Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 05 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.., 00 OJ '" c, 00 <0 C> - ..; ~ :::l; U) HI BOOTS TOSS EASTER EGG -S R M L S C A BE SHELL MOTORS YAMAHA. ' 3365 Century Blvd., LYlwood-NE 8-4864 REMEM BER, YOU ALWAYS REA D IT ARST IN CYCLE NEWS, ~ .. t..l :c: t..l -J CJ ROrUtIE RALL FLI ES ON A BENELLI ~ CJ FOR DEALER INFORMATION IN SELECTED AREAS W Jesse C. Levine National S rite: ales Manager Winnin g 250cc Expert rider at HI Boot s Easter Egg Scrambles, Ray Vanderpool (48), holds back second place fini sher R.W. Ri ng (4) through th e sweeper. SlDry and P ho to s by 8111 lIarmer In motortzed celebr aUon of the tr adi tional Easter Holiday, an entry li st of 73 riders signed up for the HI Boots III.C. monthly IT s crambles at San Diego c ountvs Dehesa Speedwav on Sunday, COSMOPOLITAN MOTORS, INC. Depl A., 5521Wayne Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 19144 . ~;; ~)=SI'L L Apr il 14 . An excit ing pr ogr a m ensured, but it was marred by several accidents and pile- ups . The mos t spectacular splll occu r r ed In the final moto of the 250cc Expert se ries when Harry Hayes, riding In capture tl r s t and R. Moore on at Triumph and T. Tur ner, als o-Triumph mounted, came In s econd and third. The tl r s t mota of the 250cc Novice class had to be r estarted twice because of pile-ups. l5-year-old Tim Leque got back In the win column by taking two of the thr ee motos which was good enough to give him the overall win on his Bultaco. W. Cla r k and B. Frauenberger on Kawasakls finished 2nd and ard, One of the most spectacular bits of riding was displayed In the 100CcNovice Main Event. A 12- year- old youngster, riding his big brother's bike, got off the line dead last and then systematically passed all but the first two leaders to capture third place. Given a few more laps and he might have passed the leaders , at the rate he was gaining. His name? Earl Roloff, Jr. Winner of the class was C. Claydon on a Kawasaki who led fr om pole to pole, Hodaka mounted D. Lavelle stayed In second posltlon thr oughout the race . As usua l, old mas ter Jim McGuire won the lOOcc Mota-Cross receiving only a little trouble from Wayne Hosaka , who by winning one mota a massed enough poin ts for second. Suzuki-mounted B. KRAUSE'S LARGEST PARTS & ACCESSORIES DEPT. HONDA/~/YAMAHA INTHE SOUTHLAND ~ IIl1n /1<1 } I/I II, ·", . ~,,,,, . 1157s. LAIIU crtCe"tury • btlJlcwood BMW • • '71~ • G R EEVES '71 ·~)5 • M OT a -B ETA ••••••••••••••••• • HARLEV- DAVIDSON Of Long Special We Have Many N 1968 XLCH & XLH's In Stoc' Now ew ..........~~~~.•~:;.!:?I.•~~~~•.~'!.;..~~~.-.~2! •.•.•.•.J TOR SION FORK BRACE . ~ That Works ! Prime Steel with Alloy Clamps, no Holes to drill. Super Strong. 223 W. CAMINO REAL. MON ROV IA . CALIF. 9101 6 WRITE - 213-447-8342 Restar t of Open Expert cl ass moto occurred alter Myron Carte r fell on l ap on• • Avo id in g the clash are leader A I Finan, Don Matthe ws·(28) and Jim Har mon (25) four th spot coming out of the swaeper ,got crossed up In the middle of the track and dropped his Harley Rapldo leaving no place for the closely following riders to go, thus s ca tter ing men and machines all over the lands cape. The only othe r r ider immediately Identlflable was Wayne Hosaka. All the contestants walked away fro m the plle- up but some of the bikes will have to under go extensive repairs. Al Finan, riding Ear l Roloff's flnelytuned Triumph, won the fir s t two motos of the Open Expert class, when his usual top adversaries ran Into hard times . Myron Carter, whose fans call him •'The Red Baron" because of the trailing r ed scarf he wears , and DonMatthews riding a hot Nor ton out of Mike' s Speed Tuning both had troubles . Don lost a chain and Carter fell aU . In the next Moto,Car ter and Matthews had a little colli s ion on the switchback causing Carter to splll and break off Ma tthew' s · shirt lev er. In the third mota, Carter spllled In the first tur n ca using another r ider to go out, so the race was re started. On the restart, Carter got of! the line fir s t and showed the for m that won him the No. 1 plate last year but Matthews and Finan were literally on his exhausts with Jim Harmon about a length behind. Car ter led Into the third lap, when at the top of the hili on the back stretch, he missed a shirt. The sudden stop caused Matthews and Finan to crash Into him, damaging their mac chines and Injuring Matthews' heel. Mass.Confusion Because the track at that poin t was virtually Impassable the r es t of the r ider s stopped. During the confusion, the officials " blaCk-flagged" the race . Because of pro t est s from owners and riders , a meeting of the r emaining pilots was held at the starUng line and It was voted to restart the race. Al Finan had already amassed enough points to GET MOlE SHCAS W"H SACHS THE BOOND OCKEH It s Pure SlcIIs Now available at McLAUGHLIN MOTORS 2422 Eo Huntlnpn Dr. Du.rta. c.lI L Pb_ (2131 359-4541 Fr auenberger took third. Both McGuire and Hosaka piloted Hodakas. Yamaha specialist Ray Vanderpool found the gr oove In the 250cc Expert motes, winning two out of three to gain top point honor s In the event but he was pressed hard by Husk y-mounted R.W. Ring and Bultaco rider Wayne Hosaka, Vanderpool returned In the 500cc Novice mota on a 350cc Yamaha and again captured first pla ce points. Honda mounted L. Williams wound up second and L. Martin on a Bultaco came In third. In the poorly attended 500Cc Expert moto, Jeff Willis looked Impressive riding his Malco to overall victory and BSA-mounted J . Kenyon was crowded by Ma tchles s rider Don Finan, narrowly beating him out of s econd spot. The Open Novice class was also shy of entrants but W. Butterfield won on a Triumph with BSA-mounted R. Law coming In second and an Indian r ider, K. Standi fer , capturing third . Hodaka riding girls dominated the Powder Puff event with C. Chiara first followed by D. Reon and C. Gooding. During the running of the first twothirds of the progra m, the wives and gir l fr iends of the Hi Boots M.C. members hid 1500 Easter Eggs In the grassy Infield. Before the running of the final events in each class , all the children wer e released onto the field for a giant egg hunt. A special s ection was reserved for the pre-school kids and they were carefully supervised by parents. There were plenty of eggs for eve ryone and three trophies were presented for 1st, 2nd and 3r d prizes . It was hard to tell who was having the most fun, the parents or the kids. All kinds of baskets were In evidence, from soft drink six -pack cartons to dad's safety hel met. One tyke had so many colored eggs In a crash hat that he had to drag It along the ground. A wonderful family get -together was had at the annual HI Boots M.C. Easter Egg Scrambles . (Results on page 16) SAVE on USED . HONDA PARTS T~~:sa Wilmington Discount Cycle Center 1505 Avalon, Wilmington, Calif.

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