Cycle News

Cycle News 2024 Issue 23 June 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA Names Logan Densmore as Off-Road Racing Manager T he AMA announced the addi- tion of its new off-road racing manager, Logan Densmore. A native of Charlotte, Michigan, Densmore has been involved in off-road racing, both as a racer and promoter, since he was 3 years old. With lifelong experi - ence in the off-road racing sphere, Densmore will lead the AMA's off- road efforts and work directly with racers and promoters to ensure the continued growth of the sport, said the AMA. AMA Director of Racing Mike Pelletier said, "Logan's experi - ence as a successful racer and promoter makes him a key ad- dition to our staff and will bring great momentum to our off- road racing endeavors." During his racing career, Densmore earned a collec - tion of local class wins and emerged victorious in the 2022 Jack Pine Enduro, which he notes as his favorite riding memory. "I want to approach the role with the racer, as well as the promoter/club, in mind, as I have been in all of them in many races over the years. I feel I can see both sides of the events and offer insight from many different perspectives," Densmore said. "I want everyone within the AMA to feel that they can approach me with anything, good or bad. That includes the racers, promoters, clubs and general members." CN VOLUME ISSUE JUNE , P21 Former Jack Pine Enduro winner Logan Densmore is the AMA's new off-road racing manager. Mosiman, Thrasher Out Of Outdoors M onster Energy Star Rac- ing Yamaha has lost two of its riders for the rest of the Pro Motocross Championship due to injuries. Both Michael Mosiman and Nate Thrasher will remain sidelined in the upcom - ing months to focus on returning to full fitness from their respec- tive injuries. Mosiman suffered fractures in his neck during a crash while preparing for the Fox Raceway National and looks to return to riding in 12 weeks. Thrasher was also injured while preparing for an outdoor nation - al, breaking his collarbone and bending the existing plate. He's already undergone surgery and aims to return to riding in eight to 10 weeks. Their teammate Stilez Robertson also looks to return in the future after breaking his arm in the off-season. CN Injuries are taking their toll on the Monster Energy Star Racing Yamaha Team.

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