Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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M '" AKECHOSE All NEW! All WEATHER! ~ '" e, W "~~" M .... ~ o' M - E m SMITH NG INEERING 2 Stroke- " ..., '" RACING CASTOR ~ w z w ..J o >o Blends perfectly with regular gas, aviation gas or alcohol and stays blended ill ex- why not you? tre me co ld or extr eme heat . Affords maximum lub ricatio n with blend A KE JO NSSON WINS 9 STRA IG HT T R A NS-AMA MOTO·Xs USING . of 32·40 to 1 ratio. No port clogging or plug problems. Reduces wear to barest minimum. Keep s rings fre e. Carbon residue % by weight 0.002. Ash residue % by weight 0.004. Pour Point MAICO ACCESSORIES .450 • CLEAN ACCELERATION WITHOUT SMOKE, CONTAINS NO SYNTHETICS (Imitations ) " BlendzaU" Corp . 1433-37 First St. . Escalon, Calif. 9532 0 W EEl SMITH NG INEERING 3635 W. McFadden Santa Ana, Ca. 92 704 0' CUSTOM PORT Service Engine BLUEPRINTING SPE CI AL IZING IN SACHS DKW K TM ENGIN ES I M()10cro)~ r;"''. - - me#EiT.oo-: '-",",'"><:'1'.1:-", ,:1": ',I' ~ Endur uInaf, l ' dl!, COMPE TITI O~ ORIENTE 0 - - Rupp i ng it . (7 141839.Q150 Precision BORING! .\\iII·'~IHla1 VII N , COl. 91406 u,s nl - lI5- 513i EE MITH LS - £ , tGINEE RING DESERT CZECH 1550 B, IIIo, Bitt!. - E EX PA NSI ON C HA I'I1~ I:. RS AL LOY BRAKE PEDA L A LLOY TORQUE A RM CHAIN GUID E AL LOY FOOT PEGS FLOA T IN G BRAKES A IR BO X LOOK FOR THE CH EC KERED CA N at last-CZ-5-speeds with radial head & Stretc hed fra me t he only improvement could be a Mid-Valley Desert Pipe! W '1' 'DO IN ' IT IN ' ARIZONA .. , ' , '", PENTON 1528 south san ta te compton ua 9 02 21 '213:1 G3 6 6 1 4 4 ~NZEN----------" REC-PAC Now you CAN take it with you ! Co mfy Light Get this St rong quality BIG des igned Rigid Prote ct ive for off- road Weat herproof motorcycle use. SPECI AL INT RODUCTORY ~ ~b~ ~t V~" 2J•95 FR~:Y:::~~~rEN~~!S:}~I~ L p$R I CE ., Calif. Residen ts add 5 % Tax Col ors: O range pae , white top, black nyl on webb ing, ch ro me hardware . . So str ong yo u can sit on it ! Order from: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS 2499 Cerritos Ave., Long Beach, Ca. 90806 I ;:':::::;e: p::~:~r~cle:s-;a~--II I my free f itted ice chest. I enclose $24.95 in check o r money o rder. I Name I ~ 1 Address I I City, State & Zip _ I ~------------------~--------~ Descent. Arizona Desert Raceways MX :-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - by Mike Murphy PHOENIX, AZ.,Jan. 7, 1973 - Arizona has four b ig guns in motocross. The 500 Experts have Dan n y Croyle and Marty St. Martin . In the 250 Experts it 's Chuck Lampe while t he 125 Experts b oast Gary Hickerson. Croyle an d St. Marti n di dn ' t show to day. Ne it he r did Lampe. But Hickerson did an d he still too k home the to p 125 tro p hy in spite of m ech an ical ills. T he fi rst mota of . the 125 A mateur-Expert class saw Hickerson grab the lead in the first lap as usual, with Darryll Tussing (D KW) , J e ff Sweet (Puc ) and Mike Wharton (Hus) right behind. But Hickerson's Pu ch pooped in the second lap and he fell back, leaving Tussing in the lead and Wharton trying to pass. At the white flag it was still Tussing in front, Wharton second and Hickerson in third. But Hickerson didn't have the only bike with p roblems as Tussing's Deke went sour and Wharton took the checkered first followed by Hickerson and Rusty Gordon (Ric). Mota two looked like Hickerson's as he took the po in t in the firs t lap an d didn't quit. Tussing get the DKW drivin' and held se cond with Wharton righ t there on his rear tire again. Hickerson's charm didn't last as his steed went so ur grapes in the fifth lap wh ich gave Tussing the lead. From the white to the checkered T ussing led the troops all the way . Wharton wen t down and injured hi s ar m puttin g hi m out of racing for a while (get we ll soon, Mike). Behi nd Darryl T ussing at the checkere d was Gary T ussi ng in the lead of the Amateur class. Hickerson took the third m o ta all the way. No bike prob lems an d no competitio n. Tussing kept secon d all the way but the price of ru nnin g in tw o classes (250 Experts, too) began to take its toll an d he couldn't catch Hickerson. In the past, Chuck La mpe has domin ated the 250 Experts. But he couldn't do that today since he wasn't there. Husky rider Bob Wharton played the fiel d to earn three aces an d overall honors. Wharton has been sidelined wit h a broken co llarbone but the rest seems to have done hi m good. Darryl Tussing brough t out his AJ S an d took second overall in the 250 Experts as well as th e 125 's.

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