Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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lIy EJizIIINItb , aulke Ye , it is your charger, your stallion, YOUT clipper ahip. It is your wild 'te Pegasus to b-ear au to the eights. It is your bright mena, where you can't cancei ve of losing The beavy weight, the welter weight, t.m bantam weight fights. W ve Quoted to you averages, relatives, statistics; We've shown you many pictures of a hundred different wrecks, But a glory undiminished, an untold wind companionship Hazes jX>SstbWt ies tba.t fr1ellds.Gd lllI ex. Y h wDl go ·a-cl2lKlUe]W1g in&, a- en • .God keep you tn your vels lUld bring 011 safely biLek, 'lth star on your es, .cheeks 'Stained with cdmtion ~ Sacramento's Burch Cordt!L, ayiDg road racilJg for the second time, got on bis fmDt brake a little hard aDd [Upped lIis 500cc Trillmph. He was dobJg aroDDd 130 wilen he went down at Carlsbad. He spent 28 days in the San Diego Hospital before they brou"gllt him home. 1augb .e:r, To lIIlltu:rity, cOllte-ntment,.aml which now you lack! ... It tty Boiores The Fort Sutter MIC, one of the oldest cwbs in orthern calif., held .a benefit race at Folsom, calif. July 15th.It was a short tmck which took place in the Folsom, Amphitheater, and a short one it a:s. elIrly 1200 dollars were collected to help pay Butch's medical bill. Ray Vatne took a Quick lead in the 250 Amatear event only to lose it to Jim Kimma, from Ray's Cycle in Vallejo. Jim broad lid all the ~ay around the track, all wed Ray to catch with him and then pulled • On one p he sucked Ray into the corner so flIT he w ot down. Child ss kept up his winJ ni ays by taking the 100 Amateur in. Jam s doesn't like riding in the pack so be moves aut front as soon as can. Ee isn't as smooth as some but he bas 11 winning style and he isn't afmid to blast his way through. Gary Willis also showed good form by taking second. 'Kami &Ze SIaow Roger Oliver showed the !aDs bow to hit the fence, get his feet knocked otf the pegs, and laying flat on his stomach ride wildly around trac' He finally brought his bucking machine under control to come in third. His kamikaze ride was the high light of the 175 Main. Carl Cmnke another of Nor-Cal's up aDd coming riders was there with his potent Ttinmph C.ub. carl aDd cal Simpson put on 11 riding display not non to be forgot en. Riding side by 'Sid , they thr w the bikes into the cornel'S and were so clo e that you could have covered them with a posta e stamp. They leaned their machines so far over that the handle bars were kicking up more dust tban the rest of the bik • Lap after latJ it was this way, as if lIIllll and machine ere one. Back in the pack Tim Cli and Gordon card ere bavi their own battle, changing places ack and forth. Old,.i 81'S HI. VI! A 0-0 During intermission th re was a senior citizens race featuring mo orcycle dealers Al Lauer, James Childress, Joe sarkee, Mel Ellis, and John Cox. Mel Ellis won the event by .riding smooth and easy. Cox badalitt1e trouble but Childress seemed to have the most fun. One could ee "WlJere his son gets his ridi style. Childre s was broad -sliding and falling down all at the 'Same t' • ThE\Y were all fun to watch, egpecially iDee this was t first time any of them bad b en on a track in a long time. You've heam about Paul Bunyon And John Henry, too Maybe you haven't b.eard of hank Wheeler cause bis lesend i new. A gian t lDlID, he stands 6 lOOt.5 And even takiD'£ way the 'B.S. He wei.8bs 2 hun dred and 35. He's rode that Hodaka Trail BjJce Down to Baja, now up to Alaska, too "Wheelie's" the _ , cycliag's the He'll be in the LeBelJO HaIl of Fame. He's traveled aero a lot of miles And c1ilDbed up a 10 t J) f bills .Just to see what WlI5 on the other . e Looking 1m new tbril1 • In arch of aaveotllre he'd travel by land Or cro the ocean blue And all the way Ire's Wheeling and Dealing He ma bis dreams C(JiI/e true. To Jide to Alaska was Wheelie's dream On a Hodaka Ace - only 110cc 7 thousand in all kind of weather A test of streagth it wnuld prove to be. That Alcan H.ilJbway is a lODg lUl1eSUlJ1.e lOad Famous for chuckhole and thick blindiag dust The HodaJca was carrying a migbty big load And a sign in big letter "ALASKA OR BUST". He was ~e 3 weeks on hi Icon Steed An endl11al1ce test, it was indeed His helmet IVat> scrateh.ed, ad his clothing wa tom But be made it back home, an.d this le«ertd was 110m. "':

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