Cycle News

Cycle News 2016 Issue 43 November 1

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CN III VOICES L E T T E R S T O T H E E D I T O R "Don't tell me you guys are in the tank for a certain manufacturer." Little Bikes It's really great to see the big manufacturers paying atten- tion to sub-500cc machines. Never mind the "entry-level" marketing designation; these lightweight bikes are a hell of a lot of fun to ride, even after being spoiled by insane liter-bike performance levels, which IMHO are difficult to manage on very tight twisty roads. Vic Plichota In The Tank? I see you have posted Brad Baker as being the Ambassa- dor of American Flat Track to Spain. But what about the first win of a race for the FTR750 Indian Scout by Jared Mees at the Perris race track Oc- tober 9. What gives? There's even a video of the race win by Mees on Facebook. This was a historical event and you didn't even mention it anywhere; if you did, I sure missed it. A win is a win and this was the first win by one of the new Indian Wrecking Crew mem- bers. Don't tell me you guys are in the tank for a certain manufacturer. Political cover- age is bad enough without it seeping back into the oldest form of American motorcycle racing. John Holman Throwback Thursday: Las Vegas MX Lots of wide-open Nevada desert, but there is a frustrat- ing shortage of MX tracks or facilities in the Las Vegas valley. Plenty of nice big deal- erships and thousands of mo- tocross bikes in the market, and the closest decent places to ride MX are the struggling Sandy Valley MX in California, or Mesquite MX about 100 miles away. Just makes no sense. There is lots of space near the Las Vegas Speedway with sprint car dirt track on the property. The exotic car rental places have room on their property to build a nice track or three, and all the rest of the facil- ity infrastructure is already in place. I've thought about approaching them with the idea. I'd gladly pay to ride MX closer to home, and I know hundreds of others would, too. Matthew C. Baldwin This sparked a memory of the 500cc class. Remember when Broc Glover won the 500 National title on a pro- duction-based Yamaha? Ac- cording to the team, all they did to the motor was weld the power-valve open! Glover beat [David] Bailey on his fac- tory CR500 for the title. What a badass! Howard Halterman Throwback Thursdays: Heavy Metal Thunder The things these guys did to make these bikes win were quickly picked up by the manufacturers and built in to their production bikes. Sure, racing improves the breed, but it just seemed to have been intensified so much with the early superbike racing. By the way, nobody does throwbacks like Cycle News. Thanks so much. Mac Mclemore Greg Hancock So, Cycle News: has Greg Hancock ever been on your cover? Because I'm really not seeing how a 2017 Honda CRF450R trumps what this man has done. Congratula- tions, Greg Hancock! Bob Close Yes, the last time Greg Hancock was on the cover was 2011 when he was our Cycle News Rider Of The Year. – Editor Letters to the editor can be sent to Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News. Letters should not exceed 150 words and are subject to editing. Anonymous letters won't be considered for publication and each letter should contain the writer's name, address and daytime phone number… Editor P6

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