Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SUBSCRIBE HERE AND the National Circuit IN CYCLE NEWS' NEW CONTEST YESl You can win the machine of your dreams--any motorcycle you desire , as long as it is available in the U.S. at the time the winner is announced on December 22, 1966. HOW TO ENTER: If you are already subscribing to Cycle News, just fill in the bottom half of the coupon below and send it in to Cycle News " Ma chine of your Dreams' Contest P ,O , Box 49B, Long Beach, California F IRST PRIZE--THE MACHINE OF YOUR DREAMS exactly as des cri be d on you r co ntest entry blank, SE COND PR IZE-Your cho ice of brand new Honda S-90 or Hoda ka Ace- !II , THI RD, FOURTH , FIFTH , SIXTH . SEVENTH , EIGHTH , NINT H, T ENTH, ELEVENTH, TWELFTH , THIRTEENTH , FOURTEENTH, FI FT E E NT H, SIXTEENTH , SEVENTEENTH , EIGHTEENTH , NINE n'ENTY-SECOND , T E ENT H, T WE NTI ET H, TWENTY-F IRST, TWENTY-TH IRD , TWENTY-FOURTH and a ll the way to F IFTIETH PR IZES-Rare co llector's item recording of Sammy Tanner singing " T he Flying Flea,' If you have not yet subscribed to Cycl e News , DO IT NOW! Just fill out and send in the whole coupon belo w or a reasona ble facsi mil e and we will record your entry in the con test and start s endi ng you Cycle News eve ry week by mail. Short of cash? Us e your credit. Send no money and we will bill you later. Send in as many entries as you wish. Entri es will be judged on th e basis of sin ceri ty, ori ginality and aptness of thought - - - - - - - - SUBSCRIPTON BLANK-- - - - - - -, (Please check one) Please send me Cycle News for one year via 2nd class mail P lease send me Cycle News for one year via first class mail 0 S7,50, 0 S12,50, (Please check one) I enclose check or money order 0 (or) Please bill me laterD Address I City State Zip I I I Around tbe country with the Californians By Annette Camp (Conti nue d [rom la s t we ek) Fred Nix mad e his return to th e Santa F e short track Wednesday , July 6, after th ree weeks in a c as t. He bounc ed back by taking a win in his heat, semi , the dash and th e main , ev en though Rog er Reiman almost got him in the final. J i m McMurren got a second in his heat , a third in the dash , a fourth in the main. Our boy can 't seem to get out of fou rth spot. T exas Jack McNairy took a third in his heat and a sixth in his s emi. Another Cali fornia rider showed up at Santa F e. This was novice Larry Below: Jim McMunen o[ Nester, Calli., enHolliste r 113y, from San Marino. He had joys our paper. been readi ng this column and deci ded to come back and try it . Brave guy, especia lly bein g a novice. Larry made it half way here in a 1949 Ford. He acqui red this after he crashed his truck in Missouri. He removed the back seat to make room for his Bultac o and his tools. He stopped for one race on tbe way out in Trenton , Missouri. It was a big time race. Eleven racers s igned up to put on a show for aU of fifty spectators . It was a half star , so this meant it was a big purse (ha) too. La rry bent an axle in his heat race and didn't get to ride the final. Lar ry is staying in Waukegan wit h Below: 7-Mlle National winner and pride of the rest of the bunch. One house now illinois, Babe DeMay. has eig ht occupa nts and the other has six. Between the two houses they have twenty-two motorcycles. Lar ry Buell 68r, from San Die go, also arrived two weeks ago. He is also a member of the club. The next weekend was once again National time. This bein g the Seven J li e Nati onal at Li ncoln, 111. Everyone was ready except Phil Hawk, who had a broken hand. The hea t ,was unbeli evable Sunday at Li ncoln. M ost of the racers and tuners looked like they were ready to die Instead of race. Neither Sid Carlso n, Jui es Arthor or J im M e M urren made the tt nat, Sid finished sixth in hi s heat, behind him was Jim In se venth. Jul es finish ed se venth in his heat also . Sam Tanner also almost didn't make the final. He had to duel it out with Red McKeen In the las t three laps of the firs t expert heat. He pas s ed Below: Red McKeen #27 led Sam Tanner until Red once who in turn passed him back, last lap J uly 10. Bottom: J im MeM. and [rlend. In the second to the las t lap . In the last lap Sam finally got him, but not by much. sam ended up in fifth s pot In the actual Seven Mile final. It was won b)' ele venyear expert Babe DeMay. Nobody could think of a nicer guy, or a more des erving race r to take that first place. He rode a beauti ful race In the final , al so winning his heat. Nlel Keen was third in the third heat and Bill Ers hil: was fourth. In the final Niel took a tenth and Bill a tweHth. Western amat eurs Ron Monroe and Keith Johnson didn' t make the amat eur final. Ron took a fourth in his heat , one spot s hort , as tbey only took three out of each he at to the amateur main. Keith J ohnson ended up eight h i n his hea t and Larry BueU finis hed seventh. J a ck M c Nairy won hi s heat by a long s hot and was fourth in the final. Ben Breeding took the a mateur win. W hen eve rybody was packed up and ready to go hom e, it was about 6:30 in the eve ning and the t emperature had dropped to a mere one hundred degrees. 'Most everyon e made it to the nearest air conditioned pub. The next day . lo nd ay, j ust happened to be Red McKeen' s birthday. J udy, his wife, dec ided to give him a s urprise party. The whole gang was ther e and a grea t time was had by all , until the next morning. M La wwill went home to ride the ert TT Nati onal , but will be back right aft er that . Chuck Felton also went home. I don' t know whether he will be back or not. This wee kend it 's ba ck to Wisc onsi n for two half miles there. (Conti nued ne xt week) DETACH AND MAIL TO CYCLE NEWS/BOX49B /LONG BEACH, CAL. ~ - - - - - - - - - CONTEST ENTRY BLANK - - - - - - - - - - TWO DIRECTIONS: Complete the following statements in 25 words, approXimately: "I like Cycle News Because " .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • •• I I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I I 1.1 • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • 11 11 • • • I • • • • • • • • • I ' I I I 1 .111.11 1 • • • 1 • • 1 .1 • • I I • • • I I I • • • • • • • • • • • 1 ' 1 . 1 I I I . I I • • I 1 • • 1. I • • • • • • "I f I win, the machine of my dreams is ........................ • . .• ENTER AS OFT EN AS YOU W ISH. USE TH IS COUPON OR ANY REASONA BL E FACSIMILE. CONTEST I S NOT OPEN TO EMPLOYEES OF C&S P UBLI SHING COMPANY OR TH EIR FAM ILIES. ----------------------------- _ (Conti nued from week before last) ••TWO WHEELS that Is, •• •Come along to Mexico via m otorcycles as we rejoin the fun couples, Irv & Dottle Seaver of Santa Ana, M uorothy M. Seave r y Calif. Edwina and Bob Livingston of Orange on their recent Latin Ho liday. IF BY LAND Thursday - Ma rch 10 Decided to stay here two nights to get some neede d was hing done and do s ome s ightseeing. Mazatlan is a beautiful city right on the oce an. In fac t , it is surrounded on three si des by water . Took a two hour taxi tour of the city in th e morning, and Tino, our guide was a fount of information . Ask Irv and--Bob about Loll ta, Rosita, Conchita, etc .t Before dinner in the hotel, we sat lls teni ng to Maria chis again , sipping Margueritas, and hearing the pound of t he surf through the opened door. The romance of it al l was really getting to us and we were ready, finall y, to slow dow to thei r pace. The heck n with M exico City or any goal! We'd go go as far as we could and s till enjoy ourse lves. Frl day - March 11 On the road at 8:30 this morning destination, Tepic , only 186 miles. Here we could take side tri p to San Bias. MY feet were killing me! You'd think I had walked all the was. Combinati on of Iust sitting all day and hot sun on black boots making my feet swell. Wool socks sure didn' t help any , eit her. Very very hot today in the valley - don't see how peo ple in cars stood it without ai rconditio ning. W were fine when travele Il ng, but really mind ed the heat when we sto pped. It was so bot that , when Irv would stop and shut off the igniti on s witch, the engine would keep right on running. Cli mbing up to the mountains , we c ame to a hal t beca use of a nr e In a truck carQing grain. This was where "'e were extremely d ad to be on motorcycles. W could get aro und the long e li ne of cars , trucks , and bus es ha ving to wait out the fire. Fin all y we got up high enough so the air was cool and there was Tepic. The motel was heavenly cool eve n without ai r-condrtioning, Went shopping downtown and bought mysel f a pair or shoes and some thinner , so cks. W were now in the Tropic Zone and e were seeing many di fferent kinds of • ... •

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