Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The Stoddard family of Norwalk literally sparkled In the brllht sunshine with their Illver lame vests. The dress Jud,ln, lOt under way at 9 a.m. Sunday mornln, and was based on unlfonn I aid COltumes only. TOPPERS'BIG BEAR RUN Bob Decker draws names for trophies aid awards the field even't winners their earned ,old la'Saturday afternoon at Good Luck Camprlfound near Fawnskin. 307 riders entered the Topp.'s M.C.'s 4th Annual BII Bear run, July 8th and 9th. fIRE AND ClASHES PRODUCE WILDEST SPROCKETS NIGHT ua by Stan Coffee saturday night, July 15th, was one of the wildest nights in Sprockets history. If you happened to be a spectator, you couldn't ask for more excitement. The nerve-wracking delays that bug the competitors were the result of some of the mo st unusual happenings ever witnessed by this reporter. Fire! Solo S..epatakes • .,t to Robert Haller of South San Gabriel. Followln, the trophy awards, the cycllstl ,.tnmed to Fawnlkln and danced to the music of the lIaverlcks from Rialto. Ronnie Halllker, a 5'U" memll.of the Jasper' I "'C. of Ontarlo .011 the Umbo con'-It clearlnl lIIe rod less than a foot from !be IfllUnd. LICENSE EXAMINERS TACKLE CYCLE TESTS California's automobile license examiners met near Long Beach last weekend in an effort to improve motorcycle license examination s. Road rider representative Bob Adsit and ind ustry reps Joe Hope. Don Brown, and Bill Wall gave information and answered questions from the License Examiners. Adsit said that the purpose of the organized rood clubs represented by him is "to show motorcycle riding in a favorable light to'the public and to give others enjoyment." He admitted in response to a question tbat road riders have no program for teacbing safe riding to new motorcycle riders. A lively discussion got going regarding the pros and cons of A.B. 978. the motorcycle danger bill, wbich is being debated in the state Ie gislature. Afterwards tbe examiners saw demonstrations of cycle testing procedures which they will be able to put to good use. The craziest affair of the evening was the 250 Amateur-Expert Semi. Before one lap could be completed, Jim O'Hara lost it in the sweeper and rolled into the path of a group of trail riders. After the dust cleared, it looked as though half the pack was littering the track and a re-start was called. As the group rounded the first turn, Pete Fife, who was just coming out of the pits after repairing the damage sustained in the first mishap, went up over the berm and gave chase. Before Pete had a chance to pull in behind the group, his Sprint burst into flames. Mr. Fife did an Evel Knievel-type bailout, rolled around until he extinguished himself and then stood helplessly by while a half dozen bystanders set a new world's record for moving dirt from the track to the burning Sprint. A fire extinguisher was on the scene immediately. but the dirt throwers were so involved in their task that its operator had a hard time getting near the bike. After everyone calmed down, it was discovered that the major damage was done toPete's pride (ouch) and the race ran off as scheduled. berry rode a Ducati, Amateur winner Don McKay was up on a Bultaco and Mike Taylor set astride a Harley Sprint. Horrendous Honda -Miglty" Mike Lane, the ninety pound wonder, once again compiled more points towards the bantam weight and lightweight championship with a double victory in the 100cc and 200cc classes. Avery Hllnsley grabbed the Amateur win behind Lane for the umpteenth time on his -Horrendous" Hodaka and Pete Willis got back in the groove after a run of bad luck to cop Amateur honors on his 200cc -Bul." The l00cc Novice Main was a feather in the cap of Ron Tobey, the guy who makes Mike Lane look like the Jolly Green Giant. Tobey was followed by Jerry sanders and the "little giant" David Matthews. Before the day's action began Ron Spillman announced that he was going to win the 350cc Nov-Am. class or crash vigorously. Ron wasn't able to mus ter up the courage to crash. so he settled for the first place trophy. Louie Wood, who can always be counted on to provide some tight racing, came across in the second spot. The 500 Novice go was billed as a District 37 benefit race. Tbe -Southland Wrecking Team" swept the first five positions to shut out the local gang. Joe Garban led Wes McAlister, • Steve Chambers, Alan Gibbs and Dick Zike r across the tille. Who knows, maybe you too can zap the Bakersfield troops? Altnough things ended late due to the aforementioned delays, the spectators were still clamoring for more wben the curtain came down. Members of tbe Sprockets want to extend a hearty thanks to those wbo journeyed north from the "Big Threeseven" and promise that things will be bigger and better on the 29th of July. Make the trip, YOU'll have a ball. (Results on page 16) TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN CYCLE NEWS Sperry Herds A Hog The open Am-Ex. affair featured the most varied cacaphony of sounds ever heard. The throaty thump of the Matchless of Sid Payne contrasted sharply with the powerful throb of "Digger" Helm's KHR (a flat head Harley) very well piloted by -Mickey Mouse" Jeff Sperry. A large group of Triumphs added to th'eaudio. Payne, riding strictly exhibition, had little trouble putting down the pack and since Clarence Pitman was injured in the heat race, Sperry herded the big -Hog" to the official win. Jeff is back in California for a while and he definitely looks like a consistent winner if he acquires a ride. Five Places, Five Brands Joey Brown jumped back in the winner's circle again with a faultless ride in the 250 Am~Ex. Main. Joey moved to the lead off the line and Ron -The King" Pierce. Don Hughes and Wayne Schmid t battled for second until Wayne and Don went down in a blaze of glory after attempting to pass Pierce's Yamaha. Frank Rose berry then moved into third allowing Experts to sweep the first three spots. Something that isn't seen too often on any track is five spots in a 250 race. Brown rode a CZ. Pierce was on a Yamaha, Rose- ·Oopl, lost It! Well, no harm done and at lust lIIat PhotolflPber II looklnl the oth. WlY. Maybe I can ,et,oln, apln bela,. he spots me, Ind no one will eve' kIlO.." CUCK! A.B.C. LEATHERS RACING SUITS - CIJrlce sp€';IJlize'i :~ repJP'> .lr',C J:lcrJ~ion~ Open Sat. Closes Mo". Cal" fOf E"e. Aopts. 91i':G Al~~ntd:. So. GJte. Ph: 55 ..... 71)0 ~DiW 24 HR. .''lW .. _ SERVICE OIl CALI. (2.13) 422-1909 1 .. E . " - - " , ~ _c.IIt"*tS

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