e Wheelle Contest became a tossup between Vern Tranber g, ( Hon) Bob Grossi , (Mon) Ray Clausen, ( Mai) and Matt Falconer ( riding a Bultaco L oblto no less!) The event was taken by Ray Clausen (I think) who went the f ar thest I nto the trees•. V ern Tranber g took the second place trophy home. by heat race wi nner Ed Bean, on a Yamaha . Following closely behind him was another heat winner, Don tvan. .on hi s Bultaco. A t the drop of the flag, the spec tators were star tled to see Bean's Yamaha, first to the turn, beating out Ivan' s fire-br eathing Metisse. The six laps quickly came to an end and the Bul taco rider was unabl e to pass for the big win. Behind the two forer unner s a fier ce battle had waged for the numbe r three spot. Getting the edge f or the third trophy by half a bi ke length , was Bul taco mounted Chuck Ivle over your r epor ter . In the 250 A mate ur class Steve Wilson, r i ding a neat l ooki ng Ossa, made It a wi re to wire wi n in both hi s heat and Main event . Am ateur Lynn Mobley re- Main Event In front of second place man Ji m Rober ts . Exper t Bob Souza made short wor k of the 500 Expert class by winning with a 3/4-lap lead over seco nd place Keith Carlson. Souza had been challenged by Ray Clausen but the threat ended when Ray unloaded from hi s Maico. Nasty Crash Th e fo r ty -Inch Novice class Main was the scene of a nas ty crash caused by one of those unfortunate s fou nd at every track. Heat race winner Steve Spence had worked hi s way up from fourth to second by the fourth lap and was moving r apidly up on l eader Paul Karpinski. As Spence cam e flying up over the hill Lance Anderson. Kneas s had pulled ot! the 650 Exper t win at Uvas just two wee ks ~ earlier and was attempting to do I t agaln. ~ A t the drop of the flag, Kneass grabbed the lead as expec ted, with Lance drafting ~ r ight behind him, really putting the pres- ~ sure on. Cl oser and closer Lance moved .Q In until Kneass f1nally cracked under the _ ~ strain. On the fourth lap of the Main , Kneass mi ssed a gear on the uphill sec - altion and L ance qui ckly scooted around CI) him . Lan ce went on for the win and In doing so, added another vic tory to his ~ growing fame. tz:I (Re sults on page 16) ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..:l CJ WEBCO SPARK PLUG HOLDER ~ CJ Brother T eam Ac tion thr oughout the day was typical of a scr amble s race. The r e wer e the numerous nasty l ooking crashes, the hotly contested battles, and the usual f1r st- to- the-turn rac e wi nners . The 100Cc Novi ce Main Event was won by Tim Ronsse aboard a Hodaka. The second and third spots went to Ron Leld1 and Pat Brown, making I t a clean sweep fo r Hodaka , Talents of the Pestonl br other s were once again demonstrated as they swept up first and second place trophies I n the 200 Novice class. The Pestonls have been compl etel y dominating their class board super-tuned suzukrs. Joel Woods, a Ridge Runner M .C. m ember fr om Santa Cruz, was unable to defeat the ef forts of the !lying Suzuki team . The win went to !:Rve P . followed by br other Steve and _ Woods In third. The 250 Novice Main win was stolen Slim Odendahl ( Yamaha) won 3S0cc Novice heat race and Main EvenL Ossa-mounted #65w Sieve W son look heat il race and Main Event i n 250cc Amateur cl ass. tir ed from the Main, on the fo urth lap aft er losing his chain and hi s second position was Immediately taken over by fellow club member, Dick Plowman. Paul Johnson, l eadin g District 36 In points, took another 250 Expert win aboard his S uzuki. Keith Carlson ( Bul) then pulled up to challenge Dave Bellina and as they crosse d the line, Keith edged out In fr ont by a whole two spoke l engths to take second In the closest finish everl Moving along to the 350 class, Novice r i der SlIm Odendah1 rode his Yamaha g to a hilarious heat wi n, lappl Q many of the last place men. He went on to win the (50 mph) he crashed Into the rider who was In last place and have trouble shiftIng his BSA. As Spence hit the dirt he was clipped by an oncoming rider . Fort unately ther e were no serious Injuries but the race did hav e to be black flagged. After a brief exchange of words, and a l ot of confusion, the officials handed the wi n to Karpinski with Spence taking second. Th e last race of the day was anxiousl y anticipated as the skies menaced I ts ending. We were particular ly I nterested In this race beca use we were expecting a fierce duel betwee n Bud Kneass and ThIs new Webco spark plug holder all ows spare plugs to be attached to thE: mo torcycle for quick, convenient use In an emergency. Wrench Is bolted directly to hol der with convenient wing nut. Stainless stee l hose clamps are used and Included to at tach this unl t to the trame of a motorcycle. Catalog number I s 1593 and the holder sells for $5.95 Incl uding all parts . Available at motorcycle dealers everywhere. .------~~~ USED t :HONDA PARTS t:~:58 : t , , SAVE on W mgton Discount Cycle Center ilm ilmington. Calif. 1505 Avalon, W ~-------- JOIN THE WINNING BOLD WORLD OF ~§A JIM RICE - BSA WINS WINNER 14 mi. NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TWO AMATEUR MAIN YEARS EVENT IN A ROW W N ROF FIVE IN E A ATEURCLASS NATIO A M NL CHAM N PIO SHIPS THIS YEAR PERRIS SCRAMBLERS AUGUST 31st OPEN EX. C LASS 1st MIKE POSEY BSA W INNER OF 4'IN A ROW GET THESE AND OTH RW E INNIN GMODELS AT YOUR DEA T DAY! LER O - 5,4 Western 2745 E. Huntington Drive, Duarte, (alifornia 9JOJO Ph (2J 359-9271 3) , ,

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