Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CRC Motocross-Drag Hillclimb by The Sha d ow D EVORE , CAL " J an . 14 , 19 73 - It wa s d oubleh eader tim e Sun day for the ' California Racin g Club , as th e CRC h osted a Dr ag Hill clim b in addition to its regu lar wee kly mo to cross r ace a t Arro yo Cy cle Park. T he co mb inatio n of even ts drew alm o st 200 rid er , desp ite th e fac t it was " Sup er Sunday " , with Super Bow l VII being co nteste d in Los An geles. Ye s mot o cros s racers, there is such a th in g as foo tball. Ron Su tt er was really some th in g .to b ehold in th e Drag Hill climb , as h e swe pt every thin g in sight. A winne r in the 250cc class, Sutter also was crowned "Top Eli minator" at th e end of th e day's fes tivities. Others turning in a solid da y o f riding wer e 12·y ear .old Joe Tucci, wh o w on the 175cc even t, an d Gary Bra dy , a w inner at 400cc. For those who wonder , the CRC picks a hill m o st an y ma chine can handle, breaks the b ik es into classes and pairs up rid ers wh o the n race to th e top . The winner ke ep s on advan cin g, th e l oser is e l i m i na t ed. Once clas s ch am p ionsh ips are de cided, ch amp s then duel agains t champs for "Top Eliminator" honors. It 's qui te a thing to w at ch . And y est th er was quite a day of motorcrqss racing for the spe cta tor to watch , wh en he tired o f th e hill climb festivities. Simi Vall ey Yam aha turned out all but on e member of its young motocr oss team, along with sp o nsor John E . Hopson. The kids - th ere were 12 present o n Sunday - seemed y o un g and eag er and were a bl ast to watch . Twelve riders garnered nine trophies. Ronnie St rauss (Yam) looked smooth as silk, ripping the 60cc Minibikes in grand slam fashion, while Geoff Singe r (Ho n) was eq ual ly great in the 70cc Minibikes. Lovely Madelene Almeida (Yam), zapped the Powder Puff class, and Joe . Filippi (H oo Rusty Cart er was top Int ermedi ate in the CRe round s at Arroyo . The 100 Novice class ended up with Harvey Holloway tak ing th e first place brass. WE'RE LOOK FO EO EW 0 KE TO SEL OUT. According to our latest survey, more than 60 % of all Cycle News dealers sell every copy on their counters. Every issue. Cycle News sells out because rea ders like our no-B.S. approach to everything from ecology and motorcycle legislation to shop tips : home repairs and no-holds-barred product evaluations. per issue makes you an official Cycle News dealer. As a dealer, you'll receive a handy Cycle News counter rack for your counter and a swell Cycle News window poster for your window. Why wait? Wherever you are West, East, Dixie or Central-there's a Cycle News edition for you to sell out of. And a Cycle News person BEFORE AFTER Most importantly, Cycle News is waiting to sign you up. Just pick a phone number or address below and use it. Cycle News West, (213) 427-7433, Box 498, Long Beach, California 90801. Cycle News East, (216) 934- 5251, Box 133, Avon, Ohio 44011. Cycle News Dixie, (404) 934 -7850, Box 805 , Tucker, Georgia 30084. Cycle News Central, (512) 476·7571, Box 13245, Aust in, Texas 78711. news. Race results. Point standings. Upcoming eve nts. News while it's still news . As a Cycle News dealer, you'll not only have the pleasure of dispensing a lot of good cycle news to your customers, but you'll also have the pleasure of pocketing 40% profit per copy sold per issue. A minimum order of 10 copies CYCLE NEWS WEST/EAST/DIXIE/CENTRAL Up the start hill Saturday morning. If yo u're go ing to be a t t he Ho usto n, Cincinnati o r Dayto na cy cle & accessory sh ows. sto p b y our boo t h an d we' ll sign yo u up.

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