Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 01 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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3. Brian Trimble (Yam). 125 NOV: f. Tim Bluth (Yam); 2. Alex Krause (Suz); 3. Jeff Seagle (Suz). 125 INT: 1. Jerry Anker (Yam); 2. Rich Truchinski (Han); 3. Cam Johnson (Yam). 175 BEG: 1. Steven Jans (Kaw). 175 INT: 1. Danny Kudraye (Suz); 2. Duane Elliott (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. SteveJennings(C-A); 2. Mike Bandfield (Suz); 3. Roger Spencer IHon). 250 NOV: 1. Ernie Barba (Suz); 2. Jim Neubauer . (Suz); 3. Brett Bannerman (Han). 250 INT: 1. Dave Welty (Suz); 2. Randy Owen (Suz); 3. Chris Burgeson (Yam). OPEN BEG: 1. Jim Lichlyter (Han); 2. Mark Maxwell (Mai); 3. James Dills (Yam). OPEN NOV: 1. Matthew Evangezisa (Han); 2. Dan Stilwell (Yam); 3. Billy R. Throckmorton (Mai). OPEN INT: 1. John Ferro (Han); 2. Tom Webb (Hus); 3. Jamie Einbund (Han). Cox captures DeAnza. MX victory By Kit Palmer Pennington (Yam); 3. Eric Dickinson (Han). 250 NOV: 1. Kevin Montgomery (Yam); 2. Paul Burval (Suz); 3. Steve Lamy (Yaml. 2501NT: 1. Jeff Clark (Suz); 2. Kit Palmer (Han); 3. Tony Spear (Suz). 250 PRO: 1. Eddie Michetti (Suz); 2. Duane Mapes (Suz); 3. Jon Friesen (Suz). OPEN BEG: 1. Nick Cline; 2. Mike Sheridan IYam); 3. Mark Molina (Yam). OPEN NOV: 1. Ted Metzger (Mai); 2. Scott Yenzer (Han); 3. Bruce Watts (Han). OPEN PRO: 1. Dave Eropkin (Suz); 2. Mark Stubbs (Han); 3. Jeff Conlin (Husl. VET JR: 1. Howard Keeling; 2. Bob Dennard (Han); 3. Richard Bealer (Yam). VET INT: 1. David Jacobs (Yam); 2. Dave Orozco (Suz); 3. Larry Lowen (Suz). VET SR: 1. Mark Cook (Mai); 2. Bill Kline (Suz); 3. Steve Harris (Yam). -North H.S.. rampages at CoronaMX SUNNYMEAD, CA, DEC. 5 A pack gets spread out in the DeAnza dust. Bows for Holley at Santa Claus GP . By Terry Rezek VALENCIA, CA, DEC. 5 Santa Claus couldn't be here today, but he did arrange for some gorgeous weather in the wake of last week's hurricane conditions. The rains had left perfect traction, little mud and no dust. The California Racing Club traditionally uses most of Indian Dunes for this "Merry Christmas" Grand Prix, but those same beneficial rains did force a bit of editing on the original course. A small water jump was included as were stadium style jumps on the International MX course and some of the most brutal whoops seen since the Ponderosa Hare Scrambles stopped running. A tough course but fast. Jim Holley took an early lead on the super fast start. The two big opening sweepers led immediately to the water crossings and back out into the Santa Clarita Wash and towards the International course. Holley had the barest lead over Bob Schulz coming to the wash, but Schulz dug up some afterburner power and passed Holley in the wash. The speed was boggling. Open class bikes, even with motocross gearing, are probably capable of 90 mph, and both riders were flat out. The only thing stronger than their engines were their brakes, and they entered the Stadium jumps together with Schultz about three feet in the lead. The 250s started on the second row and Troy Smith got off first - off the line and off the bike. His lead lasted until the water jump when a sideways landing put him upside down and out of the race. With Smith opting for an early out, John Whelchel became an instant first, since he was only inches behind Smith. Whelchel _ needed no further prompting and set out after the first row Open bikes. By lap three he had moved into fourth overall. Erik Kehoe came around in the· lead of the 125s and continued to lead for every lap, but one. Unfortunately, that lap was the last one when Russ Wageman, who had spent 40 minutes chasing Kehoe, finally got by and held the lead for the win in the I 25cc class. I By lap two, Holley was back in the - - overall lead and Tracy Oswell was holding a solid third behind Schulz. They were to hold those relative positions in the Open class right through to the finish. Whelchel was dominating the 250cc class, and was working his way through the Open ranks. By mid-race, he had passed Oswell and was pressuring Schulz. Schulz glanced back, saw that his challenger was in a different class and graciously waved him by. This gave Whelchel the opportunity to go after Holley and a possible first overall. The early part of the race saw Jim Tarantino and Randy Morales get into one of their fabulous 250cc class battles. This was resolved in Morales' favor and he scampered on for a final second in the 250cc class and fifth overall. Meanwhile, Whelchel was not squandering Schulz's generosity and began to close in on Holley. With 10 minutes left to go, he showed up on Holley's back porch, knocking to be let by. Holley was not feeling hospitable and managed to keep the door closed to the end and get first overall and first Open. Whelchel got second overall and first 250cc money for that great try. William Surratt flew right to an immediate lead in the Mini race, and was off the jump first to head up the Minis for the entire race. Mouse McCoy was inches behind and stayed there. "Stray Cat" Mike Healy was a strong third. Tony Mercier followed Surratt's example and got the jump on the Novices to lead for the Novice win. By mid-race, Mercier had fought his way to the middle of the Interme-. diates and finished right behind Intermediate winner Chris Burgess. Ahead of them, McCoy was having problems and retired, leaving second in Healy's hands. Results OPEN: 1. Jim Holley (Yam I; 2. Bob Schulz (Yam); 3. Tracy O_IIIKTM). 250: 1. John WelcheIlIYam); 2. Randy Morales (Yaml; 3. Randy Commans (Yam). 125: 1. Russ Wageman (Kaw); 2. Erik Kehoe IHon); 3. Jeff DahJgren IHon). 60 NOV: 1. Jess James (Yam); 2. Damon Huffman (Kaw); 3. Joel Tokarsky (Yam). 60 EX: 1. Alvin Matthews (Kaw); 2. Steven Kotajarvi (Kawl. 80 BEG: 1. Ronnie Densford (Han); ·2. Jason Collier (Han); 3. Tony Seckman IKaw). 80 NOV: 1. Tony Mercier (Kaw); 2. Mike Kiedrowski (Yam); 3. Danny Barnett IKaw). 80 INT: 1. Chris Burgess IKaw); 2. Shane Trittler (Han); 3. Chris Cole I.Suz). 80 EX: 1. William Surratt (Kawl; 2. Mike Healy IHon); 3. Jeff Barbacovi (Yam). 100 NOV: 1. Eddie Tanner (Yam). 100 EX: 1. Steve Van Duzan IYam). ~ ~~-~~~~L~~ ~i~g_l~a~);.2~ Br~~ ~o.m_s ~~a~} By Kit Palmer Many riders turned out today at DeAnza Cycle Park to take advantage of a 50 percent trophy day and $2,000 worth of con- CORONA, CA, DEC. 3 tingencies sponsored by Suzuki of Riverside. Tires, gift certificates and many other goodies were up for grabs' for the top riders of each class, so .there was some heavy-duty action out on the track. One of these top riders was Kawasaki-mounted K.D. Cox in the 125cc Novice class. Cox used a 3-1 score to capture the win just ahead of the 2-2 score by Honda of Redlands' Brad Fay (Hon). When the gate dropped for the start of the first moto, Rim:on Kawasaki's Lance Gorton (Kaw) took command of the lead. Close in second was Larry Benedict (Yam) and Kevin Valenti (Hon), but the two riders collided entering the second turn, putting both riders out of contention. Taking over second and third were Fay and Tim Clark (Suz). During the first lap, Clark managed to sneak ahead of Fay, taking over the second spot. Clark's drive didn't end there; he went on to take over the top spot a lap later. Then, it was Fay's turn to slip by Gorton, who's recovering from a recent knee injury, for second. During the remaining laps, Clark extended his lead with each turn. When the checkered appeared, it was Clark who took the win followed by Fay, Cox and Gorton. In the second moto it was Valenti who shot into the lead while Cox, Fay and Clark followed. However, during the second lap, Valenti went down and handed the lead over to Cox. Clark, who was on the gas, snuck by Fay on the third lap, and he then set his sights on Cox. Both Cox and Clark dueled over the top spot until the white flag lap, when Clark crashed and dropped back to seventh. The win went to Cox followed by Fay, Pat Vernola (Suz) and Gorton. In the largest class of the day, it was Rick Lane who captured the win in the 125<:c Beginner class with a flawless I-I combination. Lane's closest competitor was Suzuki-mounted Scott Wilson, who took second overall with a 2-3 tally. Results PEE WEE: 1. Dale Smart IYam); 2. Chad Cook (Suz); 3. Tony Espinoza (Yaml. PEE WEE: 1. Shaun Jiminez (Yam); 2. Benjamin Phalen (Yam). JR CYCLE: 1. Wesley Klein (Kawl; 2. Ryan Daly (Yam); 3. Mike Metzger (Yam). MINI BEG: 1. David Farris (Kaw); 2. Todd Wensel (Suz); 3. Mitch Eber (Kaw). MINI NOV: 1. Gary Benedict (Yam); 2. Chad Smart (Suz); 3. Mike Michetti (Suz). MINIINT: 1. Mike Fitzgerald (Han); 2. Bryan Petrie (Yam); 3. Mike Wiese (Yam). 125 BEG: 1. Rick Lane (Kaw); 2. Scott Wilson ISuz); 3. Andrew Popovich Jr. (Han). . 125 NOV: 1. K.D. Cox (Kaw); 2. Brad Fay (Han); 3. Pat Vernola (Suz). 125 INT: 1. Danny Cantley IKaw); 2. Steve West (Kaw); 3. Jimmy Palmer'(Yam). I rr? _B~~~ ~. :'1i~e~ ~ef?i?!~ IY~m); 2. C'l.'t Tonight at Corona Raceway, North High School gathered 232 points in their hopeful quest of yet another high school triumph. North used their hardearned 232 points to win tonight's battle. Taking second, only one point ahead of Upland, was Arlington, 156-155. Fourth went to Hemet with 138. Some of North's big winners were Chad Barnes (Ka,w), who took the win in both the 125 and 175cc Senior classes,. Gary Dent (Kaw) winner of both Mini and 100cc Senior classes, and James Conti (Hon), who won in the 500cc Novice class. In die I 75cc Novice class, Upland's Rick Lane (Kaw) emerged with the victory after duking it out with North's Scott Burns (Kaw). In moto one it was Burns who rocketed into the lead while Lane closely followed in second. The two battled handlebar to handlebar throughout the mota right down to the checkered flag. Burns managed to fend off Lane for the win. Lane was out for revenge in the second moto when Burns again grabbed the early lead. The race looked like a replica of the first until halfway thn;mgh the race, when Lane finally saw his chance and roosted his way around Burns. Lane held on to take the win and overall. In the regular unattached classes it was Steve Larry (Yam) who used a 1-2 combo to capture overall in the 250cc Novice class. Second went to second moto winner Fabain Buche1i (Suz). A fourth in mota one ended Buche1i's chance to take-the win away from Larry. Third went to Bret Olson (Yam) while fourth went to Dale Gummer (Suz). Results MINI NOV: 1. Steve Burdette (Yam); 2. David Farris (Kaw); 3. Ron Jordon (Yam). ' MINI SR: 1. Gary Dent lKaw); 2. Mike Wiese (Yam); 3. Jimmy Moon (Kaw). 100 NOV: 1. David Farris (Kawl; 2. Tony Heine; 3. Bill Warnick (Yam). 100 SR: 1. Gary Dent (Kaw); 2. Uoyd; 3. Jimmy Moon (Kawl. 125 NOV: 1. Rick Lane (Kaw); 2. Scott Burns lKaw); 3. VaIter Elicker (Yam). 125 INT: 1. Steve Stewart (Kaw); 2. Don Kimes ISuz); 3. Butch Faulkner (Yam). 250 NOV: 1.Jon EllenbergerISuz); 2. James Conti (Han); 3. Shaun Hansen (Yam). 250 SR: 1. Don Myron; 2. Willie Musty ISuz); 3. Mike Mazzacane (Yam). 175 NOV: 1. Rick Lane (Kaw); 2. Scott Burns (Kaw); 3. Mike Neft (Yam). 1751NT: 1. Steve Stawart lKaw); 2. Steve Anderson; 3. Rick Vanderlinden ISuzl· 175 SR: 1. Chad Barnes IKaw); 2. Scott Mapes (Kaw). 500 NOV: 1. James Conti (Han); 2. Shaun Hanson (Yam); 3. Jon Ellenberger (Suzl. 500 SR: 1. Donny Myron; 2. Willie Musty (Suzl. UNATTACHED . 60 PEE WEE: 1. Shane Good (Yam); 2. Charles .' Vice (Suz); 3: Jason Martin (Yam). 60 PEE WEE: 1. Brandon Sperling IKawl; 2. Wesley Klein (Kaw); 3. Jecob Swain (Yam). MINI BEG: 1. Bussey (Yam); 2. John Holmes (Kaw); 3. Ronnie Martin IKaw). M),"JlliESGh.: .1. JSi~~rber,:, (yil!IS'!Z); ~. J~ ~~Iier ane ..."Ie u em). r. .(H on ; j. (~ ~:.-'t' '1iot. '{~t{·

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