Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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OV 11 12 TH & 10 A.M. FOR THE SECOND TIME IN CALIFORNIA . MOTO-CROSS Of COMPETITION ALL CLASSES MACHINERr , '-STARRING: WORLD & LOCAL CHAMPIONSHIP FACTORY RIDERS CONflRMA TlON RECEIVED fROM fAOOlY SOURCES iC Dave Bickers it Joel Robert Roger Decoster EVERY Famous Rider * * - pasf, presenf & fufure from all parts of fhe U.S. ALL SPECTATORS WELCOME! This is the show you haven't forgotten for many years and will remember next year when we present another. AMERICA versus EUROPE - The ONLY FlM sanctioned event in Calif. tbis weekend. CONCESSION STAND • TV HOGAN'S SHIRTS LARGEST RACE I" THE WORLD I 826 RIDERS ENTERED I TROPHY G1RL- "e sf.I• ., Jo, Wiliersoll NOTE: Anyone possessing a starting receipt from our HoI HoI rival event is entitled to pay our $100.00 post entry fee & ride the best one. SIMI, CALIF.-HOPETOWN TRACK POSTERS BY EARL NEWMAN WORK BY THE DIRTDlGGERS M.C• ......._ Directions: Take Ventura Frwy west to Topanga Canyon Blvd. - Go north through Chatsworth, over Hwy 118 Santa Susanna Pass to HOPE. TOWN (FOLLOW THE CROWD)· DlRTDlGGERS NINTH ANNUAL GRAND PRIX & 2nd INTERNATIONAL MOTO CROSS. ABC-TV & BRUCE BROWN FILMS for 'Wide World of Sports' _ will be filminl; this event __. .

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