Cycle News

Cycle News 2023 Issue 40 October 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Acerbis/Seven-backed EX 450F. The two inched away from the rest of the field. "I was stoked [to ride for] the first time at Washougal; it was a lot of fun," Oliveira said, though he was surprised at how slick the dirt in general, tended to be. "It definitely kept you on your toes, so you couldn't really charge in some of those spots." Unofficially, he has 171 points with Redondi second at 146. With that 25-point difference and 30 awarded for a race win, Oliveira noted, "For the finale [in November], I think I've just got to show up and finish, but Wilseyville and the NorCal MC group, they always do a good job on the course so I'm excited to see what they have. I've spectat - ed the last couple [years] there so I hope to go have some fun there." And for Oliveira, having fun means winning. As for Redondi, he made a stab at Oliveira early on but fell, though me managed to scramble back to within a few seconds. Realizing the race would be nearly three hours, he metered his effort and observed, "I think the last hour and a half— more than half the [race]—me and Dante were doing the same pace, so I'm happy about that. Good job to him and I'm look - ing forward to the last race. The championship is not over." Having missed a round and later having a bike issue, the Pro 250 title isn't in the cards for Dahners and his AmeriCool/ TBT Racing Suspension/Arai YZ250FX, but his second class win in a row solidified his third in points. Grabbing third overall as well as the class win once again was a happy bonus, but he insisted that both runner-up Layton Smail and third-placed Tyler Vore were formidable op - ponents. "It was kind of anyone's game going into this and I just got a little lucky on some of the mistakes the other riders made and capitalized on that," Dahners said. Filling in for the injured Jack Anderson on the DC Sherco VOLUME ISSUE OCTOBER , P45 Jaden Dahners got out front early in the Pro 250s, winning for the second- straight round while also earning third overall on adjusted time.

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