Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- 20 STREET - TRACK - HillS - DESERT dJ&W0 531.99!.4 e ~7ill~@[3 ~2~:OK~::~:" • 531.9303 @@C!JGJ1?)7 @)7@00 @~~m~ SAT. & SUN. 9:30 • 6:00 205 N. HA RB OR, SA NTA ANA. CLOSED TUES. 1 b I 0 c k fro m B 0 I sao n H arb 0 r ~ YAMAHA & RENT AlS r"'jjjjijj"iiiiiij" "'1 'SA j • • • • • · • • • • • • • • • • • • • tJ. ~ 1966 8811 IM.. ~J. ""- " . - - I... "'dilutf ~ oa. • 4IDcJ. tMJ ...J, ID Wi, , ;",.kJi","ltml _ "*- /,41, • VICTOR IJ. wiNNT,,,t ""-.IJ. CfI"~! : ~- : : • '."§ 8,#~A 11.,,1/1 : : : 11'1 C.llfomla'lliert Lawwlll Iralled .., Roa. R.lman In a ••cllina Santa F. Sp_dwa, fUlure .....t. C,cllna IlIowl on the Ill1noll cia, oval ar. h.ld W.clnescla}' lit 1:30. Th. AIIA·sanctlon.d events are h.ld .., Ill. "a,wood lIuslanas. ISPA pholos. ev." the National Circuit AROUND THE COUNTRY WITH THE CALIFORNIANS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ TIlUNDBIIBO£T BPI77'IIIB Mle U ~ ~ tMUJ Mtuioe at IJ. NJiio,,'4. ~- ~ Long Bea(h Honda • : 5105 ,.... G' 3-1433 • • : 4321 E. AI".iII 439~ : c•••.••••••••••••.•.•••••..••.................••......•••• CYCLE WRECKING YARD All Mak.1 All 110.11 TOM CLARK'S C,cl. Speclaltl.s 725 llIl Street (209) 524-2955 lIo.sto, Calif. • •• • •WHITEMAN RESULTS ••• : : • ~:J ~~~c~;..c~~::s : : 'ALHAMBRA HONDA : : • : Walcil us lit Cotati 1448 W. Main street Alhambra, Califomla (213) 281-7143 : : • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (Continued from last week) This week started with another cook· out. Everybody had to have another one. This time there were bamburgers, and Boy 0' Boy! tbere were a lot of them! The next nigbt, July 27. was the regular Santa Fe short track and I'm sure the most exciting one so far tblS year. Tbe races were run on tbe big track. The half-mile, which is done tbe last Wednesday of every montb. Mert Lawwill was back again, after going borne for tbe TT Nationals. In tbe tirst heat Mert ran second to Fred Nu. In the second beat it was Dan Welty taking tbe win. Darrel Dovel second and Amateur Jack McNairy third. In the third beat it was Roger Reiman taking the win, after being gone for two weeks, and Bart Markel was second. I'm sure Bart came to look over the track, preparing for tbe short track National here on August 26. In the dash it was Fred Nix acaln takinc the win with Mert secood. Jim McMurreo was last. He was placued wllb motor problems bere as weU as in his beat. This put bim oat for the final. N11 won the first semi and Markel won tbe second semi, and Men was second. Tbe final event was really something. At tbe start it was Nix out in tront and the pack was really close behind him. Mert Lawwill crasbed in turn three on tbe first lap. Then Roger Reiman fell coming out of turn two and Welty ran into him. He suffered a leg il\iury. This called for a re-start and again Nix took the lead. Then Nix's bike Qult.coming out of turn two on about the third lap. Markel Ibeo went on to take the win and the spectators went wild. Darrel Dovel bad also pulled off and Wit left four riders to finish the final event. John Lemme was second, John Tihen was third and Keith daler, (an amateur), was fourth. (For the foUowinc week's Santa Fe outcome, see report in this Issue.) Friday morning everyone went to Mt. Pleasant. Iowa for a half-mile there tbat night. Mt. Pieasant was anotber fair date, with the track located in the tairgrounds. During practice tbe track was dusty, but as soon as the sun went down it became moist and tacky. much like Ascot. It was like a national, witb pienty ot bot talent. There were eleven national numbers alone. In tbe first Expert heat it was Babe DeMay in first, Nell Keen was second and Larry Rose was third• In tbe second beat it was Fred Nix tbe winner, Mert Lawwill second and Joe Messaros third, then Bill Ershig. In tbe first Amateur beat, Keitb Johnson was third and Ron Monroe was firth. In the second beat Jack McNairy was second and Larry Buell was sixtb. Jack Warren of Michigan was tbe winner, By Annette Camp Mark Heinemann was second, Jack MC Nairy third and Keith was fourth•. Tbe Expert final was fast. NIX took the lead, with Men Lawwill in second. Bebind them Nell Keen and Larry Rose battled for fourth sPOt. When Ibe cbeck· ered naC came out Nix and Lawwill were slde-by-side cominc down to the finish line. Men passed Nix just at Ibe nac, as Ix was bavinC motor trouble. Darrel Dovel was third. Nell Keen cot by Larry Rose for fourth and Larry was fift.b. Di vide to Conquer Tben all packed up to go to Elkhorn, Wisconsin for Sunday's halt-mile Ibere. If you'U remember, Elkhorn was Ibe site of the Five Mile atiooal a wbi.le back. It was really a poor race track this time. Apparently Ibe promotor Is really WIconcerned wilb Ibe safety of the racers. Tbe track was roup and dusty. rt was very poorly prepared and UDOfCaoized. In the first Amateur beat it was again Jack Warren the winner. Jack McNairy was second. Gary Corbin back from Texas after spending some time wltb the Marines, was fifth and Larry Buell came in sixth. In tbe second Amateur beat Keith Johnson was the winner, Dick Jennings was tbird and Cbuck Berry was fourtb. In tbe first Expert beat it was Mert Lawwill Into the first corner in the lead. Suddenly he hit a bole, pitching him sideways into tbe patb of oncoming riders. Darrel Dovel ran rigbt over Mert. It really looked bad. Although Mert didn't go to the bospital, be was badly sbaken, including a Pirelli tire mark right up bis Ie ft side. On the re-start it was Neil Keen taking tbe win, with Sid Carlson in second. In the second beat it was Fred Nix taking tbe win and believe me if yOU weren't in tbe tirst four, you weren't in contention because yOU couldn't see througb the dust. Jack Warren won the Amateur final, Jack McNairy was second. Keith and Ch uck Berry ran in the back as they couldn't get tbrough tbe dust. The Expert final was won by Nix, Keen was second, Allen Mathwig was third, AI Gaskill was fourtb and Sid Carlson was in t1fth spot. It was an exciting weekend that was loaded witb races. This week Is even better, wltb s~ ven races one can make, s tatting Tbursday night tbrough Sunday. This doesn't include Santa Fe on Wednesday night or the 150 Mile National Road Race on tbe weekend. From here the racers divided UP. as there was a balf-mile Saturday to the North at Fairbault. Minn., a fair date, and a short track Saturday nigbt at Portage, Wisconsin. as well as a bait-mile at Cambridge, Illinois, also on Saturday night. A lot of the boys had short trackers. so they made the dou ble date. (Continued next week) WANT TO DO WHEEllES ? --First install a BARNETT CLUTCH AVAILABLE NOW: BT & E VILUERS DUCATI CLUTCH & PLATES RIDERS SEE YOUR DEALER. WE DO NOT SELL RETAIL. • J:I~ ~TO , • • • • f. . AJuzlaa Freddi. N'", s-ta F. Speedway'l .,.dlna short-track dUllnplOll . d ,..... thos far la 1966. II ",,'aa tho vim" fl. aft. _ of his f1ft_ stralPt wins 011 til. IIrt oval. • •

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