Cycle News

Cycle News 2013 Issue 40 October 8

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOL. 50 ISSUE 40 OCTOBER 8, 2013 came on strong later in the week, and aided by his moto win, finished third overall in the E3 division. Needless to say, Kallonen was happy with both the team and individual accomplishments. "It was a great effort by the whole team and I am very proud of all of them," said Kallonen. "Today was a very good day and we knew coming into the final day that we have a good team to do well in the motocross tests, and out of the three motos we won two of them. So we are a solid second place and every one contributed. We have come a long way and we have one more step to go." Individually, Antoine Meo was this year's overall winner and top performer in the E3 class riding a 300 KTM, however, Australian Daniel Milner gave the Frenchman a run for his money, winning the first two days outright. Top spot in the E2 class went to Milner, while Christobal Guerrero won the E1 division. Caselli was one of the driving forces behind this year's effort and, like Kallonen, Caselli was proud of the team effort. "This is my 11th Six Days and it's good to get this reward," said Caselli. "I've been pushing for a long time for us to be up on the podium and last year we showed progress. I think we're going in the right direction and I think with a little more work and a little fine tuning I think we can be up front." The U.S. Junior Squad, led by Russell, started the week in third position, but dropped to fourth on day two. Russell finished out the week in 13th overall in the final P39 E2 standings, and may well have been top 10 had he not received a two-minute penalty for entering a check early. Russell had his best day on day one, finishing 10th in the class. Groemm was 17th in the E2 division on day one and finished the week in 25th overall, while Baylor had his best finish on day three with a 26th in E2 and finished 35th in the final standings. DeLong rode the E1 class and finished out the week in 12th overall in the class. After six days of racing, the US Junior squad finished eight minutes and nine seconds behind the Brits. In the Club Team Award division, Team Wellard from the United States, consisting of Radiant AirGroup Racing's Nick Farhinger, Rockstar Racing Suzuki's Ryan Sipes, and Kawasakimounted Jimmy Jarrett, finished second behind Team Treviglio from Italy. Go Fasters' Ian Blythe, Alex Dorsey and Justin Sode were fourth in the Club class, missing the podium by three seconds and 26 seconds. In the Women's Trophy class, the U.S. squad had a good showing in the final motocross tests, with Rachel Gutish taking 10th, Brooke Hodges 13th and Mandi Mastin 14th. Overall, the U.S. Women finished Six Days in sixth, with Team Australia taking first ahead of Sweden and France.

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