Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• •• RATES: 550 per year (50 issues) for each single business listing. Payable in advance, CENTRAL BIG CITY SALES, 714 W. Florence, Las AnC. I.s 752-6723. N.w & Us.d M /Cs. Campl. l. machln. shop. Small & larC. cyll nd. r 1."lnc- M/C Parts &Acc.ssarl... See Tex Bryanl - CROWELL CYCLE SHOP lor Hadaka. Bullaca. 10427 Perry A.e•• lnc le woad. OR 3-9573. CRENSHAW HONDA, TH E Dawnlawn Handa Dealer. V.ry complet. parts and serv lc. d.pts. All mak.s used blk.s. free d.lI..ry. Acrass lram C... shaw Shapplnc Center. 4132 Crenshaw Bl.d., Las AnC.I... (213) 292-0478. HARLEY· DAVIDSON IN LOS ANGELES (Rich Budeller \:0.) 2531 S. Ibln Street, LA. RI 9-6235. "Lacest Il-D serv lc. and paris",art... In U.s.A." Call lor pickup or d.lI.ery service. CoB IIOTOR$- Bultaca sal.s. We servlc. all mak.s. spar.s. Trai l. street or spnrts, we 1111 th. blll. Charll. Hackl. & BIll Tharwaldson. 1149 W_ EI Selllndo Bl.d•• Gardena •.(213) 756-1669. ORAN GE AWARD IIIOTORS INC. D.aler for TrIumph. Bultaca, Suzuk i and Ducat l. Speed lun lnc & compl.t. encino work. Beach area raclnc", Open 6 days a week. 1680 Newport Bl.d.. Costa (714) 642· 4343. MILNE BROS. INC. - 1941 E. Colorado 51., Pasadena. Sp.clal lsts In aees s serlos lor BMW • Yamaha · BSA - Puch. Parts lor a ll mak.s. DIstrlbutor lor Bock acc.ssorl.s and Importer 01 Puch motorcycles. 793-5153. S. E. CHUBBUCK H'O SALES - Hom. 01 tho Road "We Specialize In P.rsonallzed Ser.lce." 1361 E. Walnut SL, Pasadena."(213) SY 2-1300. SPORTS LIFE ( Roehr Bros. ) 341 N. Glonaaks Bl.d., Burbank. 842-4847 or 849-4921. U.s. Distributo r for Van motorcyc l.s. Ducatl . Norton, Hodaka, Royal Enfl.ld. J_s, V.I., Yamaha, OSSA, Op.. 7 days a week H. spoRTs MOTOR SALE$- 420 Sa. Brand Blvd.. Glendale. 243-1704. S.I.S. IIotarcyclos -whol.sal.-retall- rldlnc an d raclnc acc.ssorl.s. EASTERN HERB FR IEDLANDER I MP O RT S Oranc . Caunly's Handa and Triumph d.a ler. We servlc. whal w. s.lI. 1375 0 Beac h Blvd. , W.stmlnst.r. 893·7 566 or 430-4448. ROBERT M LAW M/C SALES & SER· . VICE, 239 N. Anahe im BI.d. (Iarmerly Las Ancel es Stre.l) Anahe im. (714) 533-1309. " We speclallze In aft.r-sal.. service." Tr iumph, Yamaha, Greeves.. NORM REE VES - ANAHEIM, 224 N. Anahei m BI. d. 535-3647. Oranc. County ' s Hand. BSA-Ha dak. Bulta co dealer. Campl.t. parts and se rvice depL ROY'S MOTORCYCLE SHOP. U461 Wostminlster. S a n t a An a . "Oranc. County's a ld. st e st abll sh. d Handa dealers." Handa . Tr lu ph, llantosa. T.I'Dhan. (714) 531-0742. IRV SEAVER MOTORCYCLES - BSA, BMW, Suzuki, Vespa Scooters, C ushman tru cks. 2402 No. Main, Santa Ana. T.I. S42-3691. : NORTHEAS TER N C R E SC EN T A VALLEY SPORTS C Y C L E S, 3629 Faatbll l BI. d. , La Cr.sce nta. 248·2291. Yomaha, Hodaka, Mantos a, Kawas aki, Sales and Servl c• • Spee d . qulpment . complet e Insuranc• • 100% Iinancinc. HONDA OF GLENDALE , " you m••t Ih. peap le. ~' Larce stock of part s. mechan ic s and court.ous per sonnel. Sur. would Ilk. to m. et you at 905 E. Coloradn SL In Glendal • • Just ac ross lram Bob's BIC Boy. 246-2461. KOLBE CYCLE SHOP. 22420 D. I Vall • • Woodland Hills. DI 8-7865. Your frl. ndly n.l &hborhoad dealer lor BSA, Honda and Bult aco. Compl.t. parts & service depL MASON M OTORS, TRIUMPH-YAMAHA. Complete Insurance p ro cr am lor all makes and mo d .l s. Complet. sales- ALL IED CYCLE SALES - 686& Lank.rsh im Blvd. , N o r l h Holly..,oil••iCaJl 765-6111. BSA - BMW Dialer. Conqllet. & EffIc l.nt P arts & S.,.,lc. DopartmetrtS. HI&h Class lin. 01 Acc.ssorles. NORTHWESTERN CASEY'S CYCLE REPAIR- BSA-a.ltaco. Service lor most makes. Complet. m. chin. shop . Open Tu.s. tbru SaL 9-6. 10249 San F ornando Rd., Pacoima. 896-1046. BUD EKINS MOTORCYCLES In Sherman Oaks. 14460 Ventura Bl.d., lei ephon. 872-2110. "Buy lrall Bud." Tr iumph & Handa. INTERNATIONAL IIIOTORCYCLE COIfPAIfY. 1-233 C_Ca A.... Canoca Park. Phon. 146-3700. 1000's of used parts. Cyll_ IlIllorlnc- T riumph, Y_aIIa, Hodak&. A. J . LEWIS - 400 S. Atlantic Blvd., East Las Ancel.s. 26+0544. Conlplete machine shop. " II JOu want It special , we ma k. It spectal. Of Triumph and Yamaha. BELLFLOWER IIIOTORCYCLE SHOP INC. 913S E. Compton Blvd. (2 blocks East 01 Lak.waod), Bellllower. 925-5093- "W e emph~slza s......lee! ' Trlumpb, V. maha, RabblL BUENA PARK YAMAHA. 6871 Beach Bl.d.. In Bu en a P a rk, naturally. 522-803 6. "W. what w. s.II." Yamaha. Hadaka, Ossa. Campl.t. w.llIInc and r. palr shop. Speed tun lnc- NORTHERN BALDWIN PARK CYCLE SHOP-Morton, Ducatl . Royal Enfl.ld. Suzuki. Match· I. ss, Ossa. Fu ll line 01 parts and acc.ssorles for all models. Best servlc. dept. In town. 14845 Ramona Bl.d.. Baldwin Park 337-0604. Open 9 til 7:30 Mon. to Sat. CITY CYCLE CENTER- 8421·23 Rosemead Bl.d., P Ica-R I. era, ph. 861-4139_ Triumph and Yamaha s al es and sup.r servi ce. Skip Clark . proprl.tor. JO HNNY GIBSON MOTOR CYCLES INC. 901 W Whittier BI. d., La Habra, phon. . 691-2661. Comp. tent sal.s and parts. Ser.lce lor all makes. T riumph, Yamaha. Bult aco. ED KRETZ & SONS CYCL E SHOP , 417 E. G an. y A.e., IIont.roy Park. AT 0-8244. Trlumpb, Honda. BMW and Suzuki. Compl.t. parts and service . Expert tun lnc and m.chan lcal wart. LE BARD & UNDERWOOD , 221 E. Imperial Hwy•• La Habra. phone 714/ 879-8252 or 213/691-3104. "Servlc. Is our mlddl. n .... BSA, Honda, BMW. JENKINS SPORT CENTER, Norwalk Area's exclusl•• Yamaha D.aler. Compl.t. service lor all mak.s. Open Sun 1-', week day s &.Sat. 9-'. In Norwalk at 13200 San Ar\.Ianlo Dr. at Sant a Ana Fry. (213) 868-9997. M ACKU N' S MOTORCYCLE SERVICE11675 E. Flreston• • Norwalk. 86+7468. Hodaka sales and servlCL STEVE HURD IIIOTORCYCLEs-BllW · Matchl . ss • Norton· Gre•••s - Duca • Hadaka. Matchl . ss parts ca lor• • W. servlc. and stock parts lor what we $011.1405 Olympic BI. d. IIont.. bello (213) 724-0466. NORM REEVE$-DOWNEY. Honda-BSABIIW-Bu ltaco. Downey areas on ly IIIIIW Dealer. Compl.t. parts & ServIce Dept. 9536 E. Flr.stone Blvd. 869-0600- HONDA 0 F TEMPLE CITY. 9228 E. Las Tuaas BIYlI. T _ I. City. AT· 7S949. Hoada .d Gr•••s I. lb. Nortbeas t orn p arts- s.rvi ce~ Open 9-6, Tues., Wed., area. Parts ca l_ and se rvice too. Show Thurs., and Sal. - 9-9 Fri•• 3360 E. . . . open ....... tin Sat. 9-6. 5lIop opon Colorado Bl.d.. Pas ad .na , (213) T.s. Iblll Sat. .6795-0267. IIOLBE CYCLE SH OP. 7514 R.seda III vd. . Reseda. 345-&671. Your friend Iy nel&hborbood dealer I. BSA, Honda, and a. ltaca. Complete parts and servlc. depL SOUTHEASTERN NORM REEVES - PARAIIOUNT, Honda, BSA, IIIIIW, Bultaca, Hod a k a , LasAnceles ar. a· s BIGGEST d.a1er. Mall order Parts dopL Huce Ser.lce DopL 15745 Lak.wood Bl.d., ME 0-4313. S&J HARLEY· DAVIDSON - 16211 S. Lak.waad Blvd. , B.llllower. T.I. ME +U22. P aul Lass. Larce s.l.ctlon 01 new and used motorcycl.s. Mall order Dart s both n. w & usod. SO UTHERN ARTESIA CYCLE CENTER - Yamaha . Hodaka Sal.s-Servlce all mak. s, sp• • d tunln&. 19210 S. P ioneer Blvd. , Art. s la (213) 865-1152FLOYD BURK MOTO RCYCL ES. 15514 So•• At lanti c A.. . . La s Ancel. s, NE 9-4520. Honda, Mat ch, Norton and Ducat l. E.erythlnc In parts and accessor l.s. FI .st serv lc. anywl>orL Com. 00 In and .... 0 en 9-6, M~ ru Sat. DALE BROWN MOTO RCYCLES, 2441 LanC Beach Blvd. . LonC Be ach.. 427·8941. Ducat l, Norton, Bultaco & ustane. Compiet. parts & ser.1ce. Ask about our disco t club. CUSTOM CITY S P 0 RT5 CENTER. Rent al -5ales & Senl ... Yamaha, Mlnnlblk.s, Tot. COat s, Mo torcyc l. tr ailers. Cust om acces. $eo us b.fore J Ou deal_ W. buy, S.II. and tradL 15721 S. Atl ant ic, Comptool. Calif. (213) NE 6-1957_ CYCLE CITY -' Deal.r lor Suzuki Roya l Enfl.ld - GII.ra. Custom raclnl machines built to Is pec s . V.ry comp.tltl.e prlc. s. D. I Orto carb our s p. clalty. 2142 Lonc B.acb Baul••a rd. Lonc Beac h 591·1389. JOE KOONS SALES & SERVICE - BSA. BMW Suzuki and Vespa. Full lin. at , parts and accessorl. s for all mak.s. Lar ce ",allty ser.lce departmen t lull y staffed with tra ln.d mechani cs. Brlnc In your blk. and s . wi> at w. can do., 1350 East· An• •lm, LanC Beach. 437-1359 open ltan. thru SaL 8-6. HONDA OF GAROENA, 15515 S. A.... Gardena. Phon. nO-0603 or 3238314. Becl_rs tr alnlnc course. free rldlnl histructlon. Monthly lun ride durlnc rldloc s.ason. Com. In or call lor lu ll Information . J AMES DISTRIBUTOR - Btl Supply Bos 651, La M. sa, Calli; Vllll er s parts, Cu.tom mad. parts & acces. Exclusl•• J am. s d. aler shlps open now. SKIP FORDYCE MO T O RC Y CENTER . .. W.·•• b••n told lIs Am erlc mosl complet. and mndern moto rcy center." Honda, Harley·Da.idson & umph. M ain at 14th SIS. In RI.ersl OV + 4747. BARNES CYCLE SERVICE - HODAK We s.rvlce all mak.s 01 motor cy i 1535 La Cadena Or., RI.ersld•• 68+8830. JENKINS SPO RT CENTER . Yamaha Dealer lor Lon& Beach Area. top of S1pal Hili. We service all mak.s. Also op_ Sundays 9-6. In LanC Beach at 2620 E. Pacll ic Coast Hwy. (213) 433-9987. LONG BEACH TWIUIIPH SALES, 624 W. Pacillc Coast HI&hW3J. LaoC Beach.. 43i-OlSl. " Best service labl., spoelaJlzlnc In ton. ups." Triumph. Y_aha, Ducatl. SAN HARRISON RENo-llak ll nancl nc, I cost In sur. c. . HONDA, IIIIIW. IIKETTA sal.s and servlc., part s accessorl.s. 201 E. Base Un• • Bernardino. TU 9-0504. SAN SOUTH BAY HONDA, UU S. Pacillc Coast Hwy. , " Redondo Beach. SELFSERVICE PARTS DEPARTMENT, bank fl oancl I- Open H sis days a w_It. Ptlo.. 378-9257. GUY URQUHART - Triumph, Y sa' es. Tr iumph, Yamaha., Indian , & Cush man parts - 1 day mail order . ic •• 104 1 Columbia SlreeL WESTERN JACK BALDWIN MOTORCYCLE SALES .... stock til . Parts and what we Sell." 2705 Plco BlYlI., Santa IIonlca. Phon. EX +7365. Hodaka , BSA, Due. Groo••s, Royal Enll.ld. NarL CROWELl. CYCLE SHOP. 10427 Pra lrl. A• • •, Inclewood. OR 3-9573., Hodaka. Bultaco. Compl. te part, & Ser· .Ic. for all mak.s. Op.n 6 days 9-7. LAWNDALE CYCLE- YAMAHA, BSA, VELO CETTE, DUCATI. " Best dea ler In town! Speedy l·day serVice Is our standard_ 15324 Ha om. Blvd. , Lawndal., Calli. SP 2-1822 or OS 6-9$46. MISSION HILLS M OTORCYCLE SALES & SERVlC E- 8730 Sepulveda. BSA & Ducat!. " • stock the spare parts lor wbat .e se ll." See oW' De. StorL 785-428 9. TED 'S I PORTS: .st LA. T rlumpb Sales & Service. " • will take cars 10 trade!" Also lact ory dealer lor La d Raver " T HE Best Four_.1 Dri.. car you can buy" . 11726 Santa Monica GR 3-1101 _ 7 days a weelt. HON DA OF VAN NUYS - 14229 Victory Blvd. 787-0110. Th. Valley's only Honda Sp. clali sL W. pride ourselves on our aIIer sal.s service. Come In and see our complete lin. 01 H da parts and accessories. Ope. 7 days. POSSMAN SCOOTER & CYCLE CO. Ne. and used sales. Pa rts an d service lor Brldceston•• Kawasaki, GUera . Ossa, V.s pa, Lambretta and RabblL 2701 Plco Blvd. (27th SL & P lco BI.d.), Santa Monica. Calli. 392·17 23. ONE STOP CYCLE SHOP PI NG- AuthorIze d lor Handa, T riumph and Gr.... s. Sales , service, parts & Insur- HARLEY· DAVIDSON OF LONG BEACH. 3654 LanC Beac b Blvd. . 426-t 101. HarleyDa.ldson lor tho LonC Beach Ar.a. Full 110. 01 parts and accessorlos lor both Road and Competition riders. Top ",al lty servlc. In our lu lly .",Ipp.d servlc. department_ Open Tu.s. tbra Fri. 8-6. SaL til 5. RI VERS I D E ance. Bill Krause Hond.Trlu mph, U57 Sa. La Br.a .BI. d. , Incl.wood. 671-5035 . INGL EWOOD HARLEY-DAVIDSON 901 No. La Brea Blvd. (1 block south of Centen la) Autbnrizod Harley-D avidson dealer lor !be Inc l.wood ar.a. SpecialIzi nC In Road riders accessorl os and part s for all models. Full)' .",Ipp.d se", vice department wltb factDrJ tralnott _chan lcs. Op TUBs. tbru Sat. 9-6. Cal l 671-7609. Tak e your b usiness w here it is appreciated . For the finest new and used moto rcyd es. funbikes. parts, repa irs. services and custom work , patronize th e local busine sses listed he re . CORONA CIRCL E CITY CYCLE CENTER-Ho •BSA & BuItaca. J ust down the Iree for both RI.erslde and Oran&O Cou Compl.te parts and Hug. Service D Speed lunl nc Sp.cla ll sls lor Ho al Ta k. Corona t urn oil 10 W nut (I str• • I) across Ir. e way 10 S25 M l. ap (714) 735-4101 Corona. CORONA MOTORCYCLE CENT Honda. Triu mph & BMW. Cenlrall y cal.d lor Oranl. and RI..rsl de count J ust down Ih. road Irom Prado P 620 N. Main at RI..rroad (714) 7 5600 Corona. BA RSTO W Sa, -H i" to Hank and Solo Suzuai at t DESERT CYCLE CENTER. 1600 Mai n St." Barstow~ The fr lendtlest s and 00 J Cycle News dealer In Barst o If JOur um. was. In t he last Is sue copy from us. lIan. tbru Sat. 9 a. c- f," -' p.m. T.l. ni-24!!. USED MCs& PARTS JIll'S CYCLE SHOP " Used parts H qu.arten In the west." We buy and used M e parts, custom tanks l wbH ls. Chrome exchange. Used Satls & Rlpairs. Batteries & tI 15 years same location. 11155 AUa A•• nu• •, Lynwood, Cal il. NE 2-4298 SERV I CE S BARNEY'S MAC HI N E SHO P , 15 Lakew ood Bhd.. Paramount. 63~ f Cyli nder borin g. any sin. We make thing... Low est prices. Valves, manifa fork braces. Alloy crowns , Skid pia BUCHANAN' S FRAM E SHOP -Com p 'rami" 'on. and wheel service. Cu lacing and cus tDm spokes. Tire ski iI1d electronic balancing. Befor e throw t hat frame away. see us! 6 Garvey. Monte rey Park_ (213) 2aoHERB UTCH. 5105 AUonti c Blvd.. Beach. GA 3-1433. Campil le machi b eiliU.s. Boring. slee., lng. val., seat vtndinc. Val.,e seats and P made to order. IIOTORCYCLE SE R V I C E CENT BULTACO-HODAKA. lie Service motorcy cl e s. Compl~. IDz:tline sho cuslam work. 2211 E. H 1i.&ID• .... Open 6 days. a-.. I "I F and Gary Grilli• • Pro So (213) 357-2 •

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