Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 10 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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prelimina ry options fo r t he t rail syst e m . Public input is vHaI at this time if the plan is to meet the nee ds of all concerned . All of the w o rks ho ps will beld held at 7 :30 p.m, In Sacramento , the meeting will be held in the Sen io r Citizens Build ing, 915 27th st reet . The San Diego meeting will be at the County Ad m inist ra t io n Cent e r, room 358, 130 0 Pacific Hig h w a y . L.A . 's mee ti ng will be in the Frie nds h ip Au dito riu m , 3201 Rive rs ide Drive, L.A. For the L.A. mee t ing , exit Lo s Feliz west off of 1-5 a nd then go sout h on Riverside. All gro ups a nd individ ua ls interested in the future of OHV trails are inv it e d t o attend, ask questions arid e xpress their opinio ns . For more info rm at io n , cont a c t Henry Ortm a n at 516/ 3 2 2 -9 5 7 2 . Please, care and be the rel Papa suggests that since we mo torcyclists have had a chronic pro blem with attendance at these im porta n t work shops in the past, that the owners of off-road or ien ted businesses and off-road clubs ask their em p loyees and mem bers to attend and carpool with the m to the meeting. Make it a fun time and save our riding areas. Th o se planning to attend the Hopetow n Grand Prix should be aw a re that to get to the specially contruct e d Hopet ow n track, you need to get off the freeway atthe Hungry Va lley e xit . Don't use t he Gorman e xit in spite of what t he s ign says. Czechop h iles are advised to dust off the rust and make p lans to be at Saddleback Park in Ora nge, CA, on Oct. 2. The annual CZ World Cham pionship s are slated for that day, open 'to all CZ motorcycles with Novice, In termediat e and Pro rider classes. Las t year's event drew over 70 entra nts wi th all types of com m un ist iron, so this, year 's spe ctacle ought to be a goodie. In additio n , there will be a Vin tage class for all brands of 1974 and earlier manufacture. Early en tries for that class in clude Mark Blackwell's Husky, Ga ry Jones' Can-Am , Rick Sieman's Maico and Bryar Holcom b' s AJS . The normal Saturday Saddleback Motocross program will offer classes for riders of modem motorcycles, so it should be a big day. In fo can be had by calling 714/ 4954771. Inla nd Motor S peedway pro mote r J o hn La Doucher has anno u nce d t he line-up fo r t he Sept. 29 Ca lifo rn ia State Speed w ay Cha m pion ship. Inc lud ed a re Mike Bast , Alan Ch ris t ia n , M ike Curoso, J ohn Co o k, Keith C hrisc o , Mike Fa ria, J im Fishback, Du bb Ferre ll, Lance King , Shawn Mc Co nnell , Steve Luc ero , John Sando na, Dave S ims, Bo b by Schwartz, Paul Orlandi, Ge ne Woods, Rick Miller and Tom Bu rba. Tickets a re availa ble on ra ce nights at the track, seve ral pla c es in the San Be rn a rdino a rea, o r directly from America n Raceways , lnc., P .O . Box 3 7 2 , Arcadia, CA 91006 .,For info c a ll 2 13/ 4 4 6 -0 9 6 9. H osPIT al STOP: AFM North road racer Mike Summers tried a little dirt tra ck at the Salinas Ramblers and Elks benefit half mile, but a crash left hi m with five broken ribs, a lacera ted liver and a broken vertebrae, although there is no paralysis. By the tim e you read this, Mik e shou ld be recupera tin g at home, and you can cheer him up with a card or letter to 971 34th Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95062. AMA Pro di rt trackers looking for a pla c e to ride at the end of the season, or more specifically, anot he r opportunity to earn advancem e nt points, should cast their e yes in the di rection of Texas and Oklahoma d ur ing t he firs t weekend in Octo ber. O n Oct. 1 , t here will be a $150 0 AMA Pro half mile at Devil's Bo w l Speedway in Dallas , TX. The foll o w ing n ig ht is a $1500 AMA Pro s hort track at Mike Kidd's HiIIside in Bo yd , TX. To round out the wee kend will be an AM A Re g io na l half m ile at Oklahoma City. For m o re information on the events, call 8 17/433-5559 . Oakland Yamaha will be presenting a Bob Hannah Motocross School on Nov. 6-7. The school will be held at Sand Hill Ranch in Bren twood, CA, and it will be limited to 20 students, The cost per studen t is $225, and with only a few slots available, interested riders are urged to send a deposit immediately to O akl and Yamaha, 4351 E. 14th St., Oakla nd, CA 94601. The telephone number for more information is 415/532-3140. Ove r on t he advertising side of the edit o rial/a dve rt is ing wall here , the account executive responsible for t he John 's Discount Parts and Acc es s o ries ad has been suffering a m e nt a l block for the past two is s ue s . To undo what has been d o ne, the correct phone number is 714/879-9611 , and their price on a Dunlop 4 .50 x 18 should have been $45.96. Coverage of the Aug. 28 World Speedway Final will air Oct. 2 on CBS. Check local lis tings for time and channel on one of the most exciting motorcycle events of the year. The Junior Speedway National will be held on Oct. 1 0 at the Fai rgrounds in Costa Mesa, CA. The program will feature kids from Colorado and California who are between the a ges of eight and 1 6 ye a rs old. Admission is free, the action starts at noon and you can get more information by calling Bob Hancock, 714/675-5060. Team Honda's Donnie H ansen is back in the USA and in the hospital here. His moth er, Lydia H an sen , called to say that Donnie called her an d tal ked to her on the phone. H e is also feeding himself. According to Mrs. Hansen , the Doctors say they are amazed at his improvement sin ce returni ng to the U.S. His outlook is reporte dly good, and he may be able to return hom e this week. Papa got a c a ll from t he Salt Lake City Bees, the club that spons o rs and promo tes the annual Wid o w maker Hillclimb. They said that the quo t e in issue 37's DeAnza Hillcli m b st o ry s a ying that the pro m oter a lso had something to do with the Widowma ker w as not true. The Be e s have just si gned a lease for five more ye ars . The Bees also had a desert race with a big p urse p lan ned for the fall, bu t ha d the BLM pull th e rug out from un der them. See, Ca liforn ia is always the first; sometimes tha t's a bummer! George Vinas of GWV Enterprises announced that it will be holding two off-road race programs for c a rs , bikes and three-wheelers at t he ir track near Live Oak Springs in San Diego county. There will be three classes of motorcycles, each divided into a Pro and Novice d ivis io n. The Pros pay a $100 entry and race for 60% payback, while Novices go for trophies. Th e dates on the races, both two-day affairs, are Oct. 2-3 and Oct. 16-17. For more information, write or call GWV Enterprises, 7801 Mission Center Court, S uite 216, San Diego , CA 92108 , 714 /6920552. Kawasaki held it's new model press presentation in San Francisco last week, and we've shown most of the new models elsewhere in this issue. Not at the show, save for an artist's rendition, was the Kawasaki 750 Turbo. The bike was shown a t the Cologne show, and should be in troduced as part of the 1984 Kawasaki U.S. line-up. Oct. 2 will be the drawing date for the Nov. 3-6 SCORE/Pernod Baja 1000 off-road race. This year's version of the classic will again take racers from Ensenada to the ti p of the Baja peninsula at La Paz. The drawing for start position is Oct. 2 at Fairway Ford in Placentia, CA. T he Oct. 16 Las Vegas to Reno Frontier 500 off-race will fea tur e a few names from the p ast in the older age ca tagory classes. In Class 38, desert legend J.N. Roberts will be teamming wi th Bill Fr ia n t, while in Class 30 A.C. Bakken and Gary Jones will be mak ing a go of it. On S e pt . 11 George Egloff piloted an '81 CBX to a new motorcycl e record in the Cannonball Ba ke r run. Egloff's coast to coast run took 49 hours, 48 minutes. • California OHV trail system update Two years ago, the legislature passed AB990, wh ich required the Department of Parks and Recreation to develop a statewide network of trails specificall y for motorcycles and other off-road vehicles. It took the Dep artment another full year to clear all the bureaucratic hurdles before award ing a contract to ' the con sulting firm of EDAW, Inc . EDA W was the winner over five or six other co nsu lting Iirms, incl uding one bid which was composed primarily of ORV representatives, Many in the ORV co m m u n ity , myself ineluded, were skeptical that thisgroup of consultants with their extensive environmental backgrounds, wou ld be capable of developing a usa ble product. While they were preparing their bid work plan, EDA W asked me to be a member of their project team in an advisory capacity. I accep ted, along with Russ Sanford of M.O.R.E., and Ray Moon of the Four Whee l Drive Association. We didn 't hear a great deal about it for some time after this original contact. Then one day, the phone rang, and Patrick Mill er, the EDAW project manager, was on the line tell ing me tha t they were awarded th e co n tract, and how soon could we get together to discuss the project. Over the co urse of the next nine months, I have had occa sio n to meet with th e EDAW people on a number of occasion s. Each time my impression had been th a t these peop le are certai nly eager to und erstand us, and to develop a rea l usable p lan . My one nagging concern remained however, I wondered if these strangers to offroad ing could reall y translate th eir eagern ess into a decem understanding of what an ORV trail network. ~ ~ sho uld be. Wh y? I kept aski ng m yself, didn 't Parks a nd Recreat ion awa rd the con tract to th e ORV grou p, and let them direct the research. This last weekend, I met again with the EDAW researchers, and I must say I was very pleasantly sur prised with the direction the project seems to be going. During the mon th c-r of July, the consultants held a series 00 of public meetings in Sacra memo, Cj') Los Angeles, and San Diego. AI,.,...,-4 though these meetings were woefully under-attended by the O RV com(,,0 mu nity, they seem to have been very $-4 productive in terms of focusing the V consultants' attention on the needs ~ and requirements of the O RV com O ~ m unity whe n it comes to trail riding. U Altho ug h the project scope is still not exac tly wh a t I had envisioned whe n I firs t assisted in getting the ena bling legislat ion passed, I think we are go ing to get a good framework for develo ping our statewide ORV T rail Network. Next the EDAW project team is going on the roa d aga in. They will be holding a series of public meetings to receive more ideas from the off-roa ders. T h is plan is something tha t many of us have been talking about for years. It cou ld serve as the basic planning do cu ment for ORV trail developme n t in this sta te for many years to come. Will your ideas be included in this pla n ni ng ? If you show up at o ne of the meetings, probably...If you decide no t to attend, one of those meetings (li ke so many did in July) yo u won 't have much to com plai n about. The ED AW consulta nts h a ve p ro ven th emselves to be very willi ng to listen to new 'ideas. They are very quick to pick up on new concep ts, and after listening to Sanford, Moon, and m yself for the past n in e mon th s. ...they ha ve a pretty good idea of what OR Vers don 't want in terms of overdevelopment, etc. Today they ar e ready to present a set of proposed ro u tes for the " back bone" of a trail system. T hese will not be th e only trails which will be proposed for acq uisition fro m State ORV Funds. They merely represen t the consultants' ideas of where th e ' major arterial trai l corrido rs shou ld be. Now they want to see how close this jives with your idea of where the trails should be. These important meeting will be held on Tuesday, Wedn esda y, and Thursday...Oct. 5-6-7. The Oct. 5 meeting will be held in Sacra memo at the Senior Citizens Building, 915 27th sr, The Oct. 6 meeting will be held in San Diego at the County Administration Building, Room 358, 1600 Pacific H ighway. The Oct. 7 meeting in Los Angeles will be at Frie ndship Auditorium, 3201 Riverside Dr. (exit Los Feliz Dr. off Golden State Fwy and turn south on Riverside). All mee tings will be held in the evenings....starting tim e for each is 7:30 p.m. Is there a chance that these consulrants who are brand new to offroad ing can really develop a trails plan that will meet our needs? I'm very encouraged that they are listening to us and their work reflects most of the suggested changes which were submitted by their ORV advisors. I'm sure that if a lot of riders show up at these workshops, the product will be better yet. The question still remains as to whether th e project wo uld have been bett er yet if the biddin g had been won by the tea m of O RV users. I suspect it would have, but that is our gripe with Parks and Recreation , not EDAW . We owe it to ourselves to try to get th e best possible effort out of the EDAW team now, and deal with Parks and Recrea tio n later. O> 0 Bob Ham 3.

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