Cycle News

Cycle News 2024 Issue 08 February 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Huddy Hauls In Hawaii K awelo Huddy led his Kauai Racing Development (KRD) teammates for a Pro podium sweep of the Ultimate Hawaiian Hard Enduro on the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, February 24-25. Hosted by the Garden Island Motorcycle Club, this inaugural race was an exhibition round of the U.S. Hard Enduro Series, and also the first event of the week- long IRC Endurofest-Hawaii, pre - sented by Pasha. The GIMC is no stranger to difficult events, as they will be celebrating the 70th running of the Labor Day Hare & Hound this year, one of the most prestigious off-road races in the West. The Ultimate Hawaiian con - sisted of two different loops that had splits for three categories of racers, from the Pros to the B classes. This section of Kauai is a stone's throw away from one of the wettest spots on earth, so the amount of growth and slick conditions were hard to fathom for most riders. The U.S. Hard Enduro Series managed a shipping container for about 10 mainland racers to come over and race the two Hawai - ian rounds, including Pro-class athletes Cody Webb and James Flynn. Webb raced IRC Enduro- fest in Oahu two years ago but has never raced on Kauai Island. The races started off with a very well-built endurocross track and then went off into the mountains for the first loop. In the first loop, Webb battled for the lead in the front pack, but KRD teammates Kawelo Huddy, Ryder Guest and Kamakana Waiwaiole-Kahalepuna were only minutes behind. About an hour into the race and through the first gas stop, the racers then went onto a dif - ferent course that led to a more intensive part of the venue. The "Hawaiian Ice" (incredibly slick mud) is a very difficult thing to ride on. Mixing that Hawaiian Ice with the steep volcanic ridges, wet lava rock and endless roots was a perfect recipe for a very tough race. The second loop included more of these challenges for the athletes. There were several hills that took many tries to get over, causing riders to lose valuable WIND IN THE P46 Kawelo Huddy used his island-riding experience to win the Ultimate Hawaiian Hard Enduro exhibition race. PHOTOS: SHEADON RINGOR

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