Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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i ONTARIO ... J erry Greene , Wal t Fulton, and several other AMA Ex perts. Pr ac tice saw Marty Lunde, p ossibl y the fastest - o . ~ problems. The breathers on his carbs were spitting gas on hi s re ar tire for the firs t few laps, an d he almost pitch ed the machin e aw ay. While Baumann was searching for traction, McLau ghlin was catching u p. By the time he got sorted out, Baumann found that McLaughlin was firmly glued to him. S teve was outhraking the Kawasaki an d even managed to take the lead briefly. Sure Baumann was riding his back-up machine, but it was still a factory built racer. And McLaughlin would have been riding his back-up bike, too, if he'd had that kind of money ' behind him. Instead, the Action Fours crew had spen t all night pulling off the troublesome fuel injectors and pump and putting on Webers. So both riders Steve McLauqhlin even oat ahead of Baumann at one point. by Art Friedman ONTARIO, CAL., Jan. 21, 1973 - It wasn't a professional event, but today's AFM club race at Ontario attracted a lot of the top National road racers who showed up to sort themselves and their equipment out. ' SA T URDAY'S PRACT ICE There were two of the monstrous Suzuki water-cooled 750 factory machines on hand "for the new team members, Don Emde and Paul Smart. But Smart was home in bed with the London flu, and Ernde was going very slowly, unused to the machine and plagued by a rear brake that was still bedding in and giving some unpredictable response. But Don allowed as how that was OK because "I'm notgoing fast enough to use much brakes." Art Baumann was on hand with three factory Kawaskis, two 750's and a 350 single. He was going very fast, but consumed two engines, leaving only one 750. Of r-t irn e . local winner Steve McLaughlin and his teammate Bob Endicott didn't arrive until late in ' the afternoon. Steve's Action Fours Honda 750 was tricked out with fuel injectors, a fuel pump, and a big hand-made su mp. But it needed sorting out. It kept throwing fuel pump drive belts, and from time to time, Steve would walk over and look longingly at the factory Suzukis. Bob set to work timing his and was shortly on the track. SUNDAY Sunday morning brought cold weather and m o ist looking clouds. It also brought out Paul Smart, Ron Pierce, J. C. Agajanian presents "MOTORHEROICS" c: W~:;E~~I;E '¥ OOPS!! SHOULD HAVE READ " ESCA PE BY TRAIL BIKE" . /i .~ EVEL KNIEVEL It' s Cheap When You Buy The Best From Jim Dav is Motospor' CD Elbow pMh • • • • • • Chtm 498 Dept. CNP, Long Bea c n , C. :f0801 . .. !:>fj~\ ~ID ~i 0 , ~€~ .... ~~ SALES SEPVICE Welding Porting Accessories * 3939 So. "Iueroa, los Anleles, CA 90037 PH: 748-6131 * Inc. 1 :J~2 Ce nune ta, W. Los Angeles Eorner of Santa Mon ica Blvd . & Cennneta Open 9 am 10 6 nm Mo n . thru Sat. _ _Ad ult _ _Child - Reserved Seats at $8.00 Rese rve d Sea ts at $4 .00 (1 2 a n d u n de , ) Ma iling Fee " ! .i~ . Total If not on check, supply name and address -- "- - , 5a . , :.. Motorcycle Sale. serylce : . s..nt.. "1nnica 1:U~·d. ;. N .. .. ,. .. Hand Washabl a • Riding • Rac ing • Street GLOVES Stay Soft ~ BAY AREA BULTACO Make checks payable to SPORTS ARENA .... Calif. Residents ad d 5 % Tax ..--' - ~ " :lfil:' -Getbe-;t seats! ~Ybv~ii7----- 9000 SEPULVEDA BLVD. 91505 wcrcs, p ictures ana d ia gra ms worm their lOS ANGElES MEMORIAL COLISEUM SUNDAY AFT. 2:00 P.M. FEB. 11 , 1973 South o f No rdoff in Sepulveda , Calif. (213) 894-92 18 C.lifom ~ . weight In gol d. Bill Brokaw an d Wiltz Wa9l1er combine their talents to provide an Introductory Into the off-road worl d . Shoul d be mandatory reading for all beg inner cyclists and recommend rea ding for even ex pert riders. ,L i m it ed ed it i o n $3 .00. C ycle News PrO dUcts. P.O . Bo x DERBY MONTESA Sh,n !IUerch . •.. . . Mou th !IU roS .. • • • l K"-padl •. ... •• JIM DAVIS, BOll 1002 . ByrlwnSt , Driv ing Stars in 30 Stock Cars of the '70s, including a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow, a lincoln Continental Mark IV, and a Cadillac EI Dorado. A. J. Foy!, Mario Andretti; Parnelli Jones are expected to drive these cars in a battle of destruction. $23,000 in prizes! ~ WARRE,N = WILSON =MOTORS • And loIs more available . . . . • . . . • . CD WORLD'S RICHEST I' .. • SOLD BY BETTER CYCLE S TORES ntRQUGHOUT THE WORLD. CH ECK Wl -rn YOUR L OCA L DEALER . WORLD'S LON G. EST MOTORCYCLE JUMP!!! up, Up, UP and OVER SO/yes, 50 CARS! Dfll~('LI110N prutPCt~ Shool der pads •• •• • .:: ~W+E S ~ S..In t a :'\Inn j(' a Fr\A'~· . 213 826- 7856 3- ;. 3 c ~ '" Othman Distributing Co. 18227 Ludlow St . NortMdge, Ca. 91324 Dealer Inqu iries Invited (2131363-6230 OFF ICIAL RACING TEAM HOT for A T S H . CZ , MA ICO, HUSKY , SUZUKI , YA MAHA, BULTACO , HONDA , KAWASAKI, TR IU MPH, HARLEY , PENTON . FAC TORY EMBLEMS AND COLORS " A CYCLE NEWS PRODUCT" SEND $1.00 to HOT HATS to P.O. BOX 663 'EL TORO , CA LIFORN IA ~ 92675 . ~ Specify size S, M, L a nd T EA M. Ca lif. "'f r esi d ents add 5 %. _ Dealer inqui ries invi t ed . ~. .

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