Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• . • , DIST. 31 MEETING from page 1 A Question of the financial charges for the use of Prado Park trac k came up. A representative from the Greyhounds M.C. said that the fee they were Quoted for insurance was $155 but they had been charged $245. Jean Carter immediately as lied him if his club had sent out results for their previous desert event. and the Greyhound said they had. A rep. from another club said that he knew they had. he'd received his in the mail 2 wee ks ago. The discussion got back t:o Prado and 'l-Aces representative Tex Myers asked for a clarification of the system at that track. Darwin Ballard replied that in the Greyhounds' case. tbe $245 charge included $90 for the ambulance. and s po k e on other changes. DESERT For the desert riders, the following information came out of the meeting. There is to be no pre-practice at European scrambles events. Riders on the course prior to an event. wbether caught or observed, will be disqualified. The promoting club will be responsible for sending in offender's numhers to the Competition Committee. and the guilty will lose points for that day. Jean Carter pointed out that it is permissi ble to check out tbe route to tbe smoke bomb on otber type events, and that you can ride around the perimeter of European Scrambles events but not on the marked course. Also. on Hare and Hounds and Hare Scrambles it is not permissible to cbeck out the course tbe day before. As long as a desert course is marked you must stay OFF. Because of inquiries from authorities at a very recent desert event, from now on clubs are to provide separate toUet facUities for males and females, consisting of either a slit trench or pit, sbielded by burlap or other oPaque ma- SPEED CONTESTS at C,cleLand By Jobn Noffsinger At Cycle land Speedway inC hie o. July 30. Dave Klein from Reno, Nevada again on bis blue Honda beat everyone else in tbe 60cc Class. This machine simply appears to have to much steam for the other bikes in the class and Da ve knows bow to use it. There has been some rumor here that some of the other 60cc riders might pool their resources and bUY a protest to see if Mr. Klein is legaL Dick Turner of Red Bluff. Calif.• was second on his Honda; followed by Ron Smalley of Reno, Nevada on a Honda. Larry Bruckenstein of Orland, Calif.• riding a Hodaka starting from the 10yard line after a bad start when his engine stopped..• passed the entire field of riders to win by some 2 feet. He was followed by Manfred Heyrand. Oroville, Calif., on a Yamaha. Third was Gene Freize Oroville, Calif.• on a Honda. The l25cc class was won by Ted Bare of Red Bluff, Calif., on an Ossa; followed by Hank Roberts.Chico. Calif., aboard a Yamaha; and Bob Vaughan, Oroville, Calif.. also Honda-Mounted. Dave Veffredo from Chico on bis Bultaco won the Class 200cc Event. Second was John Dotson of Rio Vista on his Bultaco. Third, was Jim Me Donald of Willows on his Bultaco. The 250cc class found Bill Saltzman of Reno, Nevada breaking through the pack first and winning by a fair margin. George McCarty of Red Bluff, on his Honda (usual winner of tbis event here) simply could not get through tbe pack soon enough to catch Saltzman on his Bultaco. Third was Larry Lindberg of Red Bluff. on yet anotber Honda. HI·WAY KINGS 19 terial. Discussioo foDowed this with some arlUments 00 the subject, but the end resuJt was from now on this must be CYCLE WORLD inc. done. If motorcycling sbows a cooperative stand 00 this problem right now, we may avoid trouble. For example, San Bernardino County can require by law, a chemical toilet to be hauled in for every :lO persons. Kern and Los Angeles Counties will allow the pit or slit trench toUets for one-sbot events. Before discussion closed on this suI>ject, laughter resuJted wben a representative asked bow many mUes apart are these facilities to be on a run like the Greenhorn? Answer was in the pit areas on a run like that. Dick Kouns, Jack Rabbit representative, stated that as things were touchy enough in the desert anyway for us, we might just as well go along with this and co-operate before things really got tough. World's Largest Crcle Dealerl Ever in (J Bind? •• Keep Us in Mind! Most Complete inventory in Southern California 24 HOUR PARTS & ACCESSORIES Service 'Til 11 P.M. Mond•• Thru - sat. SIILES OFFICE OPEN 7 DA YS 'TIL .'DNIGHT LARGEST DEMONSTRATION & TRAINING TRACK SUPERVISED BY SPECIALISTS Over 400 Owing to complaints that the desert areas are being left littered after the running of events, the competition committee has recommended that from now on the authorities will be asked to check on the area after an event and report as to bow it was left. It m u s t be left CLEAN. The body voted to concur with this recommendation. Clubs and individual riders are asked to submit ideas to tbe Competition Committee regarding finisbing lines in tbe desert, (official and public). Also, it is recommended that no rider ever ride alone either cbecking things out or just riding out of sight of the pits unless he has a buddy along. Recently a rider fell and it was 9: 15 p.m. before searchers found him. trying to make his way back witb some burt ribs. Barstow M.C. requested achange from an Enduro to a Hare Scrambles event for Dec. 4tb. Discussion followed. with the point brougbt out that now Enduro points are separate from desert events, and the rule book recognizes two types of events oniy- beat starts and mass starts- they could change but tbere would be no points paid. Barstow reps. told the Committee that they would let them know very sbortly what their decision was. The meeting was closed with refer· ence being made to a large stack of printed letter forms tbat representati ves were asked to take with them for distribution. These are to be filled out with fulJ name and address and sent to your local committeeman or representative as they are a written protest to the closing of trails to motor-driven vebicles. It was pointed out that wben authorities get tbis type of • form letter" they usuaiJy just drop in the waste basket and that hand-written letters and cards are tbe only way. But Jean Carter pointed out that it was a simUar action that brought about a re-opening of bearings some time ago on the use of the Acton track and that if the authorities received a veritable Dood of these letters, printed or band-written. they would be forced to take notice. realizing that enough people were unbappy enough to do something about the situation. MOTORCYCLE BLESSING & BENEfIT RUN This family brought along a cycle trailer to the Boys Town benefit road run bosted Sunday by the HI-Way Kings and Andy Verone's Santa Monica Harley-DaYl dson agency. Bikes were blessed In reUglous service, then rode to secret destination for tbe trophy-giving. NEW Motorcycles on dIsplay T~~.~ YAMAHA. Big Selection of USED Bikes CYCLE WORLD, INe. 1812 Orangetllorpe, Buena. Park C1l4) 523-3111 (213) 868-2213 ;- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • = • = = • 5 • • • • • • • BSA 441 VlCTOIS All lRust go 'r e.d of August illll1ediate delivery KOLBE CYCLE two locations 22420 DeValle, Woodland Hills Tel. 348-7829 5THUNDERBOL T FULL : LINE OF BSA'S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • = • = = • 5 • • • • • • • 5 : _ •••..................... _ , • LIGHTNING ~ 7514 Reseda Blvd., Reseda Tel. 345-.'1678 , • 100% FinancingOAC -_..........---- SPITfIRE HORNET • HARLEV- DAVIDSON LONGBEAaI OF U SPECIAL" 1964 BONNEVILLE -- $895.00 3654 No. Long Beach Blvd. 426-7101 -

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