Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 05 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.... "'" THE PERRIS PICTURE: 13 REBELS TT SCRAMBLES s tory and Photo s hl · Ma ureen L ee Oh, It was a l ong day at Per ris Sunday April 21 but mai nly for t wo reasons . A ll the riders got plenty of time on the track and an awful l ot of track maintenance was done during the day . The 50cc class opened the day and some unhappiness r esulted . There were only a f ew Amateurs and Exper ts so the 13 Rebels put everyone in together and ran heats . Sur e, this i s tough on the Novice and there were a gang of 'e m, but the 13 Rebel s didn' t have to tak e those 5 Amateurs and Expe rts and gi ve them a separ ate class . They could have if they wi shed but the r ules still say 6 bikes make a cl as s. What they could have done was take those 5 gentlemen and move th em up a class using the r ule that says Am ateur s ri de with A mateurs and Experts with Experts and th en put cotton in their ears to bl ock out the outraged shrieks. We're not saying that everyone bitched but the l ot of a District 37 Competi ti on man is not easy and the cur r ent lightweight re;J has j ust about had It with one or two people who have so me thing to say every week. Sometimes the comp l aints are j ust bar ely j ustified but mos t of the tim e it's j ust plai n nag, nag, nag! Anyway, Steve Nichol s ( Honda) got the drop on the gang th e fi r st lap of th e main and held It to the end wi th Gary Caldwell (Honda) taking th e second and Jay Lewis (Yam aha). Deser t Dai sy Sandy T ermin turned in a very good ride on a 50 Honda and made It th e hard way by progressing to the main from heat and sem i. She really hauled! Two-Fifties Fly The 250 Novice went to Steve Rispin (Bul taco) wi th Loyal Walker ( Bulta co) second. The way th ose two r i de I sus pect it won't be l ong before they receive tho se yellow Amateur plates! Greevesmounted Jon L1ndeberg took the Amateur Right: First place 250cc Amateur ri der J on Li ndeberg keeps his Greeves a safe tf stance from second place Bultaco handler Vincent Graves. Below: Start of 21" to 650ee Expert malo. '" 0.. ta- CO <0 .... "'" <0 .... e-, ::: '" v.> == r.J <: . r.J -l t..l s, t..l Desert Oal sy Sandy Termln really haulln' on her little 50 Honda, made It to main even!. Ace Honda man John Rice, here showing his usual winn ing form only to lose out io Ji m Hunter's flying BSA (3). Wild lOOcc Action In the 100cc di vision Jac k Britton (Yamaha) took the 100cc Novice Main in a pretty wild rac e with Jim Arledge (Yam aha) second. Richard Sweaney on that super -fast Kawasaki wrapped up th e A mateur s with a real good lead and Fred Edwards (Yamaha) pu t It on the 100 Expert class . Kirk McDowell took second on a Lobi to . Kirk is now r i di ng fo r the Two Wheeler in San Bernardino. He still has his Hondas but Bultaco is really giving him a br eak and t hat's what a numbe r one plate holder deser ves so from now on It' s a Loblto in the lightweight and an EI Bandito for t he heavy weight division . T o round out the 100' s, th e Powde r Puff was won by Eul ene Long (Honda) wi th Di ane Connolly (Hodaka) second. A new star on the Powder Puff hori zon was third pl ace r i der Sandy Lambert ( Hodaka) who has i mproved tremendously since her firs t time out a shor t while back. Sti ll a Novice, she l ed ail thr ee mo tos fo r a while and ma de Exper t Long and Amateur Connolly work fo r their money ! .., '" division and Eric Olesen (Bul taco) the Exper t . Olesen went super -fas t: he not only went like the wi nd, his bi ke seem ed to have an edge on the others . Ji m Connolly (Os sa) ended second even after a crash on t he r ock turn . A. Armstrong (Bultaco) took th e firs t of the big-bores, the 500 Novice, and did he ever slide around tho se tur ns I Butc h Clar k (BSA ) wearing th e sharp je r sey of a new club, The Competitiors from Long Beach , wound up second . Gary Geyer (Maico) from Midv.. y a Cycl e in Hemet won the com bined 21" 650 Amateur class with Ron McDaniels second . Kirk Me Dowell ( Bul taco) had that clas s wrapped up, winning the first moto hands down, then the bike began cutting out and quit flat in the second go- r ound with Ki rk leading again. Third mo to i t gave up the ghost with loud popping noises about the secon d lap but the malfun ction was electrical not mec hani cal. Hunter Hands J im Connolly \3X) and Ron Moore (9) whipp 'n through sweeper with a slight difference In comerstyles. Both J m and Ron were aboard Bullacos, with J im copping a second and Ron a fifth. . '. ~( • ~ • '> Jim Hunter ( BSA Gold Star) did'em i n the 21" - 650 Expert class on one of th ose days when Jim was feeling right and the Gol di e was runni ng li ke Jack the Bear . The 40-inchers couldn' t nail him and al tho ugh Mike Posey (BSA) tried, It was Jim 's day. T ony Denius (H -D) finished seco nd after some wild riding which i ncluded a r ock hunting tour through the boulders at the top of the hill . It was a long day but a good one and we want to thank the 13 Rebels for the r esults , especially those who stayed on to wrap up the last three heats, and a special pat on the back for Bernie Trujillo, blue eagle feathers and all, who was a great s tarter . He even put John Rice back for jumping the gun! (Results on page 16) LONG B AC E H HONDA #1 IN SALES SERVICE AND SPORTS RACING HAVE YOUR MACHINE TUNED BY JOHN RICE #1 in Di s tri ct 37 Sc ramb les HONDA BSA HODAKA 4 conveni ent locat ions 5105 A tl antic Long Beach 423-1433 11747 E. Carson Lakewood 860-1354 1760 L·ong Beach Long Beach \ 591-1301 4328 E. Anaheim Long Beach 439-0943 I -.

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