Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SATURDAY, IOVEIBER nil MAKES THE o ID BETTER ." ~ £oJ :i!:: £oJ ..::l _ . . . . lIIal Ilslh. I. lIIls calIs • " . Cycle N_ lisclal. . .., rftlIDtIstlllHty for _ _ lalI. or R ~ ~.. G -Uca. III . . .s '" pt1lIIIO ....s wItllDol A.c.A. SAIICT1OIIEO T.T•• SHORT TUCK RAen at _ T..p. 51 "ar, _ . . . . . .c::II FwJ fires .. Talre F1NsteIte Ie Gat1IeIll, _ G-. fIeM. ..... s.tIIenl Ie ladl em.c.. Jr. , Sr. c l a _ ,"",,_st. .I, ~ .... PIts . . . . . S ..... at T_ IDea'" o r_ 7"" caa- - 1IICC & 2SDcc. .., nc. , ACA.AM,A. . . . . MIA CLASS C 1lALF4IU .. A'" Park, W ..... "..... . . . . . . . H 58 DJ-.. Fi.lDJs .. GarMa. ... ce, IItt ladl .. ~ IKe .. 1:15. ......£aIeot, .....ce .. 7 • FRIDAY, lOY. 11, 24, DEC.'I. 8, 25, JAil. 5, l!, 2&, FEB. 2, lI, 'H, a" 24 (Sat., Monterey Hwy. Promoted by Bllrlddmer Assoc. Free parking, flat aspba1t 0ft1. Purse $450 pins 40% over $2200 gate. $50 per week to hl-point season Gates open at 6 p.m., first race at 8:30 p.m. Adults $2.50, kids ODder 12, 7~. Nov., ~., and Exp. professloDa1 AMA riders. naer. EYERY SATURDAY UlA CLAS> C HALF-MiLE at Ascot Park, 1ll3rd " Vermont, jut olf tIae Harbor " san Diego Fwy. Last balfmile race at 196'7. Nonce. A..tDUear. ExPert prolesslonaJ dirt track rideu. Practice at 7 p.m., ftratra.oeat 8: 15 PAl. Promoted by J.C. Agajanian. DIRT DIGGERS", AIINUAL GRANO PRIX _d 2Jtd 1._alI... 1 IIoto ClOss. Ealrlu SejIt. 15 _d close 111.......1 Oct. 23. Mall ..try .1,. $lIICI.OO posl .try .... All c1UMS. Stat posili............. It}' post- 0.... . . . U .....d.......,. SUIDAY, IOYEIBERI~ LIGHTWEIGHT SHORT TRACK at Lodi Cycle Bowl, Lodi, C8Jlf. UlA SaDC., promoted by Lodi M.C. Ride or watch for $1.50, slgmq> 9-11 LID., tlrst race at 12 DOOII. For more I.Dfo eootact Lodi M.C., 5801 Morse ad., Lodi, cal.!I524O. 21st ANNUAL COWBELL DERBY, eo- cturaoce run by tbe Hayward K.C. AloIA BaDe •• -Wrox.. 125 mJJes.EDtry1ee$3.oo DO post eotrtes, Jots at tropbles. start aDd ftDIsIl at vpper Lab, calif., DO. eDd at Clear Lab 011 1IwJ'. 20. 20 mi. east at Ukiah 011 U.S. 101. EDtries dose NaY. 8, ~ Yoaqomery, to RalPh ArbUe1Je. ZZ070 BaJw&rd. cal. M54l or c:a11 (U5) 581-9225 for more lDfo. "era 1_. sa. sn.t lII.s ....... alii,. , .... l I r a _ stItlMM. r-1I_caIIBM 71W42L mAD ItACE SQIOOL atlllllt_ Air "ad!, l.2tJO St., ....... (. . . . . . ~ F. I.- .I~ lsi" 3,11 SATURDAY ..ROFES$lOIIAL I.OOOR SHORT TRACK at slartI., -'-Y. .I_. . .lls, .1.... l ' _d caalJ_IIII all .....,. 1II-.11s Poblle ....tted 7 p.aa., lItais 7:311 AllY_I» Uclrals aSCI, $2.ICl at door. For 'Iller lat....... - . c l T.Co Pro-Cycles, PABa SlOO, .....,011 S, . . S~. AlIA 3-b eHl u. EYERY SATURDAY liGHT TT ItACi G at PerrI s ..ark. Off Hwy. 74 _ PerrIs, calif. p.aa., _I•• Ga... .... , el_, practlc:. starts 7:30. rac.s n' uallG ....... RACES H"". .1 jjS£Sl""'tl .' ~ at , to ... calif. Trac -.n-~ n Off Bay 1U ral»s start • Trac:ll. OIrwd1Ot1s: 1Ioorpark, TT SCRAMBLES at Eastside Cycle Part. Tucsoo, Ariz. CalIt. riders always weirome. Come early aDd race all day. Praetlce 9 LID. til Nooo, races NOOI1 to 4 p.m. For more info coatact Eastside Cycle, 1Dc., 4940 E. 22Dd St., ~ Ariz. call EA 7-6902. DAY, OY£lBER UII OPERATIO MOTORCYCLE BLOOD &JIIK, Ro8d Riders CommitilI!e. call KeD at (213) 964-26'14 or S3S-l942 for tortIIer lDfo• SAT. "SU ., lOY. 1111 " 1111 On. Starts at 1 p.m., AMA. sanc. sports- man event, all classes. Riders will scramble (011 foot) for 2 live turkeys. Location: Sidewinders M.C. Race Track 011 Lawnfle1d Road, CI.cAmas. QregOII (south at Portland, ore.). '!'lIe 6 Top Earopeaa Dirt Tract CbIIpioas ToIS&eD Hall... (S edea) Dave Bickers (~~aad) 10el Robert (Belp ) Ate lobsso1m (S edea) Ro~ DeCos&er (Belp..) II Stepba EllcpOs (Swedea) will EluDpeu IIoto-ClOSS speed oa dle ,.,. track aad ride die Italf-llile for tile very first be! ..... CO'-_'""" cafJ (115) 49501'21. __ HARE SCRAMBLES by HI-JinX FMC at El Mirqe, CalIt. Dry Lab Bed. 50mile ride In -wrox. 1G-mile loops, 125cc max.. Riders meet at '9'45 a.m., race at 10 LID. Entry fee $2.50. Take Barstow Fwy. past SUmmit Inn to Adelanto turnotr. In Adelanto go lett at El Mirage 'turnoff (posted) aDd toUow tbe llme oato tbe lakebed.. TrcIIJIIles ID top C\.) TELL THEM YDU SAW IT III CYCLE NEWS .., El Tl..-s ILCo AlIA "c:., RRC . . . . . . . Starts .... Purs 11-0. AI"a • laIl I. Ilellf'-. CalIf. Std .... .:30 Tr es. c:Mck . ,• • weIceM. Fer 1-'0 call (2131 0402355. 12th ANNUAL TURKEY MUD SCRAMBLES by Side1rinders M.C. of Portland, EXHIBITION SHOW Y2-MILE& n Po... $1.25 adlPisslDtl. $2 10 rl•• 150 eatrl.s . .1II ...... 4 ltcnIr sIIow. c'-- $pKWtIo wi. . . . EYERY SU DAY POItER RUN. lsi AluMtai Ticer T_ ..... SU DIY, IOYEIBER Ulll • Plas Special Added AUractioa • a Ulllts .t Els'-_ _ Track. Jal oft HI. .. , 71 East or .....s tItnIaff. s,ort-. ~.s tor' .u Calif. 1st ANNUAL GRAND PRIX ANDINTERNATIONAL KOTO-CROSS pres ote4 by tbe Prospectors M.C. AlIA aDd ACA SIUICt1oD. !list 37 TT points. 1ClO-l25cc: raa Sat. ov. 18, big bore Sao.. NOI'. 19. First ewent 9 a.m.. boliI days. Matl eatry onlY. postmark determiDes start position Limited eatrIes, close midaIgbt NaY. 10. Top IDternatiOIIal and American riders. Freeway all lbe way north 011 Hwy. 99, limed from 1-1/2 mi • oorth of TIps Restaurant, tbeo west 011 Hasleys CIUIyoo Rd. approx.. 5 mi. olf Fwy. Good spectator course, 30 min. from dowotowo L.A. Free Hodaka giftD on SuDdIIy, souvenir pins, am!ll.lanc::e aDd ooocess1oDs an.i1able. Mail entries to Prospectors M.e., 220 E. 64tb PL• lug1ewood, Cal. EVERY OTHER SATURDAY start, $1....... all day saturday, $12. SPectators $1.75 per person or $3.00 per carload. For info caIJ (714) 460-4289, send entries to Moto-Cross, P.O. Box 30571, 5aDDiego, s_• MY lio\ii£ ItACE TIlACK, /III ...,. 111 ... t - . ... --.ark, cal,., Is .... all .., '- ,.,.ace. Call (213) 421-3&& ... S. F " " Torsteo Hallman, Joel Robert and otber European riders. Riders: EDtry fee $10 pre-entry, $15 postentry. Everybody gets to race aga1Dst top-ranIdng the European stars. Mollo-cross scbool 1I0YEIBER lUll ••11 12111 FRIDAY, IOYEliBER ua EVERY FBI DAY IGHT INTERNATIONAL MOTO-CROSS at san Dlego, Cal!t. starring Dave Btekers. eotries. INDOOR SHORT TRACK at san Jose, cal. Exposition Bldg.. Coo n t y FaIrgrounds, Tu1Iy Rd. between Fwy'. of< EYERY THURSDAY liGHT SUIDIY, 1I0YElBER 12111 PAClFlC SOUTHWEST CRUIPlO SHIP HARE & HOUND by Victors M.C. (held April 9) will be sbown 011 ABC's Wide World at Sports at 5 P.m. 011 TVCbaDDel 7. (WE HOPE!) Be sure to watch, especially if you were one at tbe 801 RACING· IT RACES START at 8:15 p.m. At Ascot 'ari 183rd & Vennont - Off Harbor Freeway places. SUBSCRIBE TO CYCLE NEWS AND.SAVE MONEY! ~ YOII $13· YOII SAW 1 O 00 PER copy (OVER THE SINGLE copy PRICE) ~ WHEN YOU SlBSCRlBE FOR ONE YEAR @ $7.50. OVER S1N;LE COPY PRICE BY SUBSCRIBING FOR TWO YEARS (Irs UKE GETTING CYCLE NEWS EVERY WEEK FOR LESS THAN W.LFPRICE- ONLY 12e PER COPYl) . r A ur .M.~ AID YOU lilY "I THE MACHIIE OF YOUR DREAIIS! (see Clltesl.1I I. litis m.J -------------------------------------------------SEND IN THIS BLANK TO SUBSCRIBE ...... _II •• Cyci. N_s for 2 ,urs (.... 2IICI class .aIIl 0 $12.10 _ _ _ Crde_lor_,.. ... 2IIlIdass_On... 11IIsl•• _ _....... _ _ _ Crde ...... _ , . . ..·lInldass_O ~ PlUM _ _ Crclt .ftS lor _ ,.. YO' Aor l?t.... etecll . . . _ AtI. .ss _ . City Stale eye LEN E W S ZI' o lo

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