Cycle News

Cycle News 2013 Issue 28 July 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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FEATURE P60 COLIN EDWARDS' TEXAS TORNADO BOOT CAMP Five on a bike? No problem. James Rispoli rides and Bradley Smith looks scared. can ride. This Scherb kid mit that I did shoot a shotgun at something they call a clay pigeon my first day at camp. And before I get angry letters from PETA, try as I might, the pigeon survived. There was some sort of shooting activity on most days with the majority of the campers taking advantage of blasting away at targets with instruction from Edwards and ex-Marine Gale Tynefield, who is now a firearms safety expert. I figured a firearms safety expert in Texas is probably a b ig deal. I did a lot of watching and plugging my ears with Bradley Smith (remember, he's English so much more at home with crumpets and tea than firearms and ammo). Mom should stop reading for a second right here, but they've got this gun like you've never seen before. They call it a 50 caliber, which I'm guessing is called that because of the size of its bullet. Anyway this thing is full freaking Rambo and it's so big it sits on a picnic table when you shoot it. Basically it's some hard-core sniper rifle that you could hit targets with from miles away. That might be an exaggeration, but you get my point. Gnarly stuff. So I had to have a go… mainly to shut up my gun-toting friends back home. Now when they mention guns, I can bring out my iPhone, show 'em the photo, put on my best dad accent and say, "That's not a gun, this is a gun." That'll show 'em. What I was supposed to hit was so far away I couldn't see it without the scope. I pretended to try and hit the target, but all I really wanted to do was make sure I hit the dirt embankment so I didn't kill some poor bastard fishing on Lake Conroe. Mission accomplished and I'm bringing home the shell to show you. I'm probably not going hunting anytime soon, but at least I now know which end the bullet comes out. Remember when I complained after sailing camp that I didn't get to sail enough? You won't hear that from me when I get home from this camp. I've ridden to the point of near exhaustion every day and I've got a serious case of monkey butt. Let's put it this way, I'm now addicted to this medicated Gold Bond powder that they

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