Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, • . • ---~---- SAM TAKES BACK ASCOT CROWN • s~ 1()tu 7'UJft4 'Dad .. ~ a, " NO FLATTRACK THIS FRIDAY Two of Sammy Tanner's Ascot running mates were missing last Friday and left him to carry the ball all alone . Dan Haaby and Ralph White were up in Washington for t!le national TT . leaving only one third of the "Wrecking Crew" to beat off the opposition. Tanner got his lumps in the heat race and trophy dash. Blackie Bruce turned him back in the heat race, leading from start to finish. Schultz Trophies p~~ ~ 2707 - W. 1st Street Santa Ana, Calif. t.:I :c:; t.:I ••••••• ••••••••• ···Ic:3 Th e t rop hy da sh wa s next a n d fell ow E nfie l d rid er E lliott Schultz did t he jo b thi s time and wo n hi s fir st da sh o f th e seaso n. Tann er wa s second. Wh en th e bi g po in t s and th e lion' s s ha re of t he purse was at s ta ke in t he 15 lap fin al, thin gs we re differen t. Tanner too k t he l ead and ra n away to let the re s t of t he fi eld fig ht it out fo r seco nd. : U IMPORTER & D .S. ISTRIBUTOR FOR : • I." : OSSA: MOTORCYCLES : • • • • • TELESCO FORKS" SHOCKS. • • · : SPAN ISH AMA~ARBS : • F EMSA IGNITION • : AKRONT ALLOY RIMS : Ji m Nichol s on broke away from SChult z midway in the rac e to nail down seco nd until th e last two lap s when he fell in .the so uth turn, trying to catc h Tann er. Schultz then moved up to aga in fi nish second and close out his best night both money and point wis e s inc e he deci ded to tak e up th e racing professio n again. " . • . Used by Ge0rt:e Roeder .. Blackie Bruce • • ANAHEIM MOTORCYCLE CENTER, Inc.• • • • P a t Go sc h again s ho we d vast imp ro ve me n t and won his heat race for th e first tim e this year. He be a t Sch ultz i n ga ini n g his firs t Ascot bi g win. Pa t retu rned to run t hird i n the dash a nd firth i n tbe final a board the Howard Barne s' Triumph . Dept. Cy • • 127 S . M a nch• • t er A venue Anahe im. C a li fornia • • • ••••••••••••••••••• ATTENTION COMPETITION RIDERS ! A & A Manufacturing Now Features a Select Line of Quality Components for All cycles AIR CLEANERS COMPRESSION RELEASES ALT; COVERS-HONDA SCRAMR and more, MUCH MORE Mention Cycle News when Writing to A & A MANUFACTURING Amateurs Contin ue to Change The Amateur win parad e of different riders continued. Larry Shipman outlast ed P ete Bodette in the ten-l ap final to become the eighth rider with a vellow plate to win the big one. T he rac e was re-started aft er two-time winner J oe Schmidt fell in the openin g lap. He was back for the re-s tar t. Mark Makes It Again After many week s , Marty Mc Dona ld again came up with the right combination to score the sweep in the novi ce class , winning both the heat and the final. It was his fifth main event win of the year and now plac es the novic e point battle in an extra tig ht affair with McDonald again in front by 30 points. Don Robert s i s s econd with Larry Pru ett in third, fiv e points back. Fo r the s econd week , novice Len Earl played the role of s poiler. T wo weeks a go he ups et main eve nt winner Don Robert s in the heat rac e. Las t Friday he again came through in the heat to defeat previous main winner, Dan Kelly. Len th en came back for a well deserved second in the final and moved int o the top twelve in the s ta ndings for the first time this ye ar. 1036 EI Camino Redwood City, Calif. Dealer Inquiries Invited SAVE BIG MONEY New ' 66 Honda's and Bult aco' s Two Big Location s LOMITA HONDA 326-3810 2073 W. Pac ific Coast Hwy. MAYWOOD· BELL HONDA 583-3409 6101 Atlantic Blvd. INTRO DUCING THE UAELY FLAT TRACK SPECIAL RACING BOOTS. 8.... h igh , la ced, we ight 2 Ibs . p er p air $15.95 KEN MAELY the shoeman Route 2, Box 75B, This Friday - TT Time Trials T he half milers take a breather this Friday to allow the TT riders to time trial for the 50-lap National. Th ey' ll be back in action on J uly 29th . Corona, Calif. . plU$ c.e .e, postage ~, -1:. I sk flft "'~tr wit, w,,,rs '11, 1 122.50 - Send boot or cardboard cutout. Above: Shorty Seaborn leads. ---~-.- HAR L E V - DAV IDSON OF LONG BEACH U SPECIAL" 1964 Triumph MIn. CUB.:.$395 3654 N o. Long Beach Blvd . G .' : Nicholson Challenged But. .. Below: Happy Elliott Schultz, trophy winner. . . O> 426 - 7101

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