Cycle News

Cycle News 2017 Issue 02 January 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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INTERVIEW 2016 MOTOAMERICA SUPERBIKE CHAMPION CAMERON BEAUBIER P80 Teammates and rivals: Beaubier (left) and Hayes (right) have a good relationship unlike the days of Mat Mladin and Ben Spies. The season started out rough, with two DNFs and a fourth- place finish in the first three races. It was not exactly the dream start to a title defense. "I went into the season with a lot of confidence after last year and then the pre-season tests… everything was going good," he said. "The first two rounds, the first three races, were kind of a disaster, really. We were a big gap down already just right off the bat. I was like, 'holy crap! This is going to be tough to turn around and come back.' But we were able to do it. Every race I just focused on each race and dug deep when I needed to." Beaubier was able to turn his season around and went into

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