Cycle News

Cycle News 2014 Issue 03 January 21 2014

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOL. 51 ISSUE 3 JANUARY 21, 2014 P77 THR MOTORSPORTS PARKER 250 Briefly... (Above) Jordan Kundert (pictured) and Blake Stouard ended up a solid second in their first BITD race. (Left) David Pearson comes up on a couple of lapped UTVs in Osborne Wash en route to the win with his cousin, Tuffy. for the next 20 miles, basically all the way to the Python." But Brabec had the upper hand, using youthful daring to get by Pearson's Western Designs/VP Racing Fuels/O'Neal KX450F. Pearson said, "I got held up by a UTV coming back across the aqueduct and I looked back and, seriously, Ricky was four feet behind me! He said that he never even saw me until he was right on my tail I was in the thick dust. "So we started battling. We were able to get around that UTV, we were battling and I looked back and he was just right there in the rocks. We started pinning it; we were side by side for, seriously, four or needed to get medically cleared due to a shoulder injury two weeks before. "Yesterday I had an appointment at the doctor at 9:15," he said. "Immediately after he said I was okay, we came out to the race, got signed up and raced. I injured my shoulder almost two weeks ago just play riding around on my bicycle." X-rays and an MRI at the time showed no serious injury, just something that required rest. During the race, Crow noted, "It definitely got sore towards the end in all the whoops and rocks and stuff. It was really hard hitting square edges and having the bike bounce around." The third Open Expert team to start, Meza took the first section, going from the start to the midway pit then handing off. He said, "My whole first lap was just passing guys, passing guys, passing guys until I finally got myself into a position where I should be." The defending Over 40 Pro champs, Purvines Racing Beta's Todd Abratowski and Steven Fuller got their season off to a good start by winning, though it wasn't entirely smooth sailing. "We actually had just a small issue with the oil cap coming off," Abratowski admitted. "So we got that changed and filled it back up with oil and got going again and retook the lead in the Over 40 Pro class and we just kind of led it from there. Other than that the bike ran good." After taking two years off, Tim Wilson jumped back into racing in a big way by soloing Parker and earning a very respectable finish on his trusty KTM 525. Asked why he did it, he quipped, smiling, "I'm not very smart. Peer pressure. I want to thank Curtis Motorsports, Kevin Curtis and continued on next page

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