Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• .. . • .. COOLIES\\ /)11 l \ COLUMN (,ff IJ ( , 10M Res che dule d T he TT ra ces at the Is le of Man this year were cancelled because of the s hippi ngstrike in Engla nd whi ch aff ecte d the ferri es and s upply boa ts going from En gl and to the Is le of Man. Everyone wa s quite s ure they would be re s chedu l ed some t ime this year af ter the strike was ove r (con trary to the FIM rul e stating that no world' s cham pio nship eve nt may be res cheduled, only cancelled). Th e CSI, which is the Sporting Co mmittee for the FIM, had a mee tin g the we ekend of July 2 and 3 and a vote was tak en to see if the eve nt co uld be resch eduled. Th e vot e was six for and si x agai ns t , wi th the dccidln g vote going to Mr. Buri ck, the Pr e si dent of the CSI. SO , the event has be en offic inlly res cheduled and will re ceive world's poin t status . Th e race will be held Augus t 28t h-3I st a nd Sept. 2nd. We're so rry to say we 'v e just re c ei ved t his information an d the confirmatio ns of ent ry had t o be in by the 18th of July , e're als o so rry that which has pa s s ed . W th e Cycle World team will not make the eve nt . This is the fir s t tim e th e United State s had an opportunity to fi eld a n official team to repres ent us in a European class ic event . I understand the equi pment whic h was prepar ed for the eve nt has been so ld to dealers and t ha t the whol e proj ect was cance lled. I hop e i n 1967 we 'll be a ble to field a team of the caliber which wa s selected for this year's 1966 TT e vent. I thi nk eve ryone in motorcycling sh ould put forth a c oncerted effort to achieve this goal. Many an American motorcy cle rider ha s as ked hims elf and oth er s the question , "how well we would do in int ernational co m pe t itio n wit h th e Europeans? " From ll1Y o bservations , the American s woul d do very well in ce rtai n typ es of e vents . However, in othe r eve nt s , s uch a s our scra mble s , or Motocr oss e s as th ey a re referred t o i n Europe , the gen eral run of rid er in th e United states probably would not partici pate at all ; not becaus e he is not good enough or doe sn ' t ha ve th eequipment , but he woul d refus e to ride a co urse which was so rou gh, fast and possibly dan gerous. I had the opportunity In France to atten d the Frenc h Gra nd P rix tor 500cc machi nes outsi de Paris. T he cou rse was run enti rely in s ide a huge gran ite rock qua rry , with th e spectators mostly at the top or the quarry looking in ward ----------------------------- to the basin. Th er e wer e 13 countries in c entral Europe repres en te d a t thi s event. To see thes e rellows coming o rr some or the walls which wer e 50 and 60 It• high and almost vert ically straight do wn was a thrill i n Itself, and to ride over nat plains which were no less than a washboard with 2\2 tt, gUllies was almos t unbelie vabl e. In tact , I believe the cl ubs which s ponsors the eve nts a nd the promotors actually try to mak e the co urse as rou gh and as wild as pos s ibl e. Th e speeds ar e not as great as t he ones you would see in this count ry, b u t the roughn ess o r the co urses is somet hing I ha ve ne ver seen in this c ountry. I think the Ameri ca n s cramble r has th e talent to do a good job, I j ust don 't believ e he i s as expe rie nc ed ridin g on th i s type of c ours e a s the Europe an is. Also , in a lot of cases , the rid er s ' phy si cal condition mig ht be bette r in Eur ope than her e. SOme of t he c ours es are from 2 to 3 mile s in length over th e rou ghe st ground yo u've e ve r seen , and the rid ers rid e 10 and 15 lap hea t events s tanding on the pegs t hroughout th ~ e ntire eve nt , ne ver o nce sitting down, whic h is pre tty s trenuou s on the le gs . 1 don't believ e the European s cou ld co mpete with any of the top pe opl e we have i n this c ountry in th e long des ert eve nts, becau s e' then equi pment is defini tely not built for tremendou s speeds ove r long peri ods of time; mor e empha s is is pl aced on the han dling and s t reng th of th e equi pment. Th e di rt rid er , in gene ra l i n Eur ope , would b.. no ma tch for th e rid er who partic ipa te s at Prado, becau s e they ar e not us ed to the s moot h, fa st" dirt track s nor is the ir e quipme nt ca pable of the sp eed s which a re co mmon a t California tra cks . • In future a rticles , we will giv e our comments on oth e r phases of Europ ean raci ng in comparison with the Unit ed State" . Th e ACA ha s ju st receiv ed offi cial application torm s and inronn ation booklets on the 41st nBlnin g of the International 6-days T rial which will s tart August 30th and run until Se ptembe r 4th, 1966. If anyone is interested in participating in thi s e vent, they are urged to con tact us immediately , becaus e th e cl osing da te for ent ries is th e 29 th of July. Entries may be accepte d up to the 3rd of August, but the entry tee i s double d. Las t year t here was a little mix-up and actually the ent ries for the e United s tates wer e over-subscri bed. W ha ve been assured thi s year that MlCUS will not make tbe same mistake and al l entries will be considered by ~ncus before s ubmission. So, if you would lik e to atten d thi s me etin g, we s uggest you move as rapidly as possi ble. Want Ads r e c e i v e d b y Monday will appea r in that Thursday's edi tion . 64 DUCATI DIANA 250cc Like new $495.00. Street equipped; license, c lip-ens, hi-bars, muffler, & megaphone. Also size 7 helmet. Dick Churchill , 5455 W. 119th Pl. , Inglewood (213) 679-0027. 1963 VELOCETTE SHAFT ORIVE TWIN Immaculate and yery ·classy" . -A lso xlt. trans., low mi . $350.00 or best offer. Call (213) 383-6058, Vlktor Scheibermann. TUNED EXHAUST & HI COMPo HEAD lor Yam aha 80cc. Also 58, 60 & 70 tooth over' lay sprockets lor trS. Call 347·9709, Gary Gerlich. WANTED VELOCETTE BASKET JOB or Parts 1959 or later. Ple ase no street equipment. Call or write Roger R. Sides, 1247 E. Aye. Q·5, Palmdale, Calif. Phone (80S) 9472934. I' M GOING DESERT - Haye 2 Hi Rubber P lrlill Unlyersal tires for sale. Good for scramb les or street (1) 400xl8 (1) 400xl9 Both for $25.00. John Diskin, 719 No. San Fernando ~Rd ., Burbank, Calif. Phone PO 92860. FOR SALE-'64 YAMAHA Ascot scrambler, needs cylinders $300.00. Call (213) 35300162 after 6 p.m., John Lamson FOR SALE - '63 TRIUMPH 21" Al Shape $495.00. set up for track. Call NE 5·7713 anytime. Carl Wengolln FOR SALE - 66 HONDA 305 Scramble,. Only ' 800 miles new. Factory warranty. Extras . Machine used on street only. Ca ll (714) 684-3502 eyenlngs, Bob Gomez. HAU L THAT BI KE - 58 Ford Ranchero with ' 61 big engine & '62 4-speed box. Good body, paint, chrome, & upholsty. Two mags, New brakes , tires, etc. Dick Churchil l, 5455 W. 119th P l., Inglewood. (213) 679-0027. HONDA DEALERSHIP FOR SALE: Thi s yery well known, respected and progresslve Deaiershlp Is now lor sale. MAJOR BRANDS (Honda plus) with complete machine shop and spec ial tools. Unbelleveable reasonable terms, low overhead, eyerythlng just right for someone new to the business. Write only to: Cycle News - Dept. B - P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, California. TWO·STROKE MECHANICS WANTED: Only top personnel need apply. Top wages plus Prollt Sharing Plan. White Sport-Cycle Center 2707 W. lst Street, Santa Ana, California. NORTON 750cc PAUL DUN5TALL Equipped plus all original equipment. Beautlfui and unusual machine lor street , track, or show. For experienced and discriminating rider. Phone GEl-1868.Must be seen to apprecl.ate• Richard Koehler. SHARP BSA GOLD STAR SCRAMBLER-DBD 34 sleeyed to 350cc, set up lor fa st scrambles and desert. Extra parts, tires, sprockets, etc. $495.00. Phone 897-6617, Jack Moen. FOR SALE-'64 MDNTESA Scrambler, 250cc. Set up lor TT,class 12 Aircraft main bearIngs. $450.00. HONDA MECHANIC WANTED Surf and sun in San Clemente. Ca ll or come to BEACH CITIES HONDA-Triumph, 525 North EI Camino Real, San Clemente, Calif. , Phone: (714) 492-6741• NEEDED: Service Mgr., Mechanics, Parts men and - women Cashiers FOR SALE-Three low mileage 1966 Glleras. 98cc Super Sport - $280: 98cc Scramb ler$313: 124cc Scrambler - $327. Call Bill Ungles, phone 390-1633. HONDA MECHANIC WANTED AT ONCE MOTORCYCLE & SCOOTER SHOP FOR SALE Excellent working condit ions. See qr call, Honda of Glendale , 90S E. Colorado St., Glendale, Calif. , phone 246·2461. THE FINISH LINE start immediately. Rest pay ever offered to qualified men. Cycle World, In c. .. Worlds lar ges t Cycle deal er" 7882 Orangethc rp, Bue na Park. (714) 523-311 1 868-2273_ In Los Angeles Basin, roJ!)' equi pped goi ng busi ness. Real opportunity for aggressive dealer. Must sell due to health. Write to Box C. % Cyc le News, 6477 n ~ Long Beach Blv d., Lo ng Beach By Roxy Roc kwood HERE COMES THE NATIONAL IT and the first bi g e ve nt of the y ear for Southern .Californi a. T alent galore, prize mon ey galore, national points ga l o re . Eddie Muld er won t he Castl e Rock event last we ek i n c ha mpi o ns hi p styl e . The eye now cente rs on Eddi e to s e e if he c a n be come t he first ri d e r to e ve r win P e or ia, Castl e Rock and Ascot. He has two of th em already sack ed away and it 's o dd that Ascot should be the l as t on his list . Ascot is hi s " Horne" track wh ere he has sco re d dozens of wins the last ~our y ears . It may a gain prove that the competition is still the roughest ri gh t In your own backyard. Mulder l ed th e first 27 laps last yea r at the A s c o t national. He has twice wo n the mai n e ven t here t his year . The p re-race favo rite Eddi e Mulder . The Castle Rock event was stretched to six laps in the heat races this year over the four laps that wer e run ther e last ye ar. It worked out fine for the Northw est lads but really ruin ed s ome big racing names from California. Ascot will agai n run only four laps in eac h e xpe rt heat ra ce. Eight rid ers from each heat will go to the national final that pays the bulk of the record $6 ,000 BULTACO 200cc SHERPA - Three months old. Am leaylng lor the east $525. Extras. . Ed. Hooyer, 2821 .W 152nd St" Gardena, Calif. Phone: DA 9-6463. , . FOR SALE 1965 CZ MDTO CROSS 250cc• Excellen t condition and ready to go. $595.00. Call World Cycle 66200839. 450 HONDA 6,000 miles $850.00.250 Greeves 34A engine $400.00. Honda of Goleta, 286 S, Fairview. Goleta. Calif.. Ph. 967-4416. pu rs e.. If the time trials produ c e the eve nly matched heats th ey ca me up wit h i n Washington many mor e of the l ocal ac es will again watch this one from the fence. SOnny Burres i s coming down from the North. T his is a grea tly impr oved Burre s from the one that rode he re half of la st s eason. It would be a real quirk if Mulder won i n Sonny'S backyard and then Burres came down here and becam e the first out-o f-sta te r t o win th e local national. . Th e ra ce s erves a s a two fold si tuation. Th e win, whi ch no rid er has eve r won t wice and th e nati onal poin t batt le . hi At Ca stl e Roc k, Draay er a nd W te were t he only two rid er s in the top te n i n t he current standings to make t he fin al. Draayer is now within one poin t of 5th pla c e . A good rid e co uld shoot him all t he way to se co nd in t he s tandin gs. W pre dicte d gre at things for thi s firs t e year expert ea rlie r i n the sea so n. He is li vin g up to predi ctions and sti ll co uld tak e the #l back to Sa lt Lak e at the e nd of t he ye ar . He may gathe r a bunch of poi nts Saturday ni ght . Wher e he really is going to s urprise is in the Ascot 8 miler, Sprin gfield a nd Sa cramento. Ti ger Gen e Romer o ran into engi ne troubles at CR which is a rar e i te m for BULTACO ROAD RACER - 250cc, 6 speeds lalrlng, alloy rims, large brakes. Dunlop road racers $650.000rtrade for IS Inch lIat tracker Gary, HO 7·3427 9 a.m, - 6 p.m. '56 BSA B-33 500cc SINGLE, looks bad, runs good. No lights, $275.00. '58 CATALINA GOLD STAR, complete less engine, plus most parts to assemble an early single engine, $200.00. Call 944-4605 , Chuck M lnert , Whittier , Calif. GOLD STAR PARTS - Lower end, Head Cylinder and Cases. Ken lIae ly, ca ll eye': Ings '(714) 735-0540. 1966 GREEVES CHALLENGER MARK II exce llent condit ion, neyer 'aced. $750.00 or trade for 650cc Triumph dirt bike phone (213) 679-4102 Joe Moore. Headline BOLD TYPE $1 extra. 1 .---------------------------~ $3 1 1 WRITE AD HERE 1 ENCLOSE CURRENCY th e co a s t charger. Don 't look for it . to happ en this week. Th e o ne thin g that may canc el him out would be ove reage rne s s t o l ap the field and tak e t he j ump 50 time s full bore . He can do it and ha s done it in the pas t. e'll go with Mulder in th e fina l but W wi ll gi ve Hammer, Romero an d Var L eeuwen plenty of backing to score thr ups e t. Fr iday ni ght is time trials only for the TT rid ers. A sp ecial request from the AMA officials is for all half mil e novi c e rider s to stay home. It see ms t hat every yea r SO me firs t year rid er s hows up at the pit gate wit h no bra ke s and is mad becau s e he ca n't ride t he loop. Thin gs start ha ppenin g fa st on Satur day nigh t ri ght a t 8:00 p. m, The re s hould be l ot s of surprises and ups e ts to ke ep y ou happ y this year. in i::::: ---: :::-: :: 1 1 City............... ... . . 1 11 p icture ·Sta te extra $ 2! WANT ADS. Box 498, 1 Long Beach , Calif. 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 I • I I ._--------------------------~

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