Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ASCO '" - TT - UPSETS I ALL CLASSES "to <0 "CD .Q e: Ascot faas viewed a m,le ..set last saturday niglrt in tile aalllal '" State TT Cbampionship races. The ~ three fatorites, Skip Van Leeuwen, ~ Larry Willlum and. Chuck Baker all C:ol went down to defeat in tbe final race .,J ~ of tbe season. Van Leeuwen, wIIo u bas been Mr. Everything all season in G.deaa, was shut out tbree S1ralglrt times on the track. CD > C ~ Eddie Mulder took the measure of the '67 point champ In both the heat race and the Trophy Dash with Skip a close second both times out. The final found Dusty Coppage, who had not won a Main Event since the opener last February, playing the big gun. Dusty took tbe lead witb Van Leeuwen trying every possible way to get by for tbe first twelve laps. Then it happened, and Skip was In !act in fron~ at tbe end of thirteen rounds. To tlle surprise of all Dusty stayed right on his rear wheel as tbe two reversed racing roles. "CI go S ., '" o .. <:f' 5' ~ ! 0. '0:.:: CO;~~:(T~ump=)!_lan. TIl,.. llapp, Callfonla Sta.. TT Claamplons Irnl up to receivi conll'llulalloas from tropll "1 (152.) 5tlVl Ells_Ill (lIon.. sa). Amateu. (142) lIariJ lIacDonaId (Trlumph) and Expert (ll.) COppage Figbts Back Coppage made a renewed bid for first at tbe start of the 17tb lap, regained tbe lead and tben went on for tbe win and the 1967 title. The re-pass appeared to take all the "W1nd out of tbe Dutcbman's sat1s and Coppage had his widest margin on the final two laps. Mulder was steadY from start to finish and took third. Dallas Baker finally found an engtoe that would go tbe distance and after a fifteen-lap hassle witb Dave Palmer broke through to wind up in fourth place, his best ride in many a year. Dan Haaby dropped out witb engine troubles and Del Sburley crasbed early In tbe 2G-lap race. otherwise It was a Coppage-Van Leeuwen sbow in one of the most closely fought dUels every run for the TT's. Coppage, by the way, was riding tbe last time with his familiar number 91r. He bas been issued National #32 for next season, the number tbat Sid Payne carried to two National TT wins a few years ago. Marty Makes It I Another close one was In store in tbe Amateur class as Marty MacDonald, who Is known as a half-mller first and a TT rider second, scored tbll. surprise upset of the year in tbe yenow-plate class by taking tbe win away from Int champion Larry Wilburn as tbe ri started tbe last lap. Marty dogged Wllbw:n 1lHhe way from the start of tbe race and made It look Uke he had It p~ed to happen just tbe way it did. EarUer, Wilburn had defeated MacDonald in tbe heat race. This was Marty's first win ever In local Ascot TT racing as a Novice and an Amateur. It was also his last ride as an Amateur. He goes to the Expert ranks in '68 as does Wilburn. The Novice class was a three-way battle from tbe start to tbe lln1sb and again it was considered a mild upset. . Heat race winners Steve Ellsworth and Don Hughes plus semi winner Tom Rockwood took the Main Event right down to tbe checkered flag. They crossed tbe line running end for end with Ellsworth the winner. Ellswortb and Rockwood botb came into tbe race as one-time Main Event winners this year witb Northerner Hughes looking lor his first win. Rockwood was caught jumping tbe gun In the heat race and had to start on the third row penalty line. He came back to finish third before going to tbe semi which he won handily wltb tbe fastest four -lap time of tbe night. in tbe final It was again Rockwood playing catch-up from tbe second row of starters. He caught Hughes and Ellswortb witb two laps to go but Ellswortb was riding a smooth, flawless race and making no mistakes. The two point leaders, Chuck Baker and Jim Peterson, had a rough time of it most of tbe night. Baker was upset In tbe F& M WINS! North & South Oct.29 1st heat race by Hughes and finished in second. Peterson fln1shed a distant third in his heat race as dirt-tracker Alex Chinowski scored tbe win witb Danny Carlton taking second • dP I J C. A len. Novlc. Peterson came back in the semi to finish third and out of a transfer to tbe final but "talked" his way In at the last minute. Baker ran fIltb in tbe State title race witb Peterson ending up in ninth. The point title tie was broken and tbe Number One spot went to Baker and his Montesa for tbe season. SidehackB Sail St.... Ellswortll shows the form and sl,l. llIal broupt him Novlc. State ChamplClll ship vleto" CIlI his IIC1l1le ... Another IIont... .Ider. Chock Baller took overall .ason TT point tltI. at Ascot. A crowd-pleasing 6-lap exhibition race by members of tbe Dist. 37 Sideback Association was again an added feature attraction of the evening. Wltb one race at Ascot under tbelr belts, the three-wheeled group put on an even more exciting race than last time, wltb much passing and higher jumping over the jump. Passenger styles remained as varied and spectacular as before. This time driver Dean Hummer and passenger Rulon Gulbransen came from behind to take tbe win, Harley-Davidson mounted. The Harley team of Dave (Crash) Roesch and Tom Ridyard wound up second ahead of Triumph team Mike Parti and Jim Moffitt. Last montb's winning combination, Doug Bingham and Ed Wade (H-D) had to settle for fourth at the lalest outing, after assuming an early lead. Sidehack Association members were pleased to announce that tbey have been granted professional status by tbe AMA for 1968, and will be going for money instead of trophies next season. This was tbe final TT race of tbe year witb tbe next event slaled for tbe first Sunday afternoon in February of 1968. (Resulls on page 20) Ron McGllire-250cc Expert King City Scrambles F& M equipped Bultaco ( 1st Jim MC"Guire - 100cc Expert Dehesa T. T.-San Diego Get F& M equipped Hodaka your F & M reed manifold kit and WIN!! Available for Hodaka and Bu haco (others soon) Specify carburator size $26.50 Calif. add 5:t;tax no C.0.0. F & M enterprises 5214 Lewison Place San Diego, Ca I. 92120 MORE POWER, BROADER RANGE, LESS LOADING "I. sldlbacll co....luU. 0' drl_ DuB Hu_. and pasHII•• fllIlon Gulbrall_ provldlld pllllQ' of tIIrllls for . . crowd .... speclaQl", ..... 10 HarI.,oDavl~ -..tH.

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