Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Wind (Con tin ued from page 2) 00 00 0") ...... 120 solo entries per division, and 100 sidecar en tries, will be accepted. Cl as ses i ncl ude Formula One, Senio r, Formula Two, A, B, C and D Production divisions, and two Sideca r classes. In addition , four Classic Races will offer competition in the 250/3 50cc, 5OOcc, Unlimi ted and Sidecar division s. Action will begin May 30 and conclude June 10. For more in lormation, co ntact Departm ent of Tourism, 13 Victori a Street, Dou glas, Isle of Man , Great Britain; telephone: 0624-74323. For entry in the Classic Races, contact George Goddard, 24 Victoria Road, Ca stl etown, Isle o f Man, Great Britain. ..... m ::; u >u a: g o ::E <, o a: o u. a: w ~ w o >- '" g o J: e, Comed ia n Jay Leno conf irmed t hat Ca liforn ia Assemb ly man ' Richard Floyd (D-Ga rde na) used vu lgar, abusive la ng uag e when Leno phoned Floyd to protest AB36. Floyd's proposed mandatory helmet law for Ca lifornia, but Leno said he never made any type of threat. " He said I threatened to ra is e a bunch of money a nd have him thrown out (of office)," said Leno. "That's not true. AU I wanted to do was call and reg ister my opinion. I did not use abusive language; I don't use abusive language in my act. I was polite and courteous. I don't deny saying I would help raise money to defeat this bill, but I didn't threaten him. I was trying to talk to him like a reasonable person. I called three t imes and apolog ized each time. I said, ' Lo o k, can we try again? I think we just got started off on the wrong foot.' I never threatened to throw anybody out of office." Accord ing to Leno , each time he phoned the assemblyman and tried to engage in "reaso na ble " conversation on AB36, Floyd would utter several vu lga rities and hang up . Leno , who said he is opposed to the bill from a civi l libe rt ie s viewpoint, will travel to Sacramento soon to lobby against AB36. He w ill speak w ith several senators on the California Senate Tra nsportation Committee, which w ill consider the measure March 1 . AB36 was approved by the state assembly last year. Video excerp ts of activity at Keith Code's California Superbike School appeared on the NBC-TV affiliate in Los Angeles last month as a feature of a David Horowitz-hosted Fight Back segment on the even i n~ news program last month. Horowitz was impressed with the fact that the California Superbike School had trained over 16,000 riders and that school director Code had developed the Braking Enhancement Trainer (BET) to help riders learn maximum braking safety. The segment is now slated to air on the national NBCTV Fight Back program on Febru ary The USDA-Forest Service will hold a public meeting concerning t he use of off-road vehicles on the Ironton (Ohio) Unit of the Wayne Nati o nal Forest. The meeting will take place on Saturday, March 5 , at the Co llins Ce nter, Ohio University Southern Campus in Iro nton . The campus is loca te d just off. the Oh io Ro ute 141 exit of U.S . Route 52. The Forest Service's objectives w ill be to provide info rmati o n on how ORV use will be managed under th e new Wayne Nat ional Fo rest Ma nagement Plan an d to fost e r an attitude of understanding and cooperation w ith the ORV users. Participants in addit ion to t he Forest Service w ill incl ude representatives fr o m ORV associations and var ious la w enforcement agencies. If there's any concern you wish to see addressed at the meet ing. contact District Ranger Lionel A. Lemery, 710 Park Ave.• Room 3 , Ironton, OH 45638-3223 . Dair yland Insurance Company has received national endorsemen t from the Gold Wing Road Rid ers Association (GWR RA). Chuck Westphal, execu tive director of the GWRRA, sa id, " Da iry land 's lo ng stan din g reputat ion as a leader in the mo torcycle insurance industry a nd their nation al scope, assures our members o f rece ivin g exce lle nt rates a nd quality service on the coverage they need." Marty Katz, director of motorcycle insurance for Dairyland, said, " We feel the associa tion 's members represent the experienced, safe riders Dairyland programs are specifically" design ed to serve." Dairyland Insurance Company is on e of the largest providers of motorcycle insura nce in the na tion . They are represent ed in 37 sta tes. Dairyland is a member of the Sentry famil y of in suran ce compan ies and is located in Scottsdale, Arizona. Friends of Dan Rouit, a former AMA /District 35 amateu r and professional dirt track racer from Clovis, California, who became a quadripleg ic following a hiking accident nine years ago, are raising money to replace. Rouit 's wheelchair-accessible van, which was destroyed in an automobile accident last month. Donations may be sent to trustee Kim Kincade, 106 Third . Clovis, CA 93612. For more information, contact Rouit at 209/291 -2242. The California Assembly Transportation Committee voted 10-1 February 10 to approve AB2746, a bill requiring all ATV rid ers in the state to wear helm ets. The measure was introduced by Assembl ywoman Doris Allen (R-Garden Grove), who successfully spo nsored a 1987 bill which mandates th at all children riding ATV s in Cali forn ia mu st wear helmets, beginning January I, 1990. Allen 's new bill wo uld require all ATV riders to wear helmets, effective January I, 1989. The measure will be heard next by th e Assembly Ways & Means committee, bu t a hearing ·has. not been schedu led. T he lon e dissenting vote came from Assembl yman Bill Lan caster (R-Covi na) . Lancaster also voted aga inst AB36, a proposal to mandate helm et use for motorcyclists who ride on public roadways in Cali fornia. The Tran sportation Committee a p p ro ved AB36 10-4 last April. AB36 subsequently was approved by the full assembly and is now under considera tion in the California Senate. Southern Ca lifo rn ia road racer Richard Moore is t he late st rider to ioin the AMA /Castrol 250cc Granct Prix c lass wars. Mo o re recently purchased a 1 9 8 8 Yamaha TZ250 and will contest t he entire series starting w ith Daytona on March 5 . Moore is ho ping to ride the bike a few t imes at Willow Springs in Rosamond, California. before Daytona. On e rider who will be missing from the AMA/ Castrol 250cc Grand Prix class in 1988 is Ran dy Renfrow. Former 250cc cha mp Renfrow will ride a Vance & H ines Superbik e in the AMA Supe rbike Nati on als, and will on ly ride a 250 in the Grand Prix at Laguna Seca on April 10. Four-time runner-up in the 500cc World Championship Road Race Series and new Cagiva recruit Randy Mamo la has recently s igned to use Pirelli t ires in the 1988 Grands Prix. according to Pirelli officials. Mamola will be reu nited with new Pirelli , and former Dunlop, tire techn ician Peter Ingley. T eam Kawasaki 's J eff Ward and Ron Lechi en used new React, Inc. , on eway radio (mecha nic to rider) systems at the Seattle (Washington) Supercro ss, February 13-14. Both riders were abl e to receive messages from rac e manager Roy Turner while the race was in progress, but could not ta lk back. The radios were attached to the back of their helmets . Lechien said after one of his hea t race wins that Turner didn't tal k too much, but did feed him important information once in a while, usually in easy and quiet sections of the track. Suzuki's Todd DeHoop also has been experimenting with radio communication . Road racer Scott Russell w ill be a busy man this season. The 1987 WERA- A Production class National Champion from Lake City, Georgia, w ill contest the AMA Superbike National Championship on a Ch ris Chandlersponsored Suzuki GSXR750 prepared and tuned by Woody Kyle and Jon Roberts. Russell will also compete in the AMA 600 and 750cc S upersport Series, the Suzuki National Cup Series and return to the WERA endurance rac e c ircuit as team captain for Solmax Racing USA. Russell's Supersport and Suzuki National Cup effort is sponsored by Dunlo p. EBC Brakes, Solmax Racing USA , ' Br u c e Hamme r/Team Hammer, Shoei Helmets and BelRay . T eam Ob solete's Rob Iannucci has anno unced that J eff Elgh an ayan will not be riding with th e team in the AH RMA vint age bike road races at Daytona on Febru ary 29. According to Iannucci, Elgh anayan , who races under the nam e Marco Polo, had been a sub stantial finan cial spo nsor o f T eam Ob solete, but he has recently indicated his intention to set up his own racing operati on for both bike s and cars, possibly under the nam e Marco Polo Racing. " We wish him every success," said Iannucci. Elghanayan was unavailable for commen t. Iannucci also said that he now intends to downscale T eam Ob solete to a "si ze more appro p ria te to an ama teur spo rt." Dave Roper will be the sole T eam Ob solete rider at Dayton a an d will compe te on the exDick Mann BSA Triple and the Isle of Man TT-winn ing Matchl ess G50. Interested spo nsors can con tact .lann ucci at 718/ 596-0504. Team S uzuki's Bob Hannah was spectating at the Seattle Supercross doubleheader, and he also made some guest appearances at local Suzuki shops in the Seattle area, prior to the races. Hannah, who is semi-retired from supercross racing. was interviewed in the Kingdome infield by announcer Larry Maiers before Saturday night's race and was asked if he missed racing supercross. His answer was, "No," but Hannah is expected to ride the March 5 Daytona (Florida) Supercross, pending the outcome of a wrist injury suffered at the Florida Winter AMA MX Series in January. According to H arl ey-D avidson , three-tim e Grand National Champion Jay Springsteen will compete in all the AMA Pro T win road races thi s season. Springsteen will ride Bill Bartels /Harl ey-Davidson -sponsored ma chinery. Springsteen will be joined by Harley's Chri s Carr and Gen e Church in the Daytona Pro Twin race. Although Harley says, " v. , th e Gen e Church /Don Tilley H.O.G . Race T eam will take a oneyear sabb ati cal, " the Church/Til ley combo will compete a t Daytona and "a few other select races." Harley also said that Scott Parker will be aboard a Harley Pro Twins bike at the Loudon , New Hampshire, AMA Camel Pro Series meet. According to an article in Enthusiast, Harley's quarterly publication, the Milwa ukee manufacturer has "a comprehe nsive 1988 racing plan. The priority of th e racing department is to develop a new road race motorcycle." The article also says that Harley will be producing new XR-750 dirt track engines "so that privateers will have an opportunity to update their equipment and become more competitive.': One of t he annual ha p pe nings during Daytona Cycle Week is the Roxy Rockwood Show. Th is year Roxy will be interviewing racing's stars at the Pagoda Hotel (5 1 S . At lan t ic in Ormond Beach - just north of Daytona Beach) nightly from Tuesday. March 1 through Saturday, Ma rc h 5 . During a Febru ary 23 meeting in Val en ci a , Cal iforni a, th e Los An gel es Count y Department of Parks and Recreation will accep t public commen ts on a proposed offhi ghw ay veh icle project in Santa Clarita Vall ey's Whitney Canyon, .near Newhall. Acquisiton and development of the proposed site will be discussed, but public comment will be limited to three minutes per speaker. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Valencia Library, 23743 West Valencia Blvd. Written comments sho uld be ma iled to the Department of Park s and Recreation, a ttent ion Dorothea Park, 433 South Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90020.

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