Cycle News

Cycle News Issue 39 October 3, 2017

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOL. 54 ISSUE 39 OCTOBER 3, 2017 P91 stopping and slaps on Maguras. And they're great. Initial feel and aggressive bite seem on par with what many consider the best brakes in the business. The TE250i's fuel injection system works extremely well at compensating for altitude and temperature changes or any- thing else that can compromise a carbureted bike's fuel metering. It simply provides a consistent throt- tle response and power character all the time, every time. There is no hesitation with the TE250i, ever. It is consistently smooth and efficient. The throttle response is identical from sea level to 11,000 feet. There is not a stutter or pop or blubber or hesitation or any "loading up" to be found. The exhaust note was an absolute clone of itself everywhere we rode it. I don't know how to put it more simply than that. The fuel and oil economy of the Husqvarna TE250i are great. The fuel range is about the same as some of the best-running high- altitude 300cc KTMs we've rid- den. It does not provide massive benefits in fuel range. However, since the injection system is ex- tremely stingy on oil delivery, the oil economy and range of a tank of two-stroke mix is staggering. Husqvarna literature says riders can expect five tanks of fuel per tank of oil. We'd say it's closer to 10 tanks of fuel, or more. Expect to use less oil than ever before, but about the same amount of fuel as a nicely jetted, great running carbureted two-stroke can. showed me how to manipulate the power, I'd happily manipu- late the power! Otherwise, I'd start stockpiling FMF pipes (Oh, hey there tree, log, rock, rock, tree, rock) and put a nice, long-wearing O-ring chain and sprocket set on. SuperSprox, Ironman and DDC sprockets are worth their weight. Heck, you can bolt them on multiple bikes you own for years. Finally, I'd probably put a Seat Concepts seat on it. I'd also buy a selfie stick so I could take pictures of myself with it. And some picture frames for those pictures. That's about it."

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