Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.." ~ Custom Seats - Motorc ycl e Painting ~ Pi ckup & Delivery Servi ce ~ ~ CANOGA PARK ~ 7233 CANOGA AVE . 346·3700 soco SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ROADRIDERS MEET RETURNS ACCESSORY MFGR. ESTABLISHES FRESNO BASE WANT TO DO WHEELlE.S ? --First install a BARNETT CLUTCH Buc o Products. Di vision of American safety Equipment. announc ed last week the establishment of their new West Coast warehousing- manufacturing facility . The facility will occupy portions of ASE' s Cali forni a division located at Fresno. California. Manufacturin g of certain cycle accessory prod ucts. as well as wa rehousi ng for t he c omplete Buc o line . will ena ble vol ume d istrihuti on. Helmet Resear ch Continues AVAILABLE NOW, BT s E VlLUERS DUCATI CLUTCH & PLATES RIDERS SEE YOUR DEALER. WE DO NOT SELL RETAIL ~i~ .. ~, PACIFIC BLVD. VERNON CALIFORNIA tiAYC 55 HLE HOD AKA SALES· PARTS· SERVICE This i s the second major expansion move by Buco s ince i t was acquired by American safety Equipment late in 1965. During the fi rs t of this year. additional manufacturing facilities were s et up in SOuthfield, Michigan, near th e main plant. Product research and de ve lop ment is carried on by Buco's Engineering Group located in Oa k Park, Michigan. There, a continui ng pro gram i n head protect ion is carri ed. on in addition to the work heing conducted at the Biomechanics Research Center of Wayne state University unde r a grant from Buco. 0 Go 2-STROKE SPEED EQUIP ED.DIECIOWEL L West Again Pri or to its acquisition by American ~fety. Buc o had estahlished a Calilo... rna distribution point. However. this fa cility was moved hack to Michigan dur ing early 1965 due to the product demand far exceeding the supply. The new and much larger facility in Fresno is planned to give full s upport to Buc o sales ell:orts in the nine western states. in cluding Alaska" Hawaii. 1lIIlI British Columbia. New Management 10 427 P ra irie , lng lewood OR.3·9573 1857 MercecI _ El Monte, Cal ifornia 9 1733 You'rein Good Company Simultaneous with the announcement of the new West COast facility . Buco appointed two repres entatives to handle area contacts. Terre Insco moves up from American safety's Ca lifornia di vision to act as sales-service Manager. Mr. Ins co will he based in Fre sno. APpointed as General Sales Representative for the western territolY is Russell Clayto n. who comes to Buco with a long history in t he cyc le market. The new western staff. along with management representatives of Buco, will meet with area cycle dealers in two special presentatinn programs in Los Angeles and san Francisco during early August, to expose Buco' s new look an d company • personality.• PERRY PAYNE Parts man emaordinaire at LO GBEACH HO DA 5105 Atlantic Blvd. 4328 E. Anaheim St. 423-1433 & 439-0943 BSA Headquarters in Long Beach 431 w P.cllic HWJ· . -'-'-11 (!J~ ~ Spe 1GII er14' RON JONES PRESENTS IN EL TDRO Being properly equipped can make cycle travels IIOre fun and sof.. The lon willi wIIat to do with the emas Is answered with • nrlety 01 C3rrylnC devices. sac:h as the solldlebocs seen .bove. In .cldltlon Is the slncle boC tbat . . lIttac:h behind the seat 01 ne.rly ....., cycle. C.mplng ce.r. picnic pdl.., or valu. b1es neatly find tIIelr pl.ces I ~ tile bocs and .re protected from wind, dust and r.ln. Accessories silo... bere. Inc:ludlnc WIndshields and s.fely helmets .re by Buco. We RIDE What We SELL 'SA

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