Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SUBSCRIBE HERE AND WIN THE MACHINE OF YOUR DREAMS BOum GATE RACE.AY 8/4/66 YES! You can win the machine of yoar dreams-adY motorcycle you desire, as long as it is available in the U.S. at the time the wiDDer is aDDoDDced 00 IVAN ODEN, lbe old "Iron MaD- of racl.n&. was able to repeat his WednesdaJ' nilbt performance by wiDninc both tile 250cc trophy dasb and main event. The only competition Ivan faced tblougbout lbe entire Thursday evening was high-point man tbis year in the 250cc class. Rick Woods. Rick and Ivan continued to battle for tbe high point position botb in tbe trophY dasb and the 250cc main, with Ivan getting away witb a tremendous start and bolding the front leading positioo througbout tbe entire event. Rick was not Quite as fortunate and did not get as good a start and was in fourtb position in tbe first lap, but througb the 100Iap main event. be slowly worked himself up into second position. Third spot was botly conteoded for by Doug Bolles on his Yamaba and Lee Stumpenbaus on a Greeves. Tbey continued to cbange positions throughout tbe main. witb Doug getting tbe edge on the last laP, JJU1ling into third sPOt and putting Lee into fourth. Tbe 50cc main event was again won by Paul Wilde on his Yamaha. Paul was not cballenged througbout the main event for first place position. but in bot contention for second was Bob Lindsay and Randy Layne. Tbe IOOcc tr~by dasb went to Keith Mashburn on his Honda. Keltb was unable to do anything better than fourtb position in tbe main event. Tbe main event winner was Dan Kelly on a Honda, but because of a protest and his refusal to allow inspection, Kelly was disqualified and Marty Endless from Canoga Park on a Honda was awarded first place. second place went to Paul Wilde on a Yamaba. IN CYCLE NEWS' NEW CONTEST .. ORANGE COUNTY SPEEDWAY 8/3/66 ......... • • FIRST PRIZE-THE MACHINE OF VOUR DREAMS exactly as described on yo.. contest entry blank, • SECOND PRIZE-Vour choice of brand new Honda 5-90 or Hodaka Ace-II. and all the way to FI FTI ETH PRIZES-Rare collector's item recording of Sal1lllY Tanner singing "The Flying Flea.' If you have not yet subscribed to Cycle News, DO IT NOW! Just fill out and send in the whole coupon below or a reasonable facsimile and we will record your entry in the contest and start sending you Cycle News every week by mail. Short of cash? Use your credit. Send no money and we will bill you later. Send in as many entries as you wish. Entries will be jodged on the basis of sincerity, originality and aptness of thought Two out of IIlr. rlclers at Dran,. tountJ Sp••dway By Patti Prestidge r-------SUBSCRIPTON BLANK--------, I ( check on.) I Please send me Cycle News for one year via 2nd ~Iass mail 0 $1,58. I I Please send me Cycle News fDr one year via first class mail 0 Sl2.50. I ( check on.) I I enclose cbeck or DIOney order 0 (or) Please bill me laterD I M• State I I DETACH AND MAIL TO CVCLE NEIS/ B0X49B/LONG BEACH, CAL. I f CONTEST ENTRV BLAHK _ . DIRECTIONS: Complete the statements i. 25 .ords, appl'lximately: "1 like Cycle News Because • • • • 1.1. III • • • • • II • • • • I" • I" ",., ••••,••• ,~ " ••, 1111'1'1'1 I t • • • • • • • • 1.1 •• 1 . 1 . I • • • • • • • • • • II 1111" " "., ••• , • • • • • • • • • • • • .. .. , , , , J •• II" 1.1 • • • • • • 1.1 • • • • • • 1.1 It •• I I ' " ' 1 ' •• 1 ••• I • • • • • • • t • • • • , . II II • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " ......... ,., .. ,.., . " ,."".".", " , " , .• Ilf I Win, the machine of my dreans is ........... , Dick Faria made a clean sweep, riding bis Ducat! to a total of four victories in as IIIlUlY races at Vallejo SPeedway Friday night. First off, be won bis beat race over So. CaI's steve Scott; &ben in a semi-final be look &be lead and won over Scott acain. From &be way these two racers were racing you'd UIink &bey were Siamese twins. Dick was one or &be riders in &be tropby dash, and or course (it was bis night) be won it and last week's wilmer Dusty COppage trailed in in fourth place. Come MaiD EveaWime Dick cot &be lead in from the pOle. There he stayed, unbeatable. There were two accidents, but they happily turned out to be minor. III the consolation race, 164z Martin _s slid into, causing him to go down. tbetI along came Rich carrera, who couldn't belp but hit lbe bike. AS a result we bad one pair of bandlebars sPlit in baH and another CO Oyinc. The boys were tallea into &be bospital and latter were released. ••SEE YA NEXT WEEK !!! SPECIAL RACE 1:35:82 Bobby Scally, Mt. View AI Geisler, Concord Cbarlie Martinez, Tara Hills .. .. , ,., , . .• ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU WISH. USE THIS COUPON OR ANY REASONABLE FACSIMILE. CONTEST IS NOT OPEN TO EMPLOYEES OF C&S PUBLISHING COMPANY OR THEIR FAMILiES. ----------------------------- 1:35:45 Butch Corder, sacramento Bob self, oakland John Fmser, santa Cruz Davy Bostrom. Daly City Tri Bul Bul H-D 1:32:84 Dick Faria, San Pablo steve scott. lbollllllDd Oaks Russ Powell, Tema Linda Dave Martin, ADlboic Due Bul Bul Suz 1:32:45 Duane MOUSY,Francisco,W.Creek Joe Pyle, sacramento Jim Hutzler, Oakland Jimmy PlaiD, Richmond Zip pm. to turn I.ft. FARIA SWEEPS VALLEJO VALLEJO SPEEDWAY August 5. 1966 Utess • Russ Robinson did it again - leading higb point man in tbe lOOcc class, be won tbe troplty dasb and the IOOcc Main Event. In the IOOcc main as well as tbe trophy dasb. Keitb Masbburn tried to unseat Russ. but couldn't do it and so he finished second in both events. Rick Woods was unable to do better tllan third in the IOOcc main. Tbe 50cc main event went to Paul Wilde, Second Place to favorite 250cc rider Pat Goscb. The 250cc Trophy Dash and Main Event were botb won by Ivan Oden on a Honda. In hot pursuit of Ivan, and coming up fast as a top challenger in the 250cc class, was Sal Acosta on his Bultaco. Third spot went to second Place, high-point man last year. Johnny Balaam. on a Bultaco. In spite of his previous wins and outstanding riding ability, high point man in the 250cc class Rick Woods was only able to manage fifth place IaS\ Wednesday night . HOW TO ENTER: If you are already subscribing to Cycle News, just fill in the bottom half of the coupon below and send it in to Cycle News "Machine of your Dreans' Contest P.O, Box 49B, Long Beach, Calitornia : City • PROTEST December 22, 1966. Is ais tile macllile a Sultscriller will wi.? 1 • Bul Tri Bul Hon 1:34:33 Dusty COppage, N. Hoilywood Byron Felcllalle, Concord KeUDY Weakley, Walnut Creek Terry Graham, saratoga Suz Bul Bul Bul No Time Ken Boyer, Martinez Don Smilb, Richmond Tom steele. Santa Rosa Dee Genung. Hayward BSA Yam Yam H-D l:30:lG-Fastest-N. Record Gus Lauer, sacramento Jimmy Kimura, Vallejo Dale Woolridce, Fremont Rich Carrera, Santa Rosa Bul H-D Bul Yam SPECIAL RACE 1:35:49 DanIIY Davies, Mill Valley Don Sbeppard, Vallejo Marty Grimbergs. ADtboic Jimmy Ebright, Hayward Fred Mark. Ricbmond Suz Bul Hon Bul Bri H-D Bul Bul SEMI I 2:03:16 Dusty Coppage., No. Hollywood Butcb ConIer, sacramento Byroa Feldbake, Martinez DRvy Bostrom. Daly City JoIm Fraser, Santa Cruz Suz Tri Bul H-D Bul SEMI D 2:00:75 Dick Faria, San Pablo steve Scott, TbouSRlld Oaks Dee Genag. Hayward Don SllJitb, Richmond Due Bul H-D Yam SEMI ID 1:58:32 Gus Lauer, sacramento Duane Francisco, Walnut Creek Jimmy Kimura, Vallejo Joe Pyle, sacramento Dick Carre(ll, santa Rosa Bul Bul H-D Tri Yam TROPHY DASH Dick Faria, San Pablo Duane Francisco. Wainut Creek Gus Lauer, sacramento Duc Bul Bul CONSOLATION 2:02:09 Davy Bostrom, Daly tlty Ken Weakley. Walnut Creek Rosell Powell. Tema Linda Don Smith. Ricbmond JoIm Fraser. santa Cruz H-D Bul Bul Yam Bul MAIN 3:46:37 Dick Faria. San Pablo D _ Francisco, W. Creek Gus Lauer, sacramento Dasty Coppage, No. Hollywood Butch Corder, sacramento Byron Feldlake, Concord steve Scott, 1000 Oaks Joe Pyle, sacramento Due Bul Bul Suz Tri Bul Bul Tri

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