Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- 22 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WANT ADS • lids Dffering f/nytlling tD give f/Wf/Y Dr trf/de .......................•.......• - FREE •.................... .............................. ~ TREASURES AND TRASH I • SELL IT. TR~E IT. DUMP IT OR ~IVE IT AWAY/II Through the Want Ad section of Cycle News. y~u 11 reach the guys and gals who are interested in the stuff that mIght have been the obJect of your dreams a few months. back. . . Now is one of the few times that anyon~ WIll ever.glve you something for nothing. If you want to tra~e. or If~e something away Cycle News will run your ad for free prOVIding It IS ten words or less. Got some kittens you want to unload on some poor. unsuspectinJl •...........•..•••••••••••••..•...•................... 1965 TRIUIIPH. TR-1 se, onl, 865 mll.s, s.t up for d.Hrt, but n.ver raced - runs and FOR SALE - 65 BULTACO TT MEnSSE, Plrelll tires. Top COlIdItI.- $600. Call Wade bef_ 4 p.m. 342·3866. SERVICE MANAGER & MECHANIC Start NDW! Sal., and co....lulon• • •flts and Job _ curlty. Lona Bed Honda #2, 432. E. An. h.1 m St., Lona Beacll. Pbon. 439-0943. ..... '65 NORTON ATLAS 750cc-ov.rhauled-n.w tlr.., like n.w, man, .xtras. Onl, $'75.00. Call 451·1122. Ask for Henr,. hl0 GLOSSY PICTURES of all eastern riders aad nationals $1.00 .ach. Ben Hall Pboto. 200 Eads 5t., T1Iomasboro, IlIInol .. FOR SALE - IIolDrcycl. trall.r - carry 3 Ia. Dr sm. fender ....torslon ..spensl.-. 4901lh Merlclan 5t., Eaal. Rock. Call da,s. Norm at 843·2200 EL 61. FOR SALE- Front tire. barel, used. Contact Eddl. Mulder. FOR SALE -1965 GREEVES 36A 250cc. 700 total mil... P.rf.ct condition. MUlt s . to app_lat. $500.00. Call 5Y 6-0608. PARTS - YAMAHA ASCOT - Seat, . .d.r, J&R buds, air c l _.. other part.. Triumllll 500 - PIII.-s - HI COlIIp. ad lIandard, 60 tOOCll sprocket, W.bco sprlaas-Pl.a.. writ. Ed Coonfl.ld, 276 E. Market #4, Lona Bed. Calif. HONDA 1965 250 5CRAIIBLER, 2900 1811... Wlndshl.ld, saddl.baa. $550.00. WIlliam PI.. 21901 Anza Ave.. Torrance, Calif. Phon. FRontier 1-6427. NORTON ABREGLASS RACING TANK 5 aal. Manx typ., sliver flalsh, fits all Ie. therbed.. N.ver us.d. $50. Call or writ. D. Coer Box 67, Lalllnitas, Calif. (453-7297) HARLEY·DAVIDSON K MODEL 450 co. In. Enaln. complet.I, rebuilt. Will sell for $375. or trade for 1955 ·74" Harl., Dr lat.r. Call Don at HE 7·1359. FOR SALE - '59 EL CAMINO 3 speed low mll.ap. sharp $799. '62 H-o Sprint recentl, overhauled for dirt or street $400. Call 644-1252. s German. HOIIDA DEALERSHIP FOR SALE: Tills very well kIIowa. respected ad proar." slv. Deal.shlp Is DOW far sal•• MAJOR BItAJIDS (HDlIda plus) wltII co.,let. _III.. sIIop and special U"'levubl. re. .....1. t-.s, low D".bead, everytlllDa Just rl&fd for _ aew to tile ..... nes.. Write .1, lD: Cycl. News - Dept. B - P.O. IIox _ , LOIla Beadl, Callfcnla. . I : fool? Want to give away your mother-in-law? Do you have a foTty· year-old wife that you're Willing to trade for two twenty-year-olds? Put it in ten words or less and Cycle News will run your ad for free. Aside from the free stuff. Cycle News want ads get results so if you want to sell some of those parts that are cluttering up the back of your garage. some used furniture you no longer need or find a buyer for that used motorcycle you want to get rid of (dealer note) write it up, send it in. and Cycle News want ads will do the rest. ~ : • : • • • 10 words or less, plus address and telephone number •• $1.00. 25 words or less. plus address and telephone number _. $2.00. H~adline in bold type •• $1,00 extra, Picture (supplied by you) -- $3.00 extra. Deadline for all want ad copy is noon, Monday of the week in which the ad will appear. : •...••••......•••....•.... ~ Lost. last Frl day nlaht at Ascot. NDrth tum, 51ped Sam T. my cool. 2 RACING FAIRINGS NEVER USED, no hardware, 1 has hud lit•• wlndo_$50.00 eaell? Suco saddl. baas. with hardware cross ov.r plpe-2wIIIlIfflers off of BSA .ow. Phon. aft. 6 p.... 834-1••3. ONE LEFT·TRIUMPH TR6C.On. TT Special Both new. One 1965 Sherpa 5 175cc A...ut 4 hr.. never rac.d. N.whall Hon..... TrllIIIlph, 26047 Bouquet Can,on Rd., Saulll .. Calif. Phon. ('05) 259-4616. For Sale: 1963 Gold 5tar BSA Clubalan, all aoodl.s. fomerl, Jim Hunter's No. 1 blk. $2,000.00 (I r.all, don't want to s.1I It.) (714) 534-0360. 1960 MATCHLESS TYPHOON 600cc Iinal.. Just rebuilt and n.w tlr... Exc.lI.nt condltl.... must s.1I $450. Phon. 474-6126. Fred Leonard. 1957 &SA CATAUNA GOLD STAR - A sap.b . . .pl. of OD. of the flnell slnal.s In .xlstenc•• $600.00 firm. Call 968-1511 Ex. 747 or 968-7060 after five. Jim McNeel,. Kenn, WeemsBRING YOUR LA CROS5E TO THE BGSRPE - LABOR DAY. FOR SALE-'5. RANCHERO. 57.000 orlalnal mll.s $1.000. R.centl, Invest.d. Must see to app_lat. $795.00. 2630 Blvd., Apt. 15. Phone: OL 6-9109. SERVI CE MANAGER Trlwnp~Yamaha mechanic need.d to senrlc. dept. la crowlna sIIop In So. Calif. St.ady WlIrller, best COl>dill. . . Sal., open. Van NlIJs Cycl•• 7630 Van NlIJs Blvd.. Van NlIJ" Phone 989·2230. $1 & $2 ---------~-----~------------~-~-------------~ WRITE ADHEREEIICLOSE CURRENCY NEW RATE I Name •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Address •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ten WDrds • $1 TWeBty Five words· $2 Healine in BOLD TYPE $I extra Pietlre $3 extra, City•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• State ••••••••. • ~ '65 MATCHLESS 500 SINGLE SCRAMBLER. Full street equlplllent, knobbl.s, .al.. b.tter than new with _stack crank .d brals (raclna) val ....suts. $895. Call Edward Moritz Jr. (213) '68-9997, (213) 629-8023. FOR SALE: '5' &SA GOLDSTAR 500s, n.w enaln•• Call TO 6-4380, Sam B.ler, 6103 P.nnswood, Lak.wood, Calif. JIM'S UPHOLSTERING SPECIALTY Custom Hats; your Dr m, deslan's. Low rates. Call (714) 823-5559 da, Dr ev.l. James R. Radcliff•• 15270 Arrow. Fontana, Calif. 5UZUKI X-6, 3 we.ks old, 300 mil... Must s.1I - Draft.d. Call (213) 473·7196 aft.r 3. GreC Smith. TOP WAGES FOR TOP MECHANIC-Valley' I a.west Hon.....Trlumpll D.aler, 958 North Maclay, San Fernando, Calif. Ph. 361-6261. FOIt SALE -"'al co, 1964-280cc 18.2 hor_ 1400 mil.. driven. Paid $525.00 - Want $350.00 or best offer. Very sIlarp. Prlvat. party. Call 732-4794. Carl Hall• ~-Freewa, approved. BULTACO - 19661h 250 5crambler. Two months old/never rac.d. Estra sprockets and cabl... Cost $920.00. Perfect Condition. $750.00. GoB. St._.. 1030 Montana Avenue Santa Monica, California. T.I: EX 5-9955. TWO BATES STREET JACKET5, black, for man, slz.42 and women, slz. small. Excellent condition, like new $50.00 for both. Call '60-4157. HONDA 5-90 1965 N.w Candy Apple Blue Paint. $325.00. Art Amarilla. 1.01, Box 2H, Santa Monica, California HODAKA 1965 90cc Top condition. Set up for Dirt (v.r, lIaht).3:50/Dunlop K-70 front and 3:50 Dunlop Knobb, Tires. Tun.d Ex· haust. All orlalnal equipment also Includ.d. Complet.$275.oo. G.B. Stev..... 1030 Montana Avenu.. Santa Monica, Calif. EX 5-9955. • ebbe,. F_d last Frlds, nl&ht at Ascot In North turn, somebodJ's cool. This one's extra will tr.... for National number. slan.d Gen. R. 1965 GREEVE5 CHALLENGER. $625.00. Call GatJ Col., 213- 367·52.9 ~------------------------------------------~ • 1961 &SA Spltfl,..5uUlbler. aood condition, roll.r beartna malns-thru head bolt....W.II. Rod Bearlnas, $450.00_ _.1962 &SA Road Rocket-Bent Fr.... Enalne. TranSIDI ulon wheel etc. pod, $385.00..__1964 BSA LI &ht. nina Rocket, Enalne DISlDantled-not c_ plet•• Make offer......1965 5prlnt ScramblerMOlt of 1966 Goodl.s lastall.d. Very few rac.s, $750.00. Joe Kruah. 31. HarrllOll St.. Taft, Calif. Phone 765'2370:- BSA 1963 GOLDSTAR CLUBIIAN Scrambl.r, G.P., better tIIan n.w. man, .Ilra.. Complet. mains and pod rod, tllllk, pip•• wheels .tc. $600. cash. Call 45+0489, John T• MAIL TP: WANT ADS, Btl" L-a Beacll, calif. • .... ................•...•. ..... '59 NORTON NOMAD SCRAMBLER. Dirt bike (have street equipment) Eac.lleat condltlorh Ra, AI. . .der, 1605 Marshallfl.ld Lane. R.dondo Beach. IIllon. 372·7986. BIIIW, 1965 R-50 7,000 mll.s .xc.1I en! condl· tlon. v." cl.... Has roll bars, doubl. seat. luaap rack, and wlndshl.ld. Call 939-7'34, G.orp C. 5tant.... 1770 St.arns Drlv., Los Anpl.s 35, California. • NEW WANT AD RATES FOR SALE-'64 MONTESA Scrambler, 250cc:. Set up for TT. class 12 Aircraft main bearIna" $450.00. Also '64 Yamaha, Ascot scrambl.. needs cylinders $300.00. Call (213) 353;0162 aft.r 6 p.m., John Lamson. 1964 PARILLA 125cc WILDCAT Scrambler. $150...'SOOcc Norton 5lnal. Side Hack $150. Phon. (714) 62M635. Dick Brown.lI. • W. ne.d a portabl. typ.wrIt•• Ours has been warn DIIt by all the last news we &ive J"o Cat I Cycl. N. . ., 4230043L ..

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