Cycle News

Cycle News 2017 Issue 02 January 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOL. 53 ISSUE 2 JANUARY 17, 2017 P81 EXPECTING EXPECTED NOT THE the season finale at New Jersey Motorsports Park with a comfort- able lead in the championship. But then bad luck struck again. Sitting helpless on the side of the track with his ailing bike, he nearly watched his champion- ship lead completely evaporate. "It was pretty crazy going into the last round with a race under my belt in points. I was like, 'I got this,''' he said. "I think what happened in the last race kind of brought things back to reality for me, showing me how bad I wanted this championship and how easy it can just slip out of your fingers. Not saying it was good for us, but it definitely put things back into perspective." Through those tough times, it definitely helped having won the championship before. Beaubier was able to enjoy himself more without the weight of trying to win his first superbike crown. "Honestly I think it was easier for me [defending the title] be- cause I feel like I proved to my- self and to other people that I did it [in 2015]. I won a superbike title," he said. "I definitely think retaining it is harder, but I felt like I got that first one off my back. Approaching the 2016 season I "WE WERE SO FAR OUT OF IT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SEASON AND WE WERE ABLE TO CRAWL OUR WAY BACK INTO THINGS. I THINK THAT'S SOMETHING TO BE REALLY PROUD OF." Beaubier's bad luck returned when he suffered a mechanical in the final race of the year and nearly watched his championship lead disappear. Beaubier was able to get his season back on track with a win in race two at Road Atlanta, but the first three races of 2016 were a disaster for the defending champ.

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