Cycle News

Cycle News 2024 Issue 23 June 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kurt Caselli Foundation MotoDoffo Fundraiser Another Hit T he 10th Kurt Caselli Founda- tion (KCF) MotoDoffo Fund- raiser at the Doffo Winery, June 8, was a perfect opportunity for the motorcycle community to gather and appreciate an evening of fun and games, good food and beverages, plus meeting like- minded friends, old and new—all with the underlying purpose of raising money for the KCF's mis - sion of funding various safety initiatives to benefit the off-road racer and rider. The foundation's namesake died of injuries sustained while leading the 2013 SCORE Baja 1000. At 30, he'd amassed an enviable record of race wins and numerous significant champion - ships. Still, his life philosophy resonated, if not more, with his legion of fans worldwide. "Be re- membered as a person, not just a racer" was one of his driving mantras. Among the latest beneficia- ries of the KCF's programs were Idaho's Cole Bailey and Ian Burke from California. Both received $6600 scholarships for the fall 2024 semester as they con- tinue to further their educations. (Why $6600? Caselli's chosen racing number was 66.) Those scholarships are possible due to the money raised by things like the raffles, silent auctions and drawings for a variety of prizes, with the top of the list at the MotoDoffo event being the 2024 KTM 890 Adventure R Rally donated by KTM North America. This limited-edition machine (one of only 100 allotted by the factory to North America!) went to Timothy Sammis of Illinois, who was pleasantly surprised when KCF President Donny Emler Jr. called his phone live on stage to give him the good news. It will take a while to tabulate the total amount raised at this latest event. Consider that last year's MotoDoffo fundraiser generated $43,700. In contrast, the 11th Kurt Caselli Ride Day last December raised $64,251. As a 501(c)3 organization, it has enjoyed strong support from the motorcycle community, raising well over $2 million since its inception in 2013. The KCF's only other major event this year will be the 12th annual Kurt Caselli Ride Day on December 7, at Fox Raceway in Pala, California. For the latest KCF news, including updated MotoDoffo numbers when they become available, visit www. Mark Kariya WIND IN THE P20 KCF fall 2024 scholarship winners Cole Bailey (left) and Ian Burke (right) accepted their ceremonial checks from Nancy "Momma" Caselli (center) and the KCF Board of Directors. PHOTOS: MARK KARIYA The Doffo Winery is an excellent venue for the KCF fundraiser.

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