Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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STOP. YOUNG MAN! 21 VIOLENCE WILL UPSET FILBERTS TUMMV. • RATES: $50 per year (50 issues) for each single business listing. Payable in advance, CENTRAL MILNE BROS. INC. - 1941 E. Colorado BIG CITY SALES, 714 W. Florenco, Los Angeles 752-6723. N.w & Used M/Cs. Compl.te machln. shop. Small & large cyllnd,r boring. MlC Parts & Accessories. St., Pasadena. Specialists In accesso- ries lor BMW • Yamaha· BSA • Puch. Parts for all makes. Distributor for Beck accessorl.s and Importer of Puch motor- cycl ... 793·5153. S•• Ttl Bryant - CROWELL CYCLE SHOP for Matchless, Hodaka, Bullaco. 10427 P.rryA ••. , Ingl.wood. OR 3·9573. .. , .. CRENSHAW HONDJ\. THE Downtown Honda Dealer. V.ry compl.t. parts and d.pts. All mak.. used blk.., fre. d.ll.ery. Across from Crenshaw Shopping C.nter. 4132 Cren shaw Bl.d., Los Angel ... (213) 292-0478. HARLEY·DAVlbSON IN LOS ANGELES (Rich Budell., Co.) 2531 S. Main Street, L.A. RI 9·6235. "Larg..t H·D ser.lce and parts h.adquarters In U.S.A." Call for -pIckup or dell ••ry ser.lce. S. E. CH,UBBUCK H·D SALES - Hom. 01 the Road Riders. "W. Sp.clallz. In Personallz.d S.rvlc•• " 1361 E. Walnut St., (213) SY 2·1300. SPORTS LIFE ( Bros.) 341 N. Glenoaks Bl.d•• Burbank. 842-4847 or 849-4921. U.S. Distributor for Van motorcycl ... Ducatl. Norton., Hodaka, Royal Enfl.ld. James. V.I .. Yamaha. OSSA. Mont.. a. Open 7 days a week 9·9. SPORTS MOTOR SALES- 420 So. Brand Bl.d•• Glendal •• 243·1704. S.I.S. Motor· cycl .. - whol ..ale -r.tall- riding and racine accessorl.s. C-B MOTORS- Bullaco sal ... W. all mak... Vllilers spares. Trail, street or sports, w. fill the bill. Charll. Hockl. & Bill Thorwaldson. 1149 W. EI Segllndo Bl.d., (213) 756-1669. ORANGE AWARD MOTORS INC. Dealer for Trl· umph, Bullaco, Suzuki and Ducatl. Sp••d tuning & compl.t• •ngln. work. Beach ar.a racing h.adquarters. Open 6 days a week. 1680 N.wport Bl.d.• Costa (714) 642-4343. BUENA PARK YAMAHA. 6871 Beach Bl.d., In Park, naturally. 522-8036... w. what w. s.II." Yamaha, Hodaka, Ossa. Compl.t. w.ld· Ing and r.palr shop. Speed tuning. HERB FRIEDLANDER IMPORTS Orang.. County's larg..t Honda and Triumph d.aler. W. what w. s.lI. 13750 'Beach Bl.d., Westminster. 893·7566 or 430-4448. ROBERT M. LAW MlC SALES & SER· VICE, 239 N. Anah.lm BI.d. (formerly Los Ang.les 5tr••t) Anah.lm, (714) 533·1309. "W. sp.clallze In after·sales service." Triumph, Yamaha. Grieves. NORM REEVES - ANAHEIM. 224 N. Anah.lm BI.d. 535-3647. Orang. County's biggest Honda- BSA-Hodaka- Bullaco Compl.t. parts and s.rvlc. ROY'S MOTORCYCLE Westmlnlster, Santa SHOP, 12461 Ana. 'iQrange County's oldest establlsh.d Honda dealers." Han d iii I Triumph. Montesa. T.I.phon. (7-.14) 531-0742. IRV 5EAVER MOTORCYCLES - BSA, BMW, SUZUki, Vespa Scooters. Cushman trucks. 2402 No. Main. Santa Ana. T.I. 542-8691. EASTERN A. J. LEWIS - 400 S. Atlantic Bl.d.• East Los Angel... 264-0544. Compl.t. machine shop. lilt you want It special, we m a k. It sp.clal." Triumph and Yamaha. BELLFLOWER MOTORCYCLE SHOP INC. 9135 E. Compton BI.d. (2 blocks East of Lak.wood). Bellflower. 925-5093. "We emphasize service." Triumph, Y. maha. Rabbit. BALDWIN PARK CYCLE SHOP-Norton. Ducatl. Royal Enfl.ld. Suzuki. Match· less, Ossa. Full line of parts and a~ cessorles for all model s. Best service dept. In town. 14845 Ramona Bl.d.• Baldwin Park 337·0604. Open 9 til 7:30 Mon. to Sat. NORTHEASTERN JOHNNY GI BSON MOTORCYCLES INC. 901 W. Whittier Bl.d.• La Habra. phon. 691·2661. Comp.t.nt sal .. and parts. Service for all mak.s. Triumph, Yamaha, Bullaco. ED KRETZ & SONS CYCLE SHOP. 417 E. Gar •• y A••.• Monterey Park. AT 0·8244. Triumph. Honda. BMW and Suzuki. Compl.t. parts and servlc.. Exp.rt tuning and mechanical work. LE BARD & UN D E R WOO D, 221 E. Imp.rlal Hwy.. La Habra. phon. 714/ 879-8252 or 213/691·3104. " Is our middle name". BSA, Honda, BMW. JENKINS SPORT CENTER. Norwalk pl.t. lor all makes. Op.n Sun 1-6. w••k days & Sat. 9-6. In Norwalk at 13200 San Antonio Dr. at Santa Ana Fry. (213) 868·9997. Montesa, Kawasaki, Sales and Service. Speed equipment, complete insurance, MACKLIN'S MOTORCYCLE SERVICE11675 E. Flreston., Norwalk. 864-7468. 100'''llnancing. Hodaka sales and service. HONDA OF GLENDALE, "Wher. you m••t the nicest p.opl .... Larg. stock of STEVE HURD MOTORCYCLE5·BMW· • Norton· Gre..... Ducatl· Montesa Hodaka. parts parts. Finest mechanics and courteous personnel. Sure would like to meet you at 905 E. Colorado St. in GI.ndal•• just across Irom Bob's Big Boy. 246-2461. galore. We service .and stock parts for what w. $011.1405 Olympic BI.d. Mont.. bello (213) 724-0466. KOLBE CYCLE SHOP. 22420 D.I Vall •• Woodland Hills. DI 8·7865. Your Iri.ndly n.lghborhood for BSA, Honda and 9ullaco. Compl.t. parts & NORM REEVES-DOWNEY. Honda-BSABMW-Bultaco. Down.y areas only BMW D.aler. Compl.t. parts & S.rvlc. Dept. 9536 E. Flreston. BI.d. 869·0600. MASON MOTORS. TRIUMPH·YAMAHA. HONDA OF TEMPLE CITY. 9228 E. Las Tunas BI.d. T.mpl. City. AT-75949. Honda and Gr•••es lor the North.ast.rn Complete Insurance program for all makes and mod e Is. Camp lete salesparH-service. Open 9-6. Tues., Wed., Thurs.• and Sat. - 9-9 Frl .. 3360 E. Colorado Bl.d.. Pas ad. n a. (213) 795·0267. ALLIED CYCLE SALES - 6868 Lanker· shim Bl.d., Nor t h Hollywood. Coli 765·6111. BSA - BMW Dealer. Complet. & Efflcl.nt Parts & Departm.nts. High Class lin. of Acc.ssorles. NORTHWESTERN CASEY'SCYCLE REPAIR- BSA-Bultaco. lor most mak... Compl.t. machin. shop. Open Tues. thru Sat. 9·6. 10249 San For nan d 0 Rd.. Pacoima. 896-1046. BUD EKINS MOTORCYCLES in Sherman Oaks. 14460 Ventura Bl.d•• telephon. 872·2110. "Buy from Bud." Triumph & Honda. INTERNATIONAL MOTORCYCLE COMPANY. 7233 Canoga A.... Canoga Park. Phon. 346·3700. l000's of used parts. Cylinder reborlng. Triumph. Yamaha. Hodaka. area. Parts lalore and service too. Show room op.n Mon. thru Sat. 9·6. Shop open Tues. thru Sat. 9-6. Take your bu ines where it i appreciated. For the finest new and u ed motorcycles, cOOlers, funbikes, parts. repairs. services and cu [am work. patronize the local bu inesses listed here. JOE KOONS SALES & SERVICE - BSA. BMW, Suzuki and Full lin. 01 parts and accessorl.s for all makes. Larg. quality s.r.ic. departm.nt fully staffed willi trained m.chanlcs. Bring in your blk. and see what w. can do.• 1350 East Anaheim. Long Beach. 437-1359 open Mon. thru Sat. 8·6. HONDA OF GARDENA, 15515 S. West.rn A.... Gardona. Phon. 770·0603 or 323· 8314. Beginners training cours•• free riding Instruction. Monlllly fun rid. during riding season. Com. In or call for full Information. JENKINS SPO RT CENTER. Yamaha Dealer for Lone Beach Ar.a. top of Signal Hili. We servlc. all mak.s. Also open Sundays 9·6. In Long Beach at 2620 E. Pac I fie Coast Hwy. (213) 433-9987. LONG BEACH TRIUIIPH SALES. 624 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach. 436-0158. "Best s.rvlc. avallabl •• sp.c· iallzing In tune-ups." Triumph, Yamaha, RIVERSIDE SKIP FORDYCE MO TO R C Y C L E CENTER. "W.' •• b••ntold its Am.rica's most compl.te and modern motorcycle c.nttr." Honda, Harl.y·Da.ldson & Trl· umph. Main at 14th Sts. In RI ••rsld •. C OV 4-4747. BARNES CYCLE SERVICE -HODAKA. W. all makes 01 motorcycl... 1535 La Cadena Dr.. Ri ••rsld•• (714) 684-8830. THE TWO·WHEELER Motorcycl. City, Suzuki, Bullaco deal.r. Hug. parts In· ventory. Ar.a·s

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