Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ w Z W ..J U > U Tom Casey 15 38 1. 500 w inn er. cuts through a c rowded heavywei ght field on h is way to thi rd overall. WI>.e Killen (90) was fourth OA. and th~rd Open. ··Pop··.Yosh imura himself was on han d to t u rn wrenches o n his 9 03 Kawasak i. were effectively on b ack -up b ikes. Into this p rivat e battle of AMA Experts came that imp udent E ndicott on h is little Honda. " Endo" h ad started fo u rth, p assed R eg Pri dmore's BMW and then irreverently p lo we d into b at tl e with the leaders. " STRONG" - D&S 3332 ~ (213) 248·2850 Reggie stuck his BMW zso in fr on t and co m me nced to open up a nice big ch u n k o f asphalt between himself and th e closes t o f his pursuers, F ulton. In third p lace, and stayin g with Fulton, was Tom Casey on a Honda 500! Ch en was never in con ten tion aft er he pulled off briefl y t o inves tigate m echanical ills , Pridm o re just ke pt go in g and finishe d with 3 0 seconds in hand. A lso near th e front was a Mr . Engel on a Kawasaki 3 5 0 , taking th e win fo r that class. Li ghtweight Production fell to Willie Hardin's potent Suzu ki 25 0 with his buddy Larry Ko op t a kin g sec on d on a sim ila r machin e. 125 Pr oduction was property of Mike Barder , and Ed Un in i stam p ed his authority on th e 200 class. The Lightweight GP ev en t was di vided up among John Volkm an ( 2 0 0 class ) and Charles Small , 125 winner after Mike Slaughter retired. -Fastest tiddler was Bill Lorber, 50 winn er. At the end of the day, Reg Pridmo re picked up two m ore victories. Aboard hi s BMW h e won th e Supe rs tr ee t class goi ng away f rom a large fiel d, and th en h e cl im bed into h is sidecar and w on th e first " sid ecar e vent ever held on : this co u rse. The AFM is to be comme n de d for holding such a well organized, safe event on such an exciting co urse. There are more events scheduled for Ontario (an d Sears POint) in the futu re . MOTORCYCLE RETAC~~E~: ERS La c rescen ta. Ca l if. Postal ZIP COO e 91 214' . )( It wasn't easy. They were frying h im whole on th e straights. Bu t Bob was making it up on the in field. He was coo king. Eventually, horsepower an d experience began to tell, and Bob fell back slightly. He was five or six seconds down when his teammate's Honda su d denly fell silen t a lap from th e end. So Bob inherited second which he held by mor e than 20 seconds over Pridmore at th e rl ag, And what of th e mighty fa ctory Suzukis, flr ebreathers from the Orient piloted b y winners of AMA Nationals? Well, Smart's had sh own that it wasn 't up to h is capab ilities an d coughed up a head gasket while he wa s run n in g fifth on th e sec ond lap. Emde b ore a th is-Isn' t-Iike-Mel's-Yarnaha exp ression an d was st ru gglin g to hold off 500 class winner Ralph Hudson (Suz). Ron Pi er ce j o u rn e y e d from Albuquerque, New Me x ico with h is _ Bobby J Yamah as, an d dus ted o ff 250 and 350 GP fiel d s with ease. In the 250 class he was pursued (alb eit distantly ) b y J erry Greene (Yam) . Behind Greene was Jim Evans wh o also ran sec o n d in the 250 event until h e fell down and passed the place slot to ' S teve Froschauer (Y am ). Pierce was n ever appro ach ed . There we re two Kaw asaki 903 ' s en te re d in th e gigan tic Heavywei ght Producti on eve nt. One was fiel ded b y Pop Y osh imura (w ho was h andlin g th e w r e n c h e s himself an d was ridden b y J im m y Chen. The o ther came fro m the Big K's R&D dep ar tme n t an d had W.a1t Fulton in th e dri-:er's se a t, It lo~ked Jjk~ the race was gomg to be a Kawasaki benefit if you ignored Reg Pridmore. ~.h .""""""",,~ I-GREEVES - OSSA HODAKA~ i CAR ABELA - STEEN ~ i ~ sales 80 sarvice ~ NICK NICHOLSON MOTORS ~ ~ 1157 3 VANOWEN STREET "" ~ NO. HOLLYWOOD. CA. (Z131764-867 4 111ii "'IIIIIIIIIIIII~ A aches to tt fr ont or Rear Frames * of Any • • CAR TRU CK • TRAI LE R lo ading Ramp MOTORCYCLE PARTS AND ACCESSORY SALESMAN EARN ZOO E XTRA DO LL ARS PER WEEK L eading Ja p anes e nut and b olt man u fa c t ur er can now suppl y · a co rne tet e competitively I)r l ced line of h ardware and pay 2 0% cO~~~S:IO~ustomers w ill ge t sam e d a,y from o u r Southern Ca lif ornia sh ipment d ist ri buti on ce nter . Offer th is unique ser vic;.J to your p resen t accounts an d ear n b Ig co m m issi on s w ith ou t mak ing any e x tra sto p s. For cata logue write: Th e B olt K ing, ~05711:r San V icente B lvd ., L os. A ngeles . C alIforn ia Husqvaraa Klocker's SA LES & SERV ICE 6624 Atlantic , Bell , Ca . (213) 581·3983 90036. Deale, In quiries In oited S SALES, PARTS· SERVICE Serving The Entire South Bay-Area ~ontt5'a DUCAJI MOTO-GUZZI MAleO MONARK . D~ ~ ~~\ON~ S ~~~~C ~ ~W /\'W~ ~ ?QRC"it~ E Husqvarna ~ ~SA H 00AKA IiID!m MOTOR CYCL a S " We have the pa rt s" Desert and Moto·X Preparation Comp lete mach ine & weld ing sho p 785-4289 87 3 0 Sepu l ve da . Sepu lveda, Ca . (ju st n orth of Par t h e n ia ) QUALITY * LEATHERS $39.95 each Postage-Paid* Small-medium-Iarge (Give waist-measurement) Childrens' sizes 22"and 26" waist **** Satisfaction Guaranteed•• your money refu nded in full if returned before wearing. "Californla residents add $2.00 for sales tax. C.E. Davis Ltd. P.O. Box 130 Van Nuys, Calif. 91408

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