Cycle News

Cycle News 2014 Issue 03 January 21 2014

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ROUND 1/JANUARY 11, 2014 PARKER, ARIZONA OFF ROAD P78 BEST IN THE DESERT AMERICAN OFF-ROAD RACING SERIES: T five hundred yards, just going through gnarly sand whoops and rocks. "Finally, I thought, 'What in the heck am I doing? I'm too old for this crap!' the 30-year-old Pearson added. "He was riding really good so he passed me." But Brabec was unable to finish his stint aboard the FMF/ Dunlop/Northland Motorsportssponsored KX450F when a suspected rock put a hole in the engine case near the clutch arm pivot shaft and left him stranded a few miles before the midway pit. "Right before the alternate, I pulled over to check on him," Pearson reported. "He was stopped and said, 'Hey man, my bike's broke.' " 'So all right, I guess I'll just cruise to the finish,' " Pearson said. He and Tuffy owned a very comfortable 10-minute gap on second place at that point. The Bell/Brabec DNF of course moved everyone up a spot with BITD rookies Jordan Kundert and Blake Stouard now second aboard their Speed Freaks Apparel-backed CRF450R. Stouard said, "When I got on the bike at the midway pit the first time around, we were about a minute and a half behind the two leaders. I just tried to stay smart and not crash in the whoops. I'd get a glimpse of their dust every now and then." They ended up completing the

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