Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SR EX: 1. AI Stinebaugh (Suz); 2. Bob Millner; 3. Ron Cole (Suz); 4 . Robert Mennell (Han); 5. David Neal (Yam). DINa: 1. Dary l Hambl eton (Tri); 2. Bob Reinen . 125 BEG: 1. Bern ie Michael (Kaw); 2. Rich Thom as (Kaw); 3. Keith Teste rman (Han); 4 . Cli nt Hamilton (Su z); 5. Robart Me nzbuber. 125 NOV: 1. Tony Sulek (Kaw); 2. Derek Meyer; 3. Jon Hugh len . 125 INT: 1. Ch ri s Pacin o (Cagt, 2. Scan Murphy (Kaw). 250 BEG: 1. Dean Jennings (Kaw); 2. Todd Clark (Kaw); 3. J oe Buckn er (Han); 4 . C.R. Bru mson; 5. Scon Adams (Han). 250 NOV: 1. Mike McC arley (Han ); 2. Chuck Bagw ell (Han). 3. Rich Call aha n (Suz); 4 . Luc ky Feinstein (Kaw); 5. Tony Shafer (Suz). 250INT: 1. Todd Broussard (Yam); 2. Everr et Neal (Han); 3. Tony Qualls (Vam); 4 . Troy We llY. 250 PRO : 1. Tim Telford (Han) ; 2 . Rod Ocean Center March 3-5, 1988 tr Richardson. 500 BEG: 1. Byron Green e; 2. Dan iel Gu in; 3. Reed A. Kregel (Suz); 4 . Danny M cKee; 5. Denn is , Talavera. "' . 500 NOV; 1. Karl Allen; 2. David Thayer; 3. Greg Robert son (ya m); 4. Barry Logan (Han); 5. Char lie St rong . 500 INT: 1. Russell Garc ia; 2. GeorqeAndrews (Han); 3. Tom Smith (Han ); 4 . Dav id M ason (Kaw) . 500 PRO: 1. J im Sendelbach; 2. Brad Mc Leod (Hon); 3. J ohn Greenway. Iwanaga masters MontereyST By Mike Vancil MONTEREY. CA. JAN. 30 Paul Iwanaga picked up right where he left off in th e 1987 season by claiming ano ther light to flag victory in the 500cc Expert division at the first R&D Enterprise even t of 1988 at the Monterey County Fairgrounds. On th e in augural evening of the R&D seaso n and th e first event of a Monterey H igh Point Series Iwanaga gra bbed th e lead comi ng o u t of turn two and never had to do more th an jus t ride hi s normal race to ge t the win in th e hea t race. Co mi ng seco nd to Iwan aga was H ondamo unted Jimmy H iguera. In the 12-lap fin al the race was p ra cticall y a rerun of the hea t race for Iwan aga had the lead by a wheel co mi ng out of turn two and it was aga in Hi guera o n to cha lle nge. These two never cha nged positi ons but the rema inder of th e pack was constantly changing. Kevin Crowley rode smoothly to a di stant third at th e fini sh . . J o hn Pack won the 500cc Junior and th e Junior Open class finals while brother Bob .used his trusty Honda to cop the 250cc Novice final. In the 250cc Novice final the lu ck disappeared for heat winner Troy Watts as he could not comp lete the 12 laps and earned a sixth place. Early battles betw een Mark Bakhit and Michelle DiSalvo settled down to these three pulling awa y from everyon e else. Pack kept th e lead for a short wh ile th en Bakhit held it for nearl y the whole di stance. On the last lap Pack got th e better drive out of turn four and n ip ped Bakhit at th e line. DiSal vo h eld o ff Gregory En yart to keep third pl ace. In both the 500cc Junior final and th e O pen fina l it was J ohn Pack barel y ahead of Anthony Gi amman co. T hir d p lace in both even ts was well off the pace of the leaders.e Res ul ts P/W: 1. Craig Gonzales (Yam); 2. M ich ael Hanna s (Suz); 3. Adam M ill er (Yam); 4. Bryo n Gr ier (Vam) . • 60; 1. Jo h nny M urphree (Kaw); 2. A. J. Kirkpatrick (Kaw ); 3. Ma n Willard (Kaw). BO NOV: 1. Dan Hart (Kaw); 2. Don Hart (Vam); 3. Tim my Alv ern az (Yam). BO JR: 1. W ill iam Luke r (Kaw ); 2. Man W illard (Kaw); 3. J ohnny M urphree (Kaw) . 250 NOV: 1. Bob Pack (Han ); 2. Mark Bakhirt (Han); 3. Mi chelle DiSalvo (Vam); 4 . Gregory Enyart (Vam ); 5. Ricky Baker (Vam). 500 NOV: 1. Dan Feldh au s (Han); 2. Kevi n Gonzale s (Han); 3. Greg Sowl e (Vam); 4 . J ohn Pierce (Vam); 5. M ar k Bakh it (Kaw ). OPEN NOV: 1. Rick Colema n (Yam), 2. Greg Sowle (Vam); 3. Dan Feldhaus (Han); 4. Bob M eir ing (Rlx); 5. Craig Cook (Bu l). 500 JR : 1. John Pack (Vam ); 2 . A nthony Giammanco (Yam); 3 . Lonn ie Lacy .J r. (Yam ); 4 . Pat M cDaniel (Vam); 5. Perr y Lang (Vam). OPEN JR : 1. Jo hn Pack (Vam); 2. An t hony Giammanco (Yam); 3. David Freeze (Yam); 4. Pat McDaniel (Yam); 5. Patr ick Vacchi eri (Yam). 500 EX; 1. Paullwanaga (Ho'n); 2. J immy Higuera (Han); 3. Kevin Crowley (Vam); 4 . Jo e Carr era (Suz); 5. Randy Bereman (RlX). VET: 1. Lynn Georg e (Han); 2. Bob Meiring (RlX); 3. Joe Kamm (Yam). • Register to win valuable prizes • Hundreds of motorcycles, ATVs,acce~riesa nd apparel • see the latest models • see the best in tou ring cyc le equipment • Free Rider education seminars • see motorcycles of the future and collector cycles of the past • Hundreds of gift items and occessorles for purchase Thursday. March 3 11 am-10 pm ·Friday. March 4 10 am- 9 pm AMA --- ~~~~ saturday, March 5 Endorsed by ~ 10 am- 9 pm Produced by Edgell . Expositions and Conferences FIREBIRDINTERNATIONAL RACEWAY FEBRUARY 28 February 28 - Southwest Regional Championship Sprint Races + 100 KM Endurance Race Track Information - (602) 583-8859 AMAlCCS Information .- (704) 684-4297 Gat es Open 6:00am Prac t ice 8 :00am 1 00KM Endurance Race Starts 10:00am AMA/CCS Sprint Races Start 12 Noon Firebird Intern ational Race,way Take 1· 10 Ten Miles South Of Phoeni x- All Regula r AMA/CCS Championship Classes Plus Regiona l F-50, Vintage. LightweightAir Cooled, GTO and GTU Classes . YAMAHA. .. ~ 27

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