Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ .... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . .. . .... ... .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . ...... .. .. . . . . . .. ~ ~ WORLD'S LEAST EXPENSIVE ADa.. VERTISING (How can you beat It? ..... R.adl 2l.00Cl readtrs for only $1.) <0 0> ..... = Calli In on Cycl. NlWs clrtlliatlon! 0... ord. II ves you all II stln, for only $1 a w.k! Let '11II know JOU' .. ther" Jusl call or writ., IIvln, us lb. name of your, branclSlianiIT.d. CYCLE NEWS' IplClalty, address, phon. number and slopn and encloll $50. W.'II t.1I ,vlI}'body! On. lasts you aU fur-Mall 10 Cycl., Duler Dlreclory, or call us coll.ct. DeaJM,~~~ D~f8iig RATES: $50 per year (!ill issues) for each single business listing, payable in advance, Write or phone OREGON SAN fRANCISCO CI) T.II lb.m "LOOK ME UP IN CYCLE NEWS' DEALER & SERVICES 01' RECTORY!" BE FIRST: The flrsl business IIsl.d In a IIstrlct &Its the h.adln, all to himself (unUi Ih. competltl on c~ches on). ~ :c: J~'---------::-. ARIZONA (.) BU&>DY STUBBS-ARIZONA H-D. Servo inc all of Ariz, Compl.te slock of ,vlI}'thlnefor H-D. Four factory-trained mechanics. Open 9-6 Mon.-Sat. 2507 E. McDowell Rdo, Pho.nlx, 35008. Tel: (602) 275-7677. BARSTOW Say "HI" to Hank & Solo Suzuki alth. DESERT CYCLE CENTER, 27117 W. lIaln St.. Barstow. Th. frlendllesl shop & only .Cycle News dlr.ln Barstow. If your name was In lasl Issue eet a free copy from us. Mon thru Sat. 9 a.m.6 p.m. Tel. 256-2489. CORONA FLOYD BURK dbs CORONA MlC CENTER We have Honda, Triumph, BIIW, Greeyes & Hodaka. Cenlrally located for Orane' & RIYerside Counties. Open 6 days. Half·mll. N. of Riyerside Fwy. 620 N. Main al Riyer Road (714) 735'5600. CIRCLE CITY CYCLE CENTER-Hon... BSA& BuI.Complete parts& hu,. IYC. dlpt. Splld tWllne specialists f'l' Hon. Take Corona tum off 10 Walnut (nrsl Slreel) across freeway to 525 Maple St. (714) 735-4101 Corona. -------~IIIIIIII----. CUIYER aTY HONDA CULVER CITY - Hon., BSA, Hod. "See Johnny DISlmon." sales, sve:., parts 28 yrs. of motorcycle experlence.4421 Sepulveda, Culver City. (1 blk. off San DI.CO Fwy.,) 391-6217. '109 Mon.-Fri., Sat. 9-6. MARTY'S FOREIGN MOTORS _ BMW SALES-SERVICE-PARTS EX PER T SERVICE FOR Il/C & CARS 4235 S.. IIlIlveda Blvd. CulYer City San DI.CO Fr.way-Culver Blvd. off ramp Mon.· Fri. 9-7 Sat. 9-5 T.I. 391-5730. TED EVANS lIotorcycle Sales and Servic.. Complete lin. of accessories for Triumpll and Yamaha. Sireel and speed tunln, our specialty. Open dally 9 til ii, Sat. a to 5 closed SUn. & lion. 13347 W. Walllln&ton BIYd.,(213) 390-3406. 'IfGLfWOOD ____________ ONE STOP CYCLE SHOPPING - Authorl.d dlr.for Hon., Trl., G.... BMW, lIont. Sales, Svc. parts & Ins. Bill Honda-Trlumpll, 1257 S. La :~ :~t'SI:'o~~:-d, 678·5035. "Th. INGLEWOOD HARLEY-DAVIDSON 901 N. La Brea Blvd. Authorized H-D dlr. for In,lewood area. Speclallzln, In Road riders access. & parts for all mod. Fully eqpd, Sye. dept. wt lb fact. trained mech s. Open Tu.s.-Sat. 9-6.671,7609. LODI STOVER'S CYCLE CENTER 840 S. Cherok. Lane, Lodl. Sal.s, paris sve, for Tri., Nort., Duc., Kawa. & Mont. Lar,est&moslcomplel' m/c SYC. shop In Ladl. Frame stral&ht.nine, alum..arc. &,as w.'clne. "The Comp.tltlon Center of Lodl!' T.I,(209) 361-4997 open Tues. -Wid. 9 !:: 9, Thurs. Ihru Sal. 9 10 6. lONG BEACH DALE BROWN II,ICs, 2441 Lone Beach 1IIvd., Lon, Beach, 427.,,941. Due., Nor.. Bol., Muslan, • Suz. Compl.te parts' svc.Ask abDut our II scountclub, HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF LONG BEACH 3654 Lon, Beach BIYd.,426-7101.H-D deal. for Lon, B.ach Area. Full line or parts & acc:ls. for both Road & Compo rI . .s. Top quality svc.. fully equlpp.d sve, ...t. 011" T.....Frl. 8-6, Sat. til 5. JOE KOONS SALES & SERVICE·BSA, BMW, SUz. & Vespa. Full parts & ac' c.s. for all mak.s. Lar,. qual. sve. dept. fully staff.d with :ralned mech" Brin, In your bike & Sll what we can do, 1350 E. Anaheim, Lon, Beach, NORM BEEVES-PARAMOUNT, Honda, 591·7159 open Mon. Ihru Sat. 8-6. BSA BMW, Bu'., Hod., Los Ane.les JENKINS SPORT CENTER. yam. Dlr. area's BIGGEST dealer. Mall order for Long Beach Area. Top of Slenal Parts depl. Huee Servlc. Dept. 15745 HIII.We service all. Open 7. days 9-6 In Lakewood Blvd. Call ME 0-4313. Long Beach, 2620 E. Pacific Coast S&J HA(lLEY-DAVIDSON - 16211 S. Hwy. (213) 433-99n7• Lakewood BIYd.. B.Ilf1ower. Tel. ME LONG BEACH TRIUMPH SALES, 624 4-1222. Paul Lass. Laree selec.of new W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Lone Beach. & used molorcycles. Write for mall 436-0158. "Best servlc. available, spe- order parts new or us.d. clallzlne In· Trl.,Yam.,Due. SOUTHEASTERN L.A. EASTERN L.A. Area COMPTON A.J. LEWIS-4800 S. Atlantic BIYd., E. Los Aneel.s, 264-0S44. Compl.le machine shop. "If you wanllt special, we make It special.' Triumph & Yamaha. JACK SIMMONS Molorcycl. Sales & Servl c•• Norton, Suzuki, Ducatl, Matchless. Servlc. our speclallJ- complete machine shop, splld tunlne & h.llarc weldlne. Open 6 days Mon. throueh Fri. 9 a.m." p.m. 15514 So. Atlantic AY••, Com pion, Calif. Phone: 639-2777. ORANGE COUNTY AWARD MOTORS INC. Triumph, Honda, Bultaco, Suzuki & Ducatl. Speed luning & compl.le encln. work. Beach racine hdqlrs. Open 6 days a wllk.1680 Newport BIYd., Costa Mesa. (714) 642-4343. BELLFLOWER Il/C SHOP INC. 9135 E. Complon Blvd. (2 blks. E. of lakewood), Bellflower, 925·5093. 'We emphasize serylce." Trl., Yam., Rabbit. CITY CYCLE CENTER - Complete line .of Yamaha & Triumph. Full line of parts & Compo service dept. Completely slocked for .yery .nthuslast. 'Come In & take a fr. test ride." 842123 Rosemead, Plco Rivera 861-4139. ROBERT Iol. LAW MlC SALES & SVC. 239 N. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, (714) 533-1309. oW. specialize In aft.-sales service." Triumph, Yamaha, Greens. LE BARD & UNDERWOOD, 221 E. Imperial Hwy., La Habra, phone 714/ 879-8252 or 213/691-3104, 'Servlce Is our mlddl. nam.·. BSA. Honda, BMW. Also now al 18351 Imperial Hwy.. Yorba Linda. JUST SEND IN YOUR LISTING wltll check for $50 and we'll do the ORANGE COUNTY'S TWO STROKE HDQTRS.-Sales & Service, Whll' Sporv Cycle Center, 2707 W. Flrsl St., Sanla Ana, Calif. (714) 547.,,783. Excl. White sporvCycle Dlrshlp. Servo all makes. NORM REEVES-ANAHEIM, 224 N.Anahelm Blvdo, 535-3647. Oranee Counly's blUest Honda-BSA-Hodaka-Bultaco dlr. Complet. parts & servlc. dept. ED KRETZ & SON CYCLE SHOP, 417 Eo Garv.y Ave., Monlerey Park. AT 08244. Trl., Hon., IIIolW & Suz, Compl. parts & svc. Ex. lunlne & mech. work. STEVE HURD MOTORCYCLES-Kawa. BMW, Match., Nor., Gr..., Due., Mon.., Hodo Matchless paris ealore. Servl c. & parts for what we sell. 1405 Olympic Blvd., Monlebello (213) 724-0466. HONDA OF TEMPLE CITY, 9228 E. Las Tunas, Temple City. AT 7-5949. Hon. & Gree. for Northeast area. Parts ,a lore &sn.loo. Show room open Mon. ·Sat. 9-6. Shop open TU's.·Sat. f.6. CENTRAL Los Angeles Don'l do It 10 supporlthe sporl- S.nd In your IIsUne for JOur own cood! En' clos'$50.Cycl. will do the .. st. WESTERN l.A. PETE JOSEPH'S HOUSE OF YAMA' HA- BSA, BMW, Bultaco, Yamaha sales, sye, & parts. No down pmnt. O.A.C. Open Mon. thru Sat. 8:30-S:30. MWher. Ih. slars buy lb.1r 2.wheel cars." 11975 Santa Monica BIYd., 1 mil. Wesl of S. Di.CO Fwy. Call GR 3. 6717 for pickup and deliYery service. HAPCO MOTORS • Hon., Hod., Kaw. SaI.s-Svc·Parts-lns.·Rentals. PorUne for all 4-slroke brands. Our reputation Is bullion S.rvlce. 11637 Pico Blvd.,W.L.A. GR8-G984. Open 7 days. 8:30.7. MISSION HILLS Il/C SALES & SERVICE 8730 S.puIYeda. BSA & Duc. "We stock the spa .. s for what we sell." See our n.w slo... 785-4289. TED'S Imports-Tri. Sales & Syc. Competition desert blk.s ..ady-to·wln In stock. 'We will take cars In trad••" 11726 Santa Monica BIYd., W. Los Aneeles, GR 3-1101-open 7 days. NORTHEASTERN L.A. SUZUKI MONROVIA, Monroyia's only Hustler outl.t! Drop by for a cup of coffee In our alr-cond. showrooms. Bam -9pm Mon-Fri., Sat. 9-6. Closed Sun. 147 Eo FoothllI BIYdo,Monrvla.358·2511. CRESCENTA VALLEY SPORT CY· CLES 7139 Foothill Blvd., Tujunea, Calif. 91042. 352·5917. Yam.. Hod.. Kaw.. Sales & Svc. Speed eqpt., complele Insurance, 10K nnanclne5.Eo CHUBBUCK H-D SALE$-Ho. . of the Road Riders. "We specialize In Personalized Servlc..• 1361 E. Walnut St., Pasadena. (213) $V 2·1300. PACIFIC rlONDA"'onlesa ·No.Cal Hq. for the Spanish mlc of Inlernational p..sti,••" F.aturlng Paclnc TT spec. svc."Parts-access. & Tech. comp.lilion lunlne avail. Mon.·Sat. 9·7. Pac. Hon 630 Palm.tto, Pacifica, Cal. 359-0167'. DUDLEY PERKINS CO. H·D Il/es. Sales, SYC., exp. repair. of all makes, ,.nuln. H·D parts. ·W. ship anywhere yla mall order.' & all m/c enlhuslasts welcom•• 655 Ellis St. San Francisco. T.I. PRospecl 5-5323: SAN DIEGO GUY URQUHART - Triumph, Yamaha· sal.s. TrTumph, Yamaha, Indlan, Ariel & Cushman parls-1 day mall order serYlce. 1041 Columbia SI.. San Dleco. SAN JOSE IIIII~""IIIIII-------- WHEN TRAVELING NEAR SAN JOSE STOP & VISIT SAM SR. & SAM JR: Compl.l. parts & all for H-D Flne svc. dept. Vlsilors welcom•• Sam Arena,H-DProducls2921 Monterey Rd. San Jose, 227-0123. TORRANCE HOCKIES MOTORCYCLES - Sales & sve., 2202S S. Flcueroa St., Torrance. Harbor Fwy.-earson St. turnoff. (213) 328-1242. BSA Gr.. Ossa Hodo Also ulld bikes. B;sl parts supply In 'town W. svc. what w. sell. Compl. mach: sho....EXp. lunln, & lnech. work. Hours 10-7 Open Sun., closed Mon. Used MCs & Par's JIM'S CYCLE SHOP "Used parts HdIl. In th. west." We buy & sell uud Il/C parts, tIIs!. tanks & wheels. Chrome exch. Used Il/C's. Sales & Repairs. ROEH R BROS. (Sports Life) 341 N. Batteries & tires. 15 Jfs. sam. loca. ~Ienoaks Blvdo, Burbank 842-4841 or 11155 Atlantic Ay.LJIlwood NE 2-429a. 849-4921 U.S. 01 strib. for Van Tech. Due., Nort., lIatch.!.Hodo, R.Eo, Kawa.. - - - - - - - - - - - - VelFri. Yam!/. OSSA hurs. ...MOntesa. 9-9 Mon. & 0., 9-6 TUes.-' SERVICES SANTA MONICA BARNEY'S MACHINE SHOP 15745 HARLEY-DAVlbSOIl III LOS ANGELES Lakewood Blvd., Paramount. 63+-3545. (Rich IIudelier Co.) 2531 S••• In Street, • POSSlIAN SCOOTER & CYCLE CO NIW Cylinder borlne- We make anythlne. L .... RI ',6235. fOL.,est H·D Ie. & used. Parts & SYCo for Brl d., Kawa., prices. ValYes, manifolds, ..d p'" h..d"".I.... In U.S C.II Gil., Ossa, V.sP.. Lamb., & Rabbit. fork braces, skid plates. Valve seats for plekup or d.IIY.ry ....Yle•. 2701 Plco BIYd. Sanlallonlca 392·1723. Insalled. Fork lubes any len&th" CoB MOTORS-Bultaco sales. W. S'lt. FLORENTINE'S CUSTOM WELDINGall makes. VII II ers spares. Trail, streit Gas, arc, hellarc, primary crankcase, or sports; we fllllbe bllI.C harll. Hockl. ,as &011 tank repair, steel & alloy weld, & Bill Thorwal dson.l149 W. El Secondo ROY'S Il/C SHOP, 12461 Westminster, 3059 VerduCO Rd.. Los An,eles 90065. MASON 1I0TORS, Trl., Yam. Compl. Phon. 221·1579 or 242-9182~Ivd., Gardena. (213) 756-1669. Sanla Ana. "Oran,. County's oldest esIns. pro,ram for all. Compl. sal ...partslabllshed Honda d.aler· Honda, Trl· umph, 1I0nlesa. (714) 531-0742. svc. Op.. 9-6. Tues.,, Thurs. & HERBUTCH MACHINE SHOP (atLon, Beach Honda) Speclallzln,ln: "Borin, Sat. 9-9 Fri. 3360 E. Colorado St., "SllIylne "Valve Grlndln,"SeatGrind,. Pasadena, (213) 795-0267. IRV SEAVERM/Cs-BSA BMW, SUZUki, InC "Valve S.ats "Head Portln, "Head Vespa, Cushman Irucks. 2402 N. Main, KOLBE CYCLE SHOP 22420 DeIVall., & Cylinder Surfaclne "Th. Only GenuSanla Ana. Tel. 542.,,691. Woodland Hills. 018·7865. Yourfrlendly Ine Lllch Guides & Collars "Bored nelchborhood duler for BSA, Honda & Cylinder Exchanee On Hondas" Free Bultaco. Complet. parts & sve. dept. SKIP FORDYCElI/C CENTER. "We've Pick Up & Delivery "Fasl ServIce, CASEY'S CYCLE REPAIR-BSA-Bul. n.n told Its Am,,1 ca' s most comp I.te 423-1433, 5105 Atlantic, Lon, Beach" -----------ARTESIA CYCLE CENTER-Suz.,hodo Hodaka. S'lt. for most. Compl. machln. & modem m/c center.' Hon., H-D., Trl. JACK O'BRIEN PAINTING-eus. lank sa'IS-SVC. all makes, sp.d tonlne, shop. Open Tues. tbru Sat. 9-6, 10249 Main all4th Sts. Riverside 0\1 4-4747. & helmet paint., fI_elass work, compl. wreck rebuild., wn.1 lacln, & fork 12539 Eo Carson Blvd., (213) 860-13140 San Fernando Rd., Pacoima. 896·1046. slral chtenlnc, II re hardenlne. Fr.. pick. up & del. to dlrs. 2a34 Colorado Ave.. CUSTOM CITY SPORTS CENTER R_ BUD EKINS MlCs In Sherman Oaks. Santallonlca451-43.l7open 6 days 8-6. tal-Sales & Syc. Yam., Minl·blkes, 14460 Venlura Blvd., Call 872-2110. SEE JUNKY JOHN-John Smith Motor· MOTORCYCLE SERVICE CENTER. TOlecots, mlc Irallers, CUlt. acc's. "Buy from Bud." Trl. & Hondas. cycl. Parts. N.w & Used- Many Bul.-Hodo W. service all m/cs. Compl. S. us b.fore you deal, buy, sell, Irade 15721 S. Atlantic, Compton, NE 6-1957. INTERNATIONAL Il/C CO., 7233 Ca- brands- Mall Order. Insuranc., motor- mach. 1II0p for tIIslom work. 220 Eo noea Ay••, Canoga Park. Ph: 346·3700, cycles financed-no down. Manuals, Huntln,ton Dr., MonroYIa. Open 6 days CROWELL CYCLE SHOP,10427 Pralrl. 1000' s of used parts. Cylinder reborlne lools ete. for do-It· 5600 8-6.Nell Fercus: Gary Griffin 357-2274. Franklin BIYd., Sacramento, Calif. Av.., InellWood. OR 3-9573. Malch., Trl., Yam., Hodo, Montesa. 95a24. Phone (916) 422-2420. Hod., Bul. Compl. parts & Svc. for all makes. Open 6 days 9·7. PASADEIfA NORTHWESTERN L.A. RIVERSIDE SOUTHERN L.A. 101M. CAUfOa'A HONDA OF GARDENA 15515 S. Wesl· ern Ave., Gardena. Ph: 770-0603 or 323-13140 Belin. prl.lraln. course, free rldln,lnst.Comelnorcall for full Info•. LAWNDALE CYCLE- SUL BSA, V.loc.tte, Ducatl. "Best dealer In town!' sp.dy 1-day servlc. Is our standard. 15324 Hawthorne BIYd. Telephon.: SP 2-1122 - 676-0161. NORM REEVES-DOWNEY, Honda, BSA, BMW, Bol.' Hodaka. Lar,est selection ofn.w and used II,ICs anywher.. Modern parts and _vice dept. "We Iradt for aaytbln, of val...•• 9536 Eo Flreston. Blvd. a69-06oo. SOUTH BAY HONDA 1212 S. Pacific Coast Hwy., R.dondo Ikh.. Self-servlc. I13rts dept., bank flnanclne. Open 9-9 ..... lIIru ~ Tel. 378-9257. SUBSCRIBE IfOW & BUT THE RUSH HONDAROSA-Sal.s and S.rvlce for Honda, Brldeeslone, Van·Tech and Tot..Gole. Race tunlne for 2 and wycl. enelnes. Expansion cham_s, racln, pipes. Phon.: (213) 360-6101. • 17733 Chats· worth Blvd., Granada Hili S. GLENDAU HONDA OF GLENDALE. 'Where you me.lth. nlcesl peopl .." Laree stock of parts. Flnesl & courteous per· sonnel. Sure would like 10 milt JOu al 905 Eo Colorado St. In Glendale, Just across from Bob's BI, Boy. 246·2461. SACWlBfTO JOE SARKEES - MOTORCYCLES. Triumph, Honda, Ducatl, BMW. sales, Servlc. and parts. Custom parts and accessori.s. Same day mall order sel" Ylce, anywhere. 2509 Broadway, Sacramenlo, Calif. Phone (916) 457-oaa5. SAN BERNARDINO HARRISON RENO-Honda-BMW-Sales& SYC, Parts & Low cost Ins. for all. Our 30th year In lbe mlC buslness. Op.. IIon-Fri 9-6, Sat. 8:30-5. 208 East Base Line. TU 9.0504. THE TWO WHEELER-Triumph, SUzuki, Bultaco. Home of Champions. Full parts, Servl ce and Access. One block west of Inland Center, 867 W. Colton Ave., San Bernarllno. P'*'e TU 5-3445. INSURANCE MOTORCYCLE, MOTOR SCOOTER Liability Insuranc., low as $32,00 year, (motorcycle, motor scooter Insuranc. our only Phone 295-2054 or writ. for application, California Motorcycle Dealers Association, Box 43262, Los An,el.s, 90043. Uf. & Health Insuranc. for Molorcycle Racers (& friends). "We're tilt flrst to Insure racers wlthoul p..alty or r.. structlons." Jim lIannln, (1I.0.N_Y.) 530 W. 6th St. (D_town LA) Los An,eles, Calif. 90014 Tel. 627-0445. "THEIIOTORCYCLE INSURANCE WRITER" since 1937. Fire, theft, comp.. P.O. & II. I. Indlvldllal motorcycl. Insurance and Dealer Insurance.JOHNMAYNARDIIlSURANCE. 3447 Motor A..... Los All,. eles, Calif. 836-5211.

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