Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 05 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. , • • .. do so. If not . and you are actin g as a free a gent under your own opinion, this is s till a violation and I s uggest , s ir, you cons ult your attorney before making any further s tatements either verbally or in writi ng. As you know, a verbal statement is as sub missible as evidence as a written one. Under the Cartwright Act , a person merely has to file a petition stating his rights have been violated and the Ca li fornia state Justice Dept. will defend his case and his rights . There is no burden upon the individual for legal fees. F or the pas t two years the A.C.A. and the A.M.A. have been able to li ve harmoni ously, on the s urface anyway, in the Sout hern California area. I ca nnot see why this situation is changing or why your a t t i t u d e has change d t ow a r d us. W have done e nothing to ca use the A.M.A. to feel we are infringing upon them. W have hea rd e rumors in the pas t that the A.M.A. has put pres sur e on some of our riders but have not had concrete evidence until the las t two weeks. Could it be t hat some of the A.M.A. riders are dissatisfied with some of the decayed and a ntiquated rules and officiating that you condone? I think a more equitable way to tak e our riders from us or stop your riders from participati ng wit h us would be to promote bette r racing and better rules than we are providing ; then you would not be forced to res ort to threa ts to make these riders stop partic ipa ti ng in our events. So, in order to preve nt any 1ega 1 actio n toward you or the A.M.A.. I reques t you cease your petty methods of pers uas ion. I su ggest we exert our energies in promoting the s port rat her than fighti ng with each ot her. WES COOLEY Pres ident, A.C.A. Pla centia , Calif. YAMAHA WINS EVERYWHERE TAKES 5 OUT OF 10 IN NOVICE CLASS AT CARLSBAD A.M.A. PROFESSIONAL ROAD RACES ST.- DOUG BROILES -YAM. 1 3rd.- LARRY PRUm 4th.- RON PIERCE 7th.- JIM DEEHAN 8th.- DAN PARRINO - Bert Brundage, District 31 A.M .A. Referee, repl ies: BALONEY ! BERT W BRUNDAGE . A.M.A. Referee La Crescenta, Calif. InternatiDnal Enthus iasm ., • • . .. • .. . I would as k you to print this in your " Voice of Cali fornia" s ectio n as I feel Cali fornia riders as well as riders and inte rested citizens in the United Stat es better wake up to s ome very important facts. While this statement that I am a bout to outline is meant to be food for thought, it may be threatening, bold or ju st the thing some do not wis h to hear or care about. You know it makes me about si ck to realize that a few American (get that American) riders went to the Is le of Man in 1965 to ride the !SOT and compet e wearing American colors , yet to my knowledge there was not one bit of organized effort by our so-called cycle organizations. or their riders to help and support thes e riders who had enough guts and determinatio n to ride. There are probably only a few non-riders who were aware of the American effort at the 1965 !SOT. yet our other American athlete s who compete in Europe in major as well as the s mall events get tons of su pport. money and publicity. Th es e at hletes probably put out 1/ 10t h the effort and time for events that in no way can even come close to the world importa nce of the ISDT. Why. why, does this continue year after yea r without any organized s upport from any American riders or citizens ? Why? W ell. I have the ideas t hat you, Mr. American rider and citizen . just don' t care ! You are willi ng again to sit back, ignore. pass the buck , not do anything as you alway s have while a handful of American riders - -spend their time. money a nd risk their necks repres enting you. So it is a fact you don't care but did you ever wonder why cycle riders in the U.S.A. are considered the lowest of the low or a bunch of reckles s fools that need to be locked up? Mr. J ohn Q . Citizen no doubt knows (and ca re) more about the Hells Angel s than he does about legitimate organized motorcycli ng in the U.S.A. P roba bly the Hells Angels. if informed of the need to support American riders in E urope, would do more to s upport our riders in Europe than the current bra nd of socalled cycl e organizations and riders . So if this is the case, Mr. Rider, Dealer and Citizen, what are you going to do about it? I challenge your interest and concern in this matter. I propos e that the Unit ed Sta tes of America s end teams ot Europe for this year' s 500ccl 250cc M Cros s Des Nations and peroto haps this effort could have its start in Callfornia. I further propos e that Americans band toget her, appoi nt a team manage r and interest pers ons in organiz ing and as s isting the riders who will be traveling to Sweden for the 1966 !SOT. I now throw this open to discussion and comment by all. T he facts are in the open. I will see if any of you out there give a damn about motorcycling• the riders who wear our colors and most of all thi s great country and its world image . H.S. El M onte , Calif. Editor - .Yeah! BOBBY WINTERS YAM. YAM. YAM. YAM. AND 5 OUT OF 10 IN AMATEUR-EXPERT CLASS 3rd.- BOBBY WINTERS - YAM. 4th.- RALPH WHITE - YAM. 5th.- EDDIE WIRTH - YAM. 6th.- KEN CLARK YAM. 7th.- VIC VILA YAM. RALPH WHITE - ---VAMAHAI NTE RNATl 9 NAL COR PORATION 7733 TELEGRAPH RQt.D. MONTDI£LLO CAUFORN&A 90054 • U. S. RTt. 30. BnL LAN DOWNINGTOWN. P£NHS'n.VANIA . E. ASCOT PARK 1/2 MILE CLASS CPROFESSIONAL NOVICE FINAL 1. KEITH KRUSER 2. 3. YAM. LARRY PRUEn - YAM. DON ROBERTS YAM. 3

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