Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 09 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SCHULTZ SCOTT SWAP TROJAN CLASS A WINS By Mike Capallte Photos by Dennis Gr eene cD <\I ~ oCl ~ Q, ~ grabbed first place on his JAP and held it to the f inish. The B Main wen t to John Carte r (Eso) f r om wir e to wire wi th Norm Elledge ( JAP) pushing him all the way , trying to get him on the insi de, then the outsi de. But Norm was unable to make it and had to settle for a second place ahea d of BIll Todd (JAP) and Steve Bast. Carter had already taken the m oney for breaking the one- lap recor d In the time trials with Bast ( JAP) taking sec ond time trlalhonor s. As thes e t wo had traffic to contend with I n the MaIn, they were giv en a match race with a flying start f or two laps. In the match race, Carte r took the lead, but Bast moved up on him and they went si de by si de fo r the entire race with Carter able to pull Steve down the straights but Steve movi ng up In the corner s . In the last corner , Carter made the one little mistake that Bast had been waiting to r as he drilted wide and Steve too k advantage of it and m oved In f or the win. SOUTH GATE, cu ., Sept. 1- The Class A speedway program at Trojan Raceway got off to a rolling start Sunday night as so me of the toP r iders were up north for the races at San Jose leaving the field open for many of the up and com ing riders who came out en masse to pit their broadsUdtng skills 'agalnst those of the top r iders who elected to stay down south and run the speedway races. I n the third heat, Rick Woods (JAP) got a beautiful jump off the Une while Elliott Schultz (Eso) got off In third, but Elliott poured it on and combined with his smooth slldlng style, was able to work his way up to secon d place. Sparks Fly The crowd-pleasing spectacular of the evening happened in the ninth heat wher e Schultz happened to catch a rock or something In his chain and for two laps presen ted one of the mos t spec tacular pyrotechnic dtsplay s we've seen In a long time, sen dtng a shower of sparks out like a r oman candle. Steve Bas t encountered a bit ot bad l uck In the 10th heat; as he pulled to the line, ther e was a sickening noise as his engine decided to come unglued right th en and there. While the starter picked up the pieces, Steve pushed his JA P Into the pits and the race was started without him, but a spill in the first corner made tor a restart, and on th e restart, Stev e was able to borrow a Class A Matchles'!' and come bac k to get out front and win the heat. Whil e the heats were all good races, it seemed like th e last event was the climax as Bas t and Schultz went at it hot and heavy fo r th e t ull four laps with Bas t taking the checkered flag. The intermission was a cllffhanger with the announcer pr omi si ng a match race betw een Rick Woods and Elliott Schultz on a couple of new style speedway machines that haven't been on any speedway track yet. When the big moment came, out they came on two mini-bikes and had a wheel to wheel duel around the course to the enjoyment of the crowd and to th ei r surprise when it was announced tha t th e mini-bike races wer e going to be a regular F r iday night f eature at Trojan. SPOKE BENDERS EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES Photos and Story by Jeff Wr igh t Ron Nelson, Montesa-monnted, made his first appearance in the desert this year, (he has been hitting the motu-cross trail), and showed the boys how it is done by taking the lop spot in the Amateur-Expert go. Steve Hurd, Norlon-mounted, made a determined bid by leading the first lap and then holding a close secoud, but he couldn't repass the fast moy. ing Nelson #l1 x Bi ll Ydlano laklnr 2nd behind Berrq ulst In the 250cc Amateur/ Expert e..nt and showIng r ood style. ABOVE: A determined John Carter (Eso) caromed to victory In Trojan Raceway 'B" Main Event, defntlnr Norm Elledge. Bill T odd and 5teve Bast. Schultz Sails BELOW: Earer Elliott Schultz was the crowdpln ser of the evenlnr. not only furnlshlnr unschedul ed Pl roteehnle dis play but wlnnlnr a hard-four ht A" Main EvenL Roarln' Rick Woods shows fancy form. Th e Trophy Dash was ev erything y ou would expect of a race which pits the tour f astest heat r ace winners against each oth er . Woods (JAP) j umped i nto the lead wi th Schultz ( Eso) r i ght behind him and EI Uott was f ollowed by Scott (Eso) and John Carter ( Eso) . Rick dt d a beautiful j ob of holdtng th e l ead tor two laps, but i t only took one Utile bobbl e and Woods was sudde nly in tourth place wi th Schultz thinking he had it mad e, only to look UP and see that Steve Scott had sUpped under him for the lead and on the last lap, Carter moved Into the second slot. The beauty of it was that the whole race was r un without the machines being more than a half-a-length ahead ot each other . The C MaIn looked Uke a runaway tor John Riggen as he took the lead and was going at it hard and stretc hing it out when suddenly he did a compl ete spin in the south corner. Larry Heinselman The Spoke Benders M .C. held their European Scrambles three mlles north of Mojave where they hosted over 400 r i ders. The Club went to a l ot of extra work setting up two courses so the races could be run off quickly which was appreciated. Ev eryone got out of there early before the heat set in. Both courses ran counter-clockwise for tour m iles and were set up about 50 yards apart so that it was possible tor the spectators to watch both races at the same time. Trail bike novices were first to go at 9 a.m, A t the drop of the banner D. Morgan 11523 r iding a Honda, took the lead at the start and led it around the first loop with everyone else fighting for second. At the finish it was Morgan taki ng the win with Groff Crowther on a Hodaka finishing second, third was M . Wilson riding a Van Tech. The trail bike Am .!Elql8rt race left the starting llne 15 minutes after the trail novice but on the other course. When they came around the first lap Bob Belt on a SS Hodaka was leading with 111 Jack Morgan second and 112 Jack FroeUch OIl a Bultaco third. On the next time around Morgan had the lead with Belt second and Froelich still third. All this time Wes Anderson Jr. 114 on a SS Hodaka and Dean Goldsmith on a Harley had been worldng their way up through the pack. At the finish Anderson and Morgan had an exact tie with Goldsmith taking third and first Amateur. Fourth trail bike finisher was Jack FroeUch. Next in was 11112 Gary Gr1ff1n on a Hodaka, sixth and second Amateur was Terry Clark on a Hodaka. The 250 Novices revved up next. At the start they straddled their tr ont wheels (all the races started that way). When the banner fell they all jumped on their bikes and charged to the tight sandwash about a mile out, where it narrowed down only wide enough tor about two bikes abreast. Larry Tofutzenreuter on a Bultaco was really flying around tha t course to take the wlnl T erry Nicklos on an Allstate was second and Ken Ever s, Bultaco- mounted, was third. Larry Bergquist won the 250 Am .! Expert r ace, leadtng it from start to finish on his Bultaco. Husky-mounted BIll Ydtando was really making it, to finish second. Gary Gr iffin 112 on a Bul- The A Main gave the fans the exci tement they wanted as Sonny Nutter ( JAP) leapt Into the lead with Schultz right on hi s rear wheel and by the second lap Elliott had moved into fir st place and although Nutter pu t on his best charge, Schul tz was able to hold the lead with Sonny finishing a wheel- l ength behind him . Woods and Scott had a battle of their own wi th Scott hard- charging his Eso into th e third slot and Woods f inishing f our th : Trojan Raceway i s r apidly becoming one ot the most popular tracks in the So. Cal. area as they are now r unning lightweight TT and short track on Thursday night, mini- bi ke races on F riday night and Class A Speedway on Sunday nights with the 500cc displacement ma chines . And starting Tuesday, September 10, they will be running 250Cc Class A speedway racing with the riders ahle to use fuel as well as special frames . The limitation on the engines for this will be that the normal dtsplacement of the engine shall not be less than 200Cc nor mo re than 25Occ . This will give Trojan a f ull week of rac ing. (Results on page 16) Steve H..-d, #1, returned after a long layo" to take second behind Ron Nelson. taco ran a close third. Fourth and first Amateur was Darrell Ellis. Seventy 500 and Open Novices Uned up for the start of the their race. At the start L . Gattis OIl a Husky grabbed the front and came around the first lap with a big lead over the rest of the pack. At the finish he came In for the win with a one minute lead over second place man L . Burn OIl a Husky. Third in and first Open was C . Raubman on a Triumph. Fourth was D. Pleasant on a Husky. The Am .!Expert 500-0pen were Uned up on the Une ready to go with all the toP des ert riders having a lusttor first place. The banner dropped and Steve Hurd took th e lead, holding it through the first lap handling that twin like a llghtweight doing wheeUes all ov er the co urse, with Nelson second, Pa trick third and John Gaetz fourth . The next time around Nel son had a small l ead over 111 Hurd who has n't been out to the deser t f or over two mon ths . A t the finish it was Nel son taking th e win on the Montesa with about a 30-second l ead over second place Hurd on the Norton. Third was Mike Patrick, also on a Norton. Fourth and first Ama- Montua-mountU Ron Nelson captured first place In the combined SOOoOpen Amateur / Expert race. . teur was Tim Sm1thonaMontesa.Second Amateur and tenth overall was Steve HoUdaY on a Triumph. The ' Spoke Benders should be compUmented for their coolness under pressure. Friday before the race the road department cut their courses all up, so they went across the highway and started all over again, and still gave us two courses. With all the clubs trying to do something dt fferent and better than the other clubs, we would Uke to hear from the r iders wi th their sugges tions and i deas, r eme mber mo st proje cts take wor k. Th e Shamrocks M .C . are going to have the Trail Bikes go the entire way on the Caillor nia State Cham pi onship next Sunday. The club would like to know if the r i ders like this tor all races or just the bi g championship . So tell th em what you want. (Re sults on page 16)

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