Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 01 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Western hotline Three truckloads of toys came from these 24,000 bikers in L.A. Redlands routs high school MX at Corona By Kit Palmer CORONA, CA, DEC. 10 Redlands High School roosted to victory in tonight's high school motocross action, finishing 44 points ahead of second .... place Moreno Valley. Third place went to Mater Dei. Some of the top riders leading Redlands to their victory were David Church (Suz), Brad Fay (Hon), Paul Herman (Kaw) and Yoshi Kubota (Suz). However, one of the night's toughest battles was won by Esperanza's only entrant, Bill Scott (Yam) in the 250cc Senior class. At the start of the first moto, it was Moreno Valley's Brian Griewe (Suz) who grabbed the holeshot just ahead of Redh,mds' Tommy Hodgin (Yam), Scott and Lance Hodgin (Suz). By the second lap, Scott found a way past Hodgin, taking over the second spot. Scott reeled-in the leader to engage in a tough duel for the lead. At times, the two leaders were side by side as they roosted their way away from the rest of the pack. Only a few turns away from the white flag, Scott slid out, handing Griewe a comfortable lead for the win. Scott recovered quickly enough to retain second position ahead of Hodgin. Whilt some thought to be another· Griewe/Scott dogfight, turned out to be a Scott runaway. During the first lap, Griewe went down, dropping back to the rear of the pack. Scott went on to take the win ahead of T. Hodgin, SCQtt Vanlue and Griew·e. One of Redlands' top points scorers was Kawasaki-mounted Paul Herman. In the l25cc Senior class, Herman swept both motos ahead of Mbreno Valley's Robbie Dunham (Suz) and Ascar Villanaea (Yam). Herman also took the win in the ' first mot~' of the l75cc Senior class, but could only manage a second in moto two for second overall. However, the overall win went to teammate Yoshi Kubota (Suz). Kubota rode to a first moto second, while -the second moto win gave him the overall. Redlands' John Castaneda settled for third. I Results I- HIGHSCHOOL MIIi!.I SR: LDlIV.idChurch CSuzl: 2. Chris Vano; 3. Tony R~ • ~ a. '. ~ .... '" .. • ,; Jfi • • :60 125 NOV: 1. Brad Fay (Han); 2. Yoshi Kubota (Suz); 3. Jeff McMillan (Yam). 125 SR: 1. Paul Herman (Kaw); 2. Robbie Dunham (Suz); 3. Ascar Villanaea (Yam). 175 SR: 1. Yoshi Kubota (Sr); 2. Paul Herman . (Kaw); 3. John Castaneda. 250 SR: 1. Bill Scott (Yam); 2. Tom Hodgin (Yam); 3. Brian Griewe (Suz). UNATIACHED 60 PEE WEE; 1. Good (Yam); 2. Charles Vice (Suz); 3. Robert Naber (Suz). 60 PEE WEE: 1. Dan Brechtel (Yam); 2. Brandon Sperling (~aw). MINI BEG: 1. Clint Christensen (Suz); 2. Ron Porter (Han); 3. Don Barke (Yam). MINI BEG: 1. Murray Shaukelford (Kaw); 2. Bill Warnick (Yam); 3. Chris Lester (Kaw). MINI NOV: 1..Mike Burdette (Yam); 2. David Church (Suz); 3. Tim Odehnal (Yam). . MINIINT: 1. Terry Szucsko (Yam); 2. John Albright (Yam); 3. Roy Chambers (Yam). 125 BEG: 1. Rob CariJenter(Suz); 2. Kevin O'Leary (Kaw); 3. Karl Fernandez (Yam). 125 NOV: 1. Brandon Sneiderwine (Kaw); 2. Dale Himmelreich (Yam); 3. Gerry Lattimer (Han). 125 INT: 1. Jason Newman (Yam); 2. Greg Bender (Yam); 3. Mike Fedorow (Yam). 250 BEG: 1. Eric Dickinson (Han); 2. Ron Fagan (Yam); 3. Richardo Rocco (Suz). 250 NOV: 1. Geoff Pittser (Han); 2. Paul Walmsley (Suz); 3. Tom Mee (Suz). 2501NT: 1.. Ron Lawson (Han); 2. Rusty Taftlinger (Han); 3. Steve Lacy (Yam). 500 PRO: 1. Leo Saul (Yam); 2. Robert Tippitt (Yam). - Furuike flies to first in fina' standings By Ace Reporter OAHU, HI, DEC. 3 Hurricane Iwa stormed though the Hawaiian islands on Nov. 23, demolishing the island of Kauai and parts of Oahu, including Hawaii Raceway Park. Action Promotions had called the last IT after intermission due to rain, and had twice postponed the 1982 season final before the hurricane. After the 100 mph wins, Tommy Uejo and the Action crew replaced the flattened structures and broken light poles, then rigged mondo generators to drive the lights-for the last night of racing, since that part of the island was still without electricity. The lights kept blacking out during practice, which was lots of fun if you were just shutting off at the end of the backchute, and especially memorable if you were iQ a crowd that went simultaneously blind. They fixed the blackout problem before the races, which helped since they had also changed the track. None of the light distractions even phased Jace Furuike, the gifted 13year-old from Kaneohe. He capped an incredible season with another win in the crowded and crazy l25cc Novice class. Furuike won the first moto with Scot Spencer in tow, then had a tough battle in the second, getting around Herbert Milliora. Million had the-hoi! sbotand.didn't relin- Sonny Salavea and his Honda collected the 500cc support title. quish the lead to Furuike until two laps from the end, despite the fancy antics of Furuike. Jace took the gold for the night, high points for the season, and was selected as the "Outstanding Sportsman" for the year, with an accompanying -five foot trophy. Furuike was only absent from the winners slot th'ree times all season, and once was a mechanical DNF. Scot Spencer took second for the .nigh t and scored the prizes for second in the season points standings, while Milliora finished with a 6-2 combination, good for third overall and sixth in the .season. The other big winner of the night was Mike McGuire, taking the season championships in both the 125 and 250cc Expert divisions, good for a couple of huge trophies and two portable TV/stereo combo's from Action Promotions. McGuire took first in the l25cc Expert class and second in the 250cc class tonight, capping 'a consistent championship season. Results 125 SUPPORT: 1. Jace Furuike (Suz); 2. Scot Spencer (Hon); 3. Herbert Milliora (Suz). 250 SUPPORT: 1. Wallace Lee (Yam); 2. Vincent Chong (Yam); 3. Neisha Kahoopii (Suz). OPEN SUPPORT: 1. Siamani Salavea (Hon); 2. Ricky Amano (Hus); 3. Vance Fung (Hus). 125 EX: 1. Mike McGuire (Han); 2. Jon Bratten (Han); 3. Todd Tavares (Suz). 250 EX: 1. HagiAlexander(Yam); 2. Mike McGuire (Han); 3. Terry Wood (Mai). OPEN EX: 1. Jon Bratten (Han); 2. Stu Whit· tingham (Hus); 3. John Harris (Han). BO MINI: 1. Blayne Soma (Yam); 2. Roy Kiyabu . (Han); Nathan Lee (Yam). THREE-WHEELER: 1. Eric Brooks.(Hon); 2. David Borges (Yam); 3. Mark Jones (Hon). I Faultless Falkenstein flies atDeAnzaMX By Kit Palmer SUNNYMEAD, CA, DEC. 12 As usual, racing was fast and furious in the 125cc Beginner class at DeAnza Cycle Park, and, after two hyper battles for the lead, Steve Falkenstein (Yam) emerged with the number one title. The racing began in moto one when Mike Kessell (Suz) roosted to the front of the' pack inches ahead of Falkenstein, Robbie Dunham (Suz), Charlie Gonzales (Yam) and Lance Felnagle. For·the next few laps positions remained the same, but one small mistake by anyone of the leaders would cost them their spot. And ,lbat.'s what hap~ued.lQ Dunbaru;.lte slipped-up, letting Gonzales by for third. However, a lap later, it was Gonzales's turn to falter, letting both Dunham and Jay Birmingham (Suz) sneak past. Meanwhile; up front, Kessell and Falkenstein were in a handlebar-tohandlebar battle for the lead. It wasn't until the final lap that Falkenstein , made his move, passing Kessell and taking over the elad. The win, by only a few inches, went to Falkenstein followed by Kessell, Dunham,. Birmingham and Gonzales. At the start bf moto two, Falkenstein shot into the lead while Kessell, Dunham, Gonzales and Birmingham pursued. Throughout the moto, the leaders never spread more than a bikelength apart. It wasn't until the sixth lap that a position change took place, and that was when Gonzales snuck by Dunham, taking over third spot. A lap later, on the last lap, Birmingham also slipped by a fatiguestruck Dunham. The win and overall . went to Falkenstein while second went to Kessell. Gonzales settled with third. Although each class was scored separate, all of the Pros started on the same line, which produced some firstclass racing. In the end, it was the 125 Honda rider, from Honda of Red. lands, Richard Hoffman who blitzed the pack. In the first -round it was big-bore Yamaha-mounted Mark Ellis who rocketed to the front, while Suzuki Country's Duane Mapes (25Occ Suz), 125 Honda-mounted Scott Wilkinson and Hoffman followed. Three laps hom the end, Hoffman had overtaken the lead for the eventual . win. Second went to Mapes followed by 250cc Suzuki riders Eddie Michetti (Suz) and Jon Friesen. In moto two, Hoffman had to work his way up from a'last place start until he found himself in second, battling fqr the lead with Friesen. The Suzuki pilot managed to fend off the pesky Hoffman, taking the narrow win. Results JR CYC: 1. Dana Wiggins (Han); 2. Mike Meuger (Yam). MINI BEG: 1. Richard Geraghty (Yam); 2. Garth Harlow (Yam); 3. Brian Beck (Yam). MINI NOV: 1. David Church (Suz); 2. Mike Michetti (Suz);3. Dean Keeling (Yam). 125 BEG: 1. Steve Falkenstein (Yam); 2. Mike Kessell (Suz); 3. Charlie Gonzales (Yam). 125 NOV: 1. Mike Fiugerald (Hon), 2. Lance Gorton (Kaw); 3. Timmy Dale (Suz). 125 INT: 1. John Cushingham (Suz); 2. Jimmy Palmer (Suz); 3. Steve West (Kaw). 125 PRO: 1. Richard Hoffman (Han); 2. ScottWilkinson (Han). 250 BEG: 1. TonyJubala(Yam); 2. Eddie Moseley (Suz). 250 NOV: 1. Paul Burval (Suz); 2. Mike Gillies (Suz); 3. James Conti (Hon). 250 INT: 1. Larry Dimmitt (Suz); 2. Steve Lai'ny (Yam). 250 PRO: 1. Duane Mapes (Suz); 2. Jon Friesen (Suz); 3. Eddie Michetti (Suz). OPEN BEG: 1. Tom Flynn (Yam); 2. Earl Fraser ' (Yam); 3. Jim Baumann (Suz). .OPEN NOV: 1. Paul Forman (Yam); 2. Nick Cline (Hus); 3. Ron McGee (Suz). VET JR: 1. Howard Keeli'ng (Suz); 2. Pat Dale (Suz); 3. Steve Temple (Yam). . VETSR: 1. William Cline jSuz); 2. Ed Michetti (Suz). Tons of toys at Toys for Tots run By Paul G&rson LOS ANGELES, CA, .DEC. 12 Several thousand bearded Santa Clauses showed up for the 10th Annual Modified Motorcycle Association Toy Run at the Los Angeles Coliseum. They were among the 24,000 bikers that showed up to donate toys to underpriviledged tots in cooperation with the Salvation Army. Members of the MMA handled the large gathering that overflowed c :iflLQtwo.additional parltingd$!sflMith

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